National Capacity Building Workshop: Strengthening Resilience of Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprise (MSME) for Accelerating Progress towards Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Zimbabwe
Tue 19 Nov 2024, 9.00 am — Fri 22 Nov 2024, 5.00 pmBackground
In response to the request of Ministry of Women Affairs, Community and SME Development (MWACSMED), National Strategies and Capacity Building Branch, Division for Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (NSCBB, DSDG/DESA) has supported the Ministry formulating a standard training manual for both policymakers and MSME entrepreneurs on enhancing resilience of MSMEs in the time of multiple crises. This national capacity building workshop takes place in this background. With inclusive stakeholder participation, it aims to final validate the training manual with participatory dialogue among policymakers, MSME entrepreneurs, researcher, MSME associations at both national and sub-national levels, in addition to representatives from the private sector and international organizations. Additionally, the workshop will also strengthen capacities of a group of MSME supporting officers and MSME entrepreneurs as “Master Trainers”, who will support the MWACSMED on rolling out the training manual through capacity building efforts to be owned and led by the Ministry across Zimbabwe from 2025.

Opening Remarks