Displaying 541 - 558 of 2123
2123 results
SWEN Capital Partners, manager of the Blue Ocean fund, launched in scientific partnership with IFREMER, has raised EUR 95 million with a goal of raising euro120M, to invest in start-ups providing solutions to help regenerate ocean health

Supporting Sustainable Inclusive Blue Economy Transformation in Atlantic and Indian Ocean Small Island Developing States

Re-imagining the use of traditional watercraft in the Aegean Sea for a sustainable environment and economy

Adaptive Planning for Climate Change and Biodiversity Conservation in Coastal Ecosystems through improved Knowledge Management and Observatory Systems.

Train the next generation of African and Western Indian Ocean ocean and climate researcher

Fate of Single use Plastic (SUP) on inland water transport & Its catastrophic effect on River- An awareness and participatory Program To Achieve SDG-14

Create awareness and sustainability action on climate change adaptation and marine litter management along the east coast of India