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United Nations إدارة الشؤون الاقتصادية والاجتماعية التنمية المستدامة
Displaying 1909 - 1926 of 2123
2123 results
Coral Sea Natural Park management plan
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Plataforma Nacional de Pesqueras Sostenibles de Grandes Pelgicos
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To stimulate public interest in and to encourage conservation of coastal ecosystems through education programs for schools and public and private organizations.
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Strengthening the Rio Chone - La Segua - Cordillera del Blsamo estuary Bio-corridor.
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Implementation of the UN Environment/MAP Regional Plan on Marine Litter Management in the Mediterranean
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The Incorporation of Ocean Information into the VanuaGIS Platform
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Regional action plan for a Sustainability Maritime Sector
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Promote Marine Spatial Planning and other coastal and marine planning and management instruments in Mexico
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Improving Fisheries Management using Vessel Day Scheme, Solomon Islands
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Oak commits to improving the health and integrity of marine ecosystems for present and future generations
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Reduction of Plastic pollution
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Ocean Science, Protection and Effective Management
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Aruba Plastic Bag Ban
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Data management services for ocean acidification and the Essential Ocean Variable Inorganic Carbon
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Restauracin ecolgica de 100 hectreas del manglar Bajo Yuna
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Revisin del marco jurdico nacional
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Promise to Paeʻ Āina o Hawaiʻiʻ - A Collective Commitment
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