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United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Sustainable Development

Shagara Purification Water Tank


    ur invention is called "SHAGARA" Purifying Tank (Shagara al rauwap / Egypt, Tree that purifies), is a collector, purifier and storage device, which integrates different traditional technologies, used and tested by different civilizations a thousand years ago unified in a single product, which responds to different realities, scenarios and capabilities, with modern designs and affordable business models families that lies at the base of the economic pyramid.

    Objective of the practice

    We have achieved a revolutionary breakthrough in the water treatment and storage industry. More than 4 years of research have produced a totally innovative product to access safe water.<br />
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    Shagara ® Purifier water tank, is a storage device with a built-in ultrafiltration system, its effectiveness is 99.9%, ergonomic design, 60 years of useful life in its storage body, multi adaptable to different environments, from a home, community and companies, capable of supplying 45 days of purified water to a family in emergency situations.<br />
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    Our purifier prevents waterborne diseases such as cholera, diarrhea, fever, worms and protozoa, reducing medical expenses, bottled water, electricity, chemicals, and spare parts.<br />
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    The new system produces a continuous flow of water, incorporating a storage system, the unit works at the tap water line pressure, by pumping system or by drinking water pressure. This high capacity of performance creates new benefits and opportunities for the residential sector and commerce.<br />
    Get up to 5,000 gallons of clean water for your home, school, hospital, office building, etc. with our new water purifier tank. This unit easily connects to your indoor plumbing and removes harmful contaminants before they reach your faucet. The system can be used with domestic or commercial pressure (60 psi), as well as with very low pressures and gravity feed applications. This unit is available PRVF or Steel, and includes a level regulator.<br />
    Portable filter tank, is an armable system for storage, collection and filtration of water, composed of a high-flow water gravity filter made with a ultrafiltration mesh. Its storage 250 Lt to supply up to 3 days of safe water, which can be extended with the collection of rainwater, its cleaning must be continuous and its maintenance is every 6 months. It is a basic solution, at low cost and multipurpose.<br />
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    Our mission is to improve the lives of 10 billion Latin Americans by 2030, contributing to the achievement of 6 Sustainable Development Goals; health and well- being, clean water and sanitation, affordable energy, industry, innovation and infrastructure, sustainable cities and communities, alliances to achieve the objectives;<br />
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    It contributes to the elimination of water-borne diseases more effectively and improves the quality of life, resilient to climate change in the family economy by creating new solutions that counteract climate effects, sustainable development of arid lands and fight against desertification by providing storage and treatment for a new drip system for irrigation of crops, which allows irrigation with safe water and food safety in the final product to the consumer, recycling and reduction of plastics by reducing consumption of bottled water, decrease of women and children in the workload and gender equity, implementation of a green and sustainable economy; multi-sector alliances, local and international, for water and sanitation project development.

    Base of the pyramid (BoP): Our secondary strategy to incorporate in our market the population of the base of the pyramid in communities, schools and hospitals, is through alliances with Government sector and Organization of humanitarian assistance, in donation funds and / or long-term financing of our purification plant, which incorporates a series of "Shagara" water purification tanks, accompanied by a pumping system either solar / wind / hydraulic for pumping water to the least protected sectors and lacking basic services such as drinking water and electric power.
    Implementation of the Project/Activity

    Our current stage of development, is a launch stage, we have 2 minimum viable product (Shagara Purifier Tank and Portable Purifier Tank), after 2 pilot tests, 3 prototypes manufactured and 1200 beneficiary families, launching a market test solution.

    Now we are developing a strategy to self-finance our Master plan of the Shagara factory.

    2019 - We are conducting a crowdfunding campaign with a value Fifty-five thousand dollars, for the launch of our product: Portable water tank composed of a water pre-filter, a basic solution for emergency situations and base of the pyramid.

    2022- By being able to demonstrate and validate our market with a basic solution, we will be ready with protected (patents) to launch our great solution, Shagara Tank Water Purifier I, an essential product for any home.

    We expect an income of 150,000.00 (one hundred and fifty thousand dollars) per year, which allows us to be subject to credit and a we will negotiate with capital funds with greater competitiveness to build our manufacture and assembly line.

    2022- Our main goal with shagara purification tank, is to install our manufacturing factory and to sale licenses for the manufacturing with local companies in Mexico, Central America, and other countries.

    2030- Our goal is to reach Ten Million beneficiaries in the year 2030.


    Shagara responds to a need, its use is necessary for rural and urban families. Mexico and Central America, is a region where rivers, lakes and lagoons are mostly polluted, and resilience to climate change, demand new products that positively impact and help us to be prepared for the upcoming water crises.

    • Does not occupy electric power.
    • 75% cheaper purified water.
    • Cost per Gallon $ 0.020
    • Solar energy is used for our pumping system.
    • 1 Purifying Tank = Savings for one family (US $ 2.0 per gallon per day). • It is made of durable and washable material.

    Social and Environmental.
    • Reduces mortality rates due to Gastrointestinal disease. • The raw material used is of natural origin.
    • Generator of indirect and direct jobs.
    • Promote a new green and sustainable economy culture. • 1 Purifying Tank = Eliminates 3 tons of CO2 per year.
    • Savings in wood consumption and time does not need to boil the water on a stove.
    • Reduces spending on medicines to treat gastrointestinal diseases.
    • No more consumption of bottled water, less plastic waste.
    • It does not use chemicals, it does not leave a bad taste, nor smell, color in the water. • Meets the High Protection performance standards of the World Health Organization.

    • Microbiological water purifier with high Ultrafiltration technology (0.02 microns). • Eliminates 99.9999% bacteria, viruses and parasites.
    • Its useful life is 100,000 liters of purified water.
    • It supplies approximately 100 people / day with water.
    • It has storage tank: 250 Gl and 500 Gl
    • Does not require electrical power, nor connection to aqueduct network. • It is easy to maintain and clean.

    ¿What is Sustainable Development Goals impact?

    Objective 1: End of poverty, Provide new technologies that are resilient to climate change that reduce spending on medicines, purified water, and transportation, contributing to the creation of new jobs.
    Goal 3: Good health: Our purifier prevents waterborne diseases such as cholera, diarrhea, fever, worms and protozoa and improves the quality of life with availability of safe water 24/7-.
    Goal 6: Clean water: It is a rainwater collection system, with access to purified water at a lower cost, saves 2 dollars a day in water purchases, supplies 45 days in emergency situations, is compatible with solar pumping and complements the system of aerial wells, with treatment and storage.
    Goal 10: Reduced inequalities: decrease of women and children in the workload and gender equity.
    Goal 12: Responsible consumption: decrease consumption of bottled water and the limited storage makes better water management possible.
    Goal 13: Climate Action: Combating desertification, by reducing the use of firewood that generates deforestation to boil water and providing a drip irrigation system, to clean water containing pesticides and chemicals, contributing to the food security of families.
    Enabling factors and constraints

    Our adventure began in 2013, after my work as a youth leader, in civil society, I wanted to give life to my ideas, innovating in the business sector. I met some people who convinced me to invest my savings, in the distribution of water filters, but the cost was three times more expensive than similar products in the market, I felt cheated, I had to travel all over the country to sell them, I thought it was such a simple product that I could do it with my own hands and I visualized a solution to a problem, the sustainable access to safe water.

    Technologies and scale model.
    Our innovation is designated as a novelty innovation, it has an integral focus in most of the areas of action and its execution processes, our scale model of our innovation, it has completed its period of impulse phase, identification of technologies that they orient the future according to our and the identification of our contribution through a research process. Currently, we are in the evaluation phase to identify the specific market area to which it may be directed and development of our latest prototype, whose objective is to validate its functionality to reach the technology transfer phase, to carry out the project in series in which is intended to create a highly efficient manufacturing plant, among the strategies we contemplate is manufacturing in pilot countries and / or manufacturing and production licenses in the next 3 years, by obtaining our patent and design registration.
    Sustainability and replicability
    Shagara is a sustainable innovation, because it affects life of everyday life, such as obtaining the "vital liquid", which is not at the service of the whole society - a universal human right - and with this contribution it is possible to transform Realities and improve living conditions by providing a new product that meets 3 basic needs of the inhabitant: Storage, Safe Water and Lower Cost (Affordable and accessible).

    To understand the impact; imagine that the tap water, that all your life you think is safe water, wake up one day and see that it has different color, taste and bad smell, you will have to wash food, bathe and brush your teeth with that water. This is a cultural, environmental, economic and social problem that needs new solutions in times of resilience.

    Our innovation is designated as a novelty innovation, it has an integral focus in most of the areas of action and its execution processes, our scale model of our innovation, it has completed its period of impulse phase, identification of technologies that they orient the future according to our and the identification of our contribution through a research process. Currently, we are in the evaluation phase to identify the specific market area to which it may be directed and development of our latest prototype, whose objective is to validate its functionality to reach the technology transfer phase, to carry out the project in series in which is intended to create a highly efficient manufacturing plant, among the strategies we contemplate is manufacturing in pilot countries and / or manufacturing and production licenses in the next 3 years, by obtaining our patent and design registration.

    Shagara contributes to the objectives of sustainable development and improving the lives of latinamerican families. For an example, Imagine that the water you drink has a bad taste, that same water can contain bacteria and viruses, which generates diseases such as cholera and diarrhea ; it&#39;s a limited resource that you do not have every day, because of the inequalities that exist in your society and you only earn two dollars a day and the small bottle of water costs a dollar, that bottle does not generate responsible consumption, it ends up in our rivers and lakes and its production feeds the climate change. In a country affected by droughts and high temperatures, they make you think of a change. Shagara helps solve these and other problems.<br />
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    PITCH DECK<br />

    Other, please specify
    self-financing: sales, alliances and social projects.
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    Name Description
    Action Network
    SDG Good Practices First Call
    This initiative does not yet fulfil the SMART criteria.
    11 February 2014 (start date)
    01 January 2030 (date of completion)
    Green Energy Technologies
    1. Latin America and the Caribbean
    Geographical coverage
    Website/More information
    Contact Information

    Alberto Arredondo Barreto, Mr.