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United Nations 经济和社会事务部 可持续发展
Displaying 1477 - 1494 of 2123
2123 results
Building the knowledge base for global ocean resource management
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Strengthening the security of the sea and its resources
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Plastic Pollution Awareness Raising Programmes and Beach Cleanups
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Promoting standards for sustainable fisheries management and traceability of fish products on a global scale
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EU based advocacy for healthy oceans and productive ecosystems
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30 New Mission Blue Hope Spots by 2020
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A Jurisdictional Implementation of the Micronesia Challenge
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Knowledge sharing for the protection and restoration of coastal blue carbon ecosystems through the International Partnership for Blue Carbon and in the Indo-Pacific.
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Deep Sea Conservation
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OneLessStraw Pledge Campaign
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Working towards the ratification of the International Convention for the Control and Management-of-Ships'Ballast Water and Sediments -(BWM)
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France joins the Caribbean Large Marine Ecosystem (CLME+) Project
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Se tendr un programa de mantenimiento adecuado para administrar los 3 viveros de coral que se encuentran en la Isla de Roatn
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Crear un plan de gobernanza del recurso pesquero en el Paisaje Marino CSUCC (Cuero y Salado-Utila-Cayos Cochinos)
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Shore Protection and Coral Reef Restoration In Pungu Island, Labuan Bajo, East Nusa Tenggara
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Male 3R Declaration of Private Tourist Resorts towards Sustainable Tourism and protection of Marine and Coastal Ecosystem
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