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United Nations Департамент по экономическим и социальным вопросам Устойчивое развитие
Displaying 1261 - 1278 of 2123
2123 results
Conservation of urban wetlands through birds and citizen science
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Women leading ocean action
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Enhance the Tropical Coastline Seascape of South Tarawa through community based approach
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10% de reas Marinas Protegidas
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Cleaning the coast of the Persian Gulf
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Responsible plastic management
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Implementacin de la Estrategia Nacional de Saneamiento
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Programa de restauracin de costas con fines de saneamiento
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Canada Commits to the United Nations Environment Clean Seas Campaign
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Fortalecimiento del programa de limpieza de playas y costas
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Reduction of Coral Reef Decline/Sharing stratigices, information and action plans
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Ampliacin del vivero de plantas costeras, Saman.
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Conciencia Martima
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Concienciar a pescadores e instituciones afines con los ocanos, sobre aspectos legales asociados a los ocanos y la convencin de la ONU sobre el Derecho del Mar.
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International scientific projects related to marine mammals in the Pelagos Sanctuary
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Awareness campaigns on the marine mammals in the Pelagos Santuary
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Implement the management of 22% of the French EEZ already classified as Marine Protected Areas and enlarge this network with the extension of the French Southern Lands marine reserve (TAAF overseas Territory) in order to reach 32% of French waters under n
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30% MPAs within Tongan waters
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