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United Nations Département des Affaires Économiques et Sociales Développement Durable
Displaying 1279 - 1296 of 2123
2123 results
Aumentar el conocimiento cientfico sobre sistemas costeros y marinos
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South African Offshore Trawl Bycatch Fishery Conservation Project
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Encouraging sustainable tourism to protect migratory species and support local communities
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Establishment of the International Marine Training Centre for Innovative Science and Technology for Sea Dumped Weapons, and Shipborne Disposal Solutions to Support the Eradication of all Underwater Munitions
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Creating more informed and aware citizenry
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The Explorers Club Ocean related Grants
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Commitment to international education regarding the major environmental issue of marine litter in our global ocean through multi-lingual visual media as well as continued lectures.
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Protect the biodiversity of Cabo Verde from marine debris
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Coastal Sustainability Institute at Northeastern University
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Enhancing research and awareness on the impact of ocean acidification and climate change on tropical marine ecosystems
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Conserving 25% of Grenada's nearshore marine environment and the sustainable development of its coastline
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Multi-Sites Deployment of Pilot Scale Technology for Integrated Nearshore and Ocean Farming ( open water aquaculture for Seaweed/ fish/ Mussel and ocean energy) to meet NEXUS and Blue-growth Development
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Lcotourisme et la rduction et la gestion des risques de catastrophe
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Launching Two More Ocean XPRIZE Competitions for Incentivizing Innovations that Make our Ocean Healthy, Valued, and Understood
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Ocean Plastics Recovery with Closed Loop, Waste Management Approach with remote controlled and automated vessels and systems.
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Exploring financing approaches and mechanisms to promote sustainable development and the Blue Economy in Small States Developing States.
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Beach Cleanup and Marine Debris monitoring
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