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United Nations Департамент по экономическим и социальным вопросам Устойчивое развитие
602 results
Sa Moana Folauga
Small Island Developing States
Capacity Building in support of the Ocean Economy
Small Island Developing States
One Pearl Farm in Fiji to review pratices for better sustainability
Small Island Developing States
Long Island Marine Management Area (LIMMA) -- Rapid Ecological Assessment
Small Island Developing States
Developing the Statistical Capacities for Monitoring the SDGs and Paris Agreement Commitments
Small Island Developing States
Raising awareness for the ocean protection among the youngest of the coastal communities in Cape Verde
Small Island Developing States
The Pacific Partnership on Ocean Acidification
Small Island Developing States
Reduce Marine Pollution Due to wastewater Discharge Through the Extension of the Public Sewerage Network
Small Island Developing States
Future of Fisheries: A Regional Roadmap for Sustainable Pacific Fisheries
Small Island Developing States
Integrated National Oceans Policy and Marine Spatial Plan for Solomon Islands
Small Island Developing States
WiseOceans commitment to marine education and reduction of marine plastic
Small Island Developing States
Curacao, in collaboration with the WAITT Institute, will develop and codify a sustainable ocean policy by December 2018
Small Island Developing States
Integrated Flood Management to Enhance Climate Resilience of the Vaisigano River Catchment in Samoa
Small Island Developing States
UAE-Caribbean Renewable Energy Fund
Small Island Developing States
Good Practice Guidelines for Nature-based Tourism Excursions
Small Island Developing States
Prohibition of Destructive Offshore Fishing Practices
Small Island Developing States
Just Transitions to a Plastic Free Paciifc
Small Island Developing States