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United Nations Département des Affaires Économiques et Sociales Développement Durable
Displaying 325 - 342 of 2123
2123 results
Supporting innovative multi-use blue economy activities
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Supporting FISHGOV.2 in order to improve food security, livelihoods and wealth creation in sustainable fisheries and aquaculture in Africa
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Supporting the development of a sustainable blue economy in the Mediterranean Sea
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Committing EUR 117 million for fair, healthy and environmentally-friendly sea food systems
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Contributing EUR 500 000 to support the Sustainable Seabed Knowledge Initiative (SsKi)
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Investing EUR 10 million in a large demonstration of measures and management for coastal and marine ecosystems restoration and resilience
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Launching a new initiative for the sustainable development of Pacific Island States and coastal States
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Designation of new marine protected areas in Antarctica
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Contributing to RECI - Restauration des Ecosystèmes Insulaires de l'Océan Indien, with EUR 4 million
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Protecting and conserving marine biodiversity in the High Seas
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Implementing the Joint Program of Scientific Research and Monitoring for High Seas Fisheries in the Central Arctic Ocean
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Setting up a unique assistance mechanism for the implementation of the EU sea-basin strategies covering the Atlantic, the Black Sea and the Western Mediterranean
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Committing EUR 13 million in voluntary contributions to international organisations and regional fisheries management organisations
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Establishing an EU-wide ‘Blue Parks’ initiative
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Exploring, better understanding and valuing coastal and marine biodiversity through research and innovation
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Protecting the Arctic marine environment
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Supporting biodiversity in Mozambique with a contribution of EUR 13 million
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Strengthening the Blue Economy by supporting Research Capacity Development in Seychelles
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