2123 results
To foster greater blue carbon cooperation in the Indian Ocean region
Regional Seas Programme for ocean-related SDGs
Reducing quantities of Ocean Debris by tackling sources both in and out of water.
Programa de Control y Vigilancia Martima: programa 1.6 del Plan Nacional de Desarrollo
Aprovechamiento Sostenible de moluscos en Patrimonio Natural del Estado
Development of a national marine spatial planning process
Support development of a Source to Sea Approach to land based pollution including marine litter.
Prohibition of Destructive Offshore Fishing Practices
Promoting Gender Equality in Sustainable Fisheries Management and Development in Fiji
Strengthening international cooperation to conserve whales, dolphins and porpoises in European waters and beyond
Development of ecosystem-based management of fish and fisheries in Sweden
Monitoramento Mirim Costeiro
Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Marine Research Centre
UK commitments on marine science
Mapping of potential Fishing Zones for Sustainable Harvest
Realizacin de 20 arrecifes de ostras en la desembocadura del ro Muoz, Puerto Plata.