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United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Sustainable Development

Enhancing Employability skills Through Vocational Training for Sustainability


    KCSD was formally established in 2005, a charitable organization operating in the thematic areas of education, sexual reproductive health & rights {SRHR) advocacy, life skills, HIV/AIDs, sports and employability skills. The project provides a platform for deaf youths, girl-child/women, vulnerable children and youth from social life and socio-economically deprived backgrounds to realize their dreams despite the many challenges that they face.

    Objective of the practice

    The objective of the programme is to reduce the suffering of many deaf girls, orphans, vulnerable youth, and women to build their capacity through giving them love, care, life skills, employability skills, education and simple activities to do so that they become productive in the society. <br />
    Specific Objectives:<br />
    <br />
    To provide quality life to deaf girls, vulnerable youths and women by establishing a permanent solution by building vocational training Centre that will cater for employability skills for self-sustaining, dignity and sustainability. <br />
    To train life-skills for caregivers in caregiving centers to enable these girls to get adequate care, love, and support. <br />
    To provide adequate education to deaf girls to make them good citizens and have a better future through good education right from a tender age. <br />
    To raise awareness on the need to protect and support vulnerable deaf girls and youths as well as protecting their rights.

    The beneficiaries are deaf girls, women and the vulnerable youths. Partners include community, Yetu initiative, KCDF, Aga Khan Foundation and GlobalGiving
    KCSD have supported more than 5000 deaf girls and vulnerable youth to transform their lives and communities. Working to achieve womenâ₠rights and gender equality takes the long-term commitment and we’re in this for the long haul.
    We've fine-tuned our approach over almost one and a half decade and all our work with deaf girls and youth's rights organizations movements are based on strong evidence of what works. We directly supported 3000 deaf girls and vulnerable girls through projects and services, from providing a safe space to escape violence to business training.
    We indirectly supported more than 100,000 deaf girls and the vulnerable through awareness raising on deaf girl’s rights and changes to legislation, policies, and practices. Kenya Christian School For The
    Enabling factors and constraints
    We aim to improve the overall welfare conditions for the deaf children education as the target group, by establishing vocational training centers, creating awareness and bringing about changes in policies and practices that undermine the plights of deaf girls’ rights. We make duty bearers aware of their responsibilities, particularly government as the principal duty bearer. We promote quality employability skills with other alternative other service providers. As active participants in civil society, we initiate and support movements that can lead to sustainable social change for the benefit of the deaf girls and vulnerable youths as our target group.

    We build formal and/or informal partnerships with other stakeholders, combining our efforts to ensure that deaf girls from our target group have access to a comprehensive range of relevant services and that alliances are formed for the protection of the deaf girls and other vulnerable youths rights
    Sustainability and replicability
    Participatory tools is used to identify the problem and will again be used to strengthen the community-based institutions, such as Community leaders and partners which are crucial in building confidence within the communities. The project will begin with a withdrawal strategy from day one onwards, to practically facilitate the communities to own the process and act accordingly.

    A monitoring strategy will be developed with stakeholders to examine the progress of the interventions and also to document lessons learned. Interactive meetings will be held with the beneficiary communities to generate feedback, facilitate planning and promote people’s participation.

    Strategic alliances will also be established with the local county authorities and institutions such as theEmbakasi West youth development, Ministry of Education (MoE) and NGOs operating in the area, to ensure that the project is successfully implemented and its gains sustained upon winding-up.

    Furthermore, KCSD professional staff would continue to visit the youths with disabilities within their communities to offer them technical support after the project has winded up, as we would be working with them to develop other interventions aimed at improving their living standards.

    The pilot project we plan to implement In pursuit of the project objectives, we wish to engage with all who matter in this issue. The use of dialogue meetings, workshops, drama, and other media shall be employed to embark on the training of employability skills hence sensitization and advocacy drive. To achieve this, our target group shall include deaf girls, youth, children missing out of school, the school children and mothers. <br />
    Our strategy will involve engaging directly with the affected children. Our focus will be to register, mobilize and engage with these missing out children to advocate for their rights to education through drama, community fora, and other engagement mediums.<br />
    The project will promote greater equality among women and men. It will ensure greater participation of women in all aspects of the interventions. It will enable women and men to collaborate and work together using participatory strategies. Gender will be integrated in all reports and documentation.<br />
    Other cross-cutting issues such as HIV/AIDS and the rights of vulnerable groups would be mainstreamed in the project.

    Other sources of information
    Staff / Technical expertise
    Training baking and tailoring
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    Name Description
    Action Network
    SDG Good Practices First Call
    This initiative does not yet fulfil the SMART criteria.
    24 August 2018 (start date)
    14 December 2018 (date of completion)
    Kenya Christian School For The Deaf
    9 4 8 5 16 17 1
    1. Africa
    Geographical coverage
    Ecosystem/Vocational skills
    Website/More information
    Contact Information