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United Nations إدارة الشؤون الاقتصادية والاجتماعية التنمية المستدامة
Displaying 1225 - 1242 of 2123
2123 results
Upscaling and Replicating the Initiative FROM RIDGE TO REEF. The integrated conservation program between forest ecosystems, rivers with coastal ecosystems, marine and mangrove in Belitung island (local level) into Indonesian (national level)
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Contribution to the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030), including through the development of a HELCOM Science Agenda
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Effective Regulation of Fisheries and the Rational Exploitation of Marine and Coastal Resources.
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Program in Ocean Science & Engineering (OSE)
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Management of marine and coastline pollution for increased Safety at Sea and Ports
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Monaco will plead in favor of the protection of the Angelshark (Squatina squatina) at CMS CoP 12 (Manila, 23-28 October 2017)
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Introduce legal framework to reduce plastic pollution
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Restoring Fisheries for Healthier Communities and Oceans
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Stopping Fish Bombing
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Demonstrating Innovative Ocean Governance Mechanisms and Delivering Best Practices and Lessons for Extended Continental Shelf Management within the Western Indian Ocean Large Marine Ecosystems
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Developing Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Talent for addressing Ocean challenges - Data Science for Social Good Program
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Community Based Fisheries Management Phase 2
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Strengthen the Protection of Marine Ecological Environment
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Mejorar las plantas de tratamiento de aguas servidas existentes en el municipio de Roatan
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Capacitar a maestros de escuela en el manejo de desechos slidos
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Creacin de reas de recuperacin de pesqueras en el paisaje marino CSUCC (Cuero y Salado - Utila - Cayos Cochinos)
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Stakeholder Participation in Coral Reef Restoration In Bangka Island, North Sumatra, North Minahasa, North Sulawesi
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Achieve the good environmental status of EU Member States' marine waters by 2020
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