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United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Sustainable Development

Using the SDGs to build resilience in a vulnerable community impacted by Covid19

Green Hope Foundation (
Non-governmental organization (NGO)

    Covid-19 has severely affected the residents of a village in Gopalganj district of Bangladesh, who have lost their sources of income due to the impact of Covid19 on tourism. They suffer from a number of serious diseases, due to a complete lack of hygiene and non-availability of clean water. My project uses the SDGs to create a local circular economy in the village, educating them about sanitation, waste disposal, conservation of their water resources, hygiene and the importance of hand washing to prevent Covid and other infections, thereby building their resilience to the impacts of Covid 19 by improving health and employment, while regenerating the local biodiversity and environment

    Implementation of the Project/Activity

    My project has impacted 94 families in this Bangladesh village. Demographics - 94 adult males, 113 adult females and 161 children (Total 368 residents. My project implements a fresh approach to problem-solving by using ESD ( Education for Sustainable Development) as a transformative tool to empower the 94 families of this village, providing them with the knowledge , skills and behavioral change to think and live sustainably. Our innovation is creating a local circular economy that improves their economic situation, aids women empowerment, improves their health through better hygiene and sanitation as well as by providing education to their children. None of the residents have been to school or college. They speak only Bengali, none of them can read or write. The skills training was imparted through verbal communication with on the field practical demonstrations. Since it’s a conservative society, we had two field officers – one female and one male to instruct the residents separately based on gender. The impact metrics are: 1. Sustainable agriculture training provided to 94 males 2. Sustainable Poultry training provided to 113 females 3. Six Environmental education workshops held for 161 children 4. Agriculture output from the village (Rice, Lentil, vegetables ) 40% output feeds all the villagers, 60% provides revenue generation 5. Poultry output by women : 40% of eggs produced for village consumption providing nutrition, 60% for revenue generation 6. Sanitation: zero public defecation, 100% usage of sanitary napkins by women, zero waste dumping in river 7. Permanent Clean water source: Deep bore tube well installed, all 94 families provided with filters in their homes 8. Rainwater harvesting solution implemented


    The impact metrics are: 1. Sustainable agriculture training provided to 94 males 2. Sustainable Poultry training provided to 113 females 3. Six Environmental education workshops held for 161 children 4. Agriculture output from the village (Rice, Lentil, vegetables ) 40% output feeds all the villagers, 60% provides revenue generation 5. Poultry output by women : 40% of eggs produced for village consumption providing nutrition, 60% for revenue generation 6. Sanitation: zero public defecation, 100% usage of sanitary napkins by women, zero waste dumping in river 7. Permanent Clean water source: Deep bore tube well installed, all 94 families provided with filters in their homes 8. Rainwater harvesting solution implemented This solution will be scaled up and implemented in all 10 villages in this district, impacting 6000 villagers. This village does not have a school and in 2021 we are establishing a school there that will provide primary education to children of this village

    Enabling factors and constraints

    My project implements a fresh approach to problem-solving by using ESD ( Education for Sustainable Development) as a transformative tool to empower the 94 families of this village, providing them with the knowledge , skills and behavioral change to think and live sustainably. None of the residents have been to school or college. They speak only Bengali, none of them can read or write. The learning delivery of our solution was done in Bengali, the local language.

    Sustainability and replicability

    Poverty eradication is the greatest challenge to humanity. My project’s mission is to create a scalable solution that builds resilience in vulnerable communities impacted by Covid , through the creation of local circular economies , thereby elevating them from poverty, making them healthier and resilient to future pandemics. We use ESD(Education for Sustainable Development) as our vehicle of transformation and focus on all stakeholders – empowering families by addressing the specific challenges of gender and children’s rights. In the next 2 years, my projects goals are: 1. Establish a school in the village to provide primary education to all the children 2. Implement the local circular economy solution to all 10 villages in this district , impacting its 6000 people.

    COVID-19 Impact

    My project uses the SDGs to build resilience in this village impacted by Covid19 having lost their sources of income due to the impact of Covid19 on tourism. They suffer from a number of serious diseases, including cancer, due to a complete lack of hygiene and non-availability of clean water. Their water source is severely contaminated by arsenic, human and other waste as they have no knowledge of sanitation. They have no means to combat Covid – no masks, soaps, sanitizers or clean water for washing. My project is improving the socio-economic condition of the village by making them economically independent, socially strong and regenerating their local environment. My solution is a successful case study of how the localisation of the SDGs , is essential for building back better

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    01 May 2020 (start date)
    30 September 2021 (date of completion)
    Green Hope Foundation
    1 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 12
    Other beneficiaries

    The direct beneficiaries of this project are the residents of a village in Gopalganj district , with 94 families in this Bangladesh village. Demographics - 94 adult males, 113 adult females and 161 children (Total 368 residents)

    Contact Information

    Kehkashan, Founder President