Participación de las partes interesadas
De conformidad con el párrafo 42 de la resolución A/RES/77/245, que «subraya la necesidad de la participación efectiva de la sociedad civil, incluidas las organizaciones no gubernamentales, y de otros grupos destacados, en particular de los pequeños Estados insulares en desarrollo», la Secretaría de las Naciones Unidas ha organizado diversas actividades y reuniones para que las partes interesadas puedan participar de manera significativa, tanto en la Conferencia como en la preparación de la misma.
Los eventos se publicarán en esta página. Inscríbase aquí para recibir actualizaciones e información sobre las actividades y consulte la página de preguntas frecuentes para más detalles acerca de la participación.
Participation of representatives from non-governmental organizations, major groups and other relevant stakeholders at the SIDS4 Conference is guided by resolution A/RES/77/245 as well as by A/CONF.223/2024.PC.L1.
Which stakeholders can participate in the SIDS4 Conference?
Participation of representatives from non-governmental organizations, major groups and other relevant stakeholders at the SIDS4 Conference is guided by General Assembly resolution A/RES/77/245 (Para 38, and Para 41) as well as by A/CONF.223/2024.PC.L1 (Annex II, Section III).
Organizations that fall under the following categories will be able to request registration to attend the Fourth International Conference on Small Island Developing States (SIDS4):
1. Non-governmental organizations and major groups identified in Agenda 21 and other stakeholders in consultative status with ECOSOC. You can check if your organization has consultative status with ECOSOC here.
2. Organizations that were accredited to any of the following previous United Nations’ conferences on the sustainable development of SIDS (click on the individual SIDS Conference link below for details):
- Global Conference on the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States, 26 April-6 May 1994, Bridgetown, Barbados;
- International Meeting to Review the Implementation of the Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States, 10-14 January 2005, Port Louis, Mauritius; and/or
- Third International Conference on Small Island Developing States, 1-4 September 2014, Apia, Samoa.
3. Organizations that received special accreditation by the Preparatory Committee or the General Assembly to attend the SIDS4 Conference (Please check the approved list here).
For a consolidated list of organizations that received special accreditation to attend the SIDS4 Conference, please, check here.
Representatives of accredited non-governmental organizations, major groups and other relevant stakeholders can now register to attend the SIDS4 Conference until 26 April 2024.
How to register?
Representatives of NGOs in Consultative status with ECOSOC Non-governmental organizations and major groups identified in Agenda 21 and other stakeholders in consultative status with ECOSOC. You can check if your organization has consultative status with ECOSOC here |
Representatives of specially accredited organizations Organizations that were accredited to any of the following previous United Nations Conferences on SIDS as well as for SIDS4 (please click on the links for details or check the consolidated list here. |
Please note:
- All participants must have their own individual account on Indico with a valid email address. (Please, check Indico participants guide here).
- There will be no on-site registration for stakeholders. All requests for registration must be submitted by 26 April 2024.
- Organizations in consultative status with ECOSOC whose statuses have been suspended by the UN NGO Committee will not be able to request for registration to the SIDS4 Conference, irrespective of previous accreditation to past UN Conferences.
- If your organization is both in consultative status with ECOSOC and has also been accredited to one of the Conferences listed above, your representatives should register using the dedicated link for NGOs in consultative status with ECOSOC.
- Each organization will be able to register up to 10 representatives. If more than 10 are registered under one organization, the Secretariat will approve the registrations in the order that they have been received and up to 10.
- All requests for registration will be reviewed on a rolling basis and approved participants will receive letters of confirmation from the Conference Secretariat. Please, allow between 5 – 10 working days for the review of registration requests.
- The deadline for registration is 26 April 2024 (5pm, EDT/New York Time).
- Interested stakeholders are encouraged to request for registration as soon as possible.
- Participants under 18 years old will need to be accompanied by a Chaperone who must be duly registered to attend the SIDS4 Conference. This information must be included in the affiliation letter to be uploaded onto the registration platform.
- Registered participants are responsible for all necessary arrangements related to their in-person participation, including travel, visa and others, as appropriate.
The United Nations does not charge fees for participation in Conferences and events. If you are aware of possible scams, please email us using this email address (
Logistical information
For logistical information including accommodation and visa requirement, please check the dedicated host country website.
Special Accreditation (Closed)
As guided by resolution A/CONF.223/2024.PC.L1 (Annex II, Section III), other relevant stakeholders, including the non-governmental organizations not in consultative status with the Economic and Social Council, wishing to attend and contribute to the Conference , may participate as observers in the International Conference, as well as in the preparatory meetings, subject to the approval of the Preparatory Committee or the General Assembly.
The process was closed on 10 November 2023.
he secretariat of the Conference has completed the review of all applications on the basis of their background and involvement in sustainable development issues, in particular in the follow-up of the Barbados Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States, the Mauritius Strategy for Implementation and the SIDS Accelerated Modalities of Action (SAMOA) Pathway.
On 19 December 2023, a note by the Secretariat has been circulated to all UN Member States as annex to the Invitation Letter from the Co-chairs to the First Meeting of the Preparatory Committee. The list of non-governmental organizations, major groups and other relevant stakeholders contained in the note will be submitted by the Co-chairs for the decision by the Preparatory Committee at its first session.
[UPDATE on 22 January 2024] The list of organizations accredited by the Preparatory Committee is available here.
For additional information about stakeholder participation in the 4th International Conference on Small Island Developing States, please check the Frequently Asked Questions.
CSO Forum Special Event
The SIDS4 Civil Society Forum will be held on 29 May 2024, from 18:30 – 20:00, as a special event in connection with the SIDS4 Conference. It will be an opportunity to bring together diverse voices and perspectives to deliberate on strategies for achieving resilient prosperity in SIDS over the next 10 years, and to rally and mobilize civil society, including non-profit organizations, indigenous peoples, women’s and youth organizations, persons with disabilities, academia and other stakeholder groups to highlight their contributions to the sustainable development of SIDS and to share reflections, priorities and announce commitments towards the implementation of the SIDS4 outcome document.
This forum will foster a collaborative and inclusive approach, recognizing the unique contributions of civil society in driving the sustainable development agenda in SIDS. The forum will also foster enhanced collaboration between civil society and SIDS governments, the UN system, and other development partners.
For more informaiton about the SIDS4 CSO Forum Special Event, please check here:
2nd Multi-Stakeholder Webinar on the 4th International Conference on Small Island Developing States (SIDS4): Updates and Views on the Zero Draft Outcome Document
15 February 2024, 9:00 – 10:30AM (EST, New York time)
The 2nd multi-stakeholder informative webinar was held on 15 February 2024, from 9:00 – 10:30 AM (EST, New York time). The objective of the webinar was to share updated information about the preparations for the SIDS4 Conference as well as to create an opportunity for stakeholders to share their views and proposals on the zero draft outcome document in an informal dialogue with the co-chairs of the SIDS4 Preparatory Committee and other interested Member States.
For more information about the webinar, please, check here:
Multi-stakeholder Informative Webinar
A multi-stakeholder informative webinar was held on 26 October 2023, from 9:30 – 10:30 AM (EDT) to share updated information about the SIDS4 Conference with all stakeholders, and to offer an opportunity to build momentum around the SIDS4 Conference.
The webinar, held on Zoom platform, was open to all interested stakeholders. For more information including recordings and relevant documentation, please check here.
Online Consultations
Second Global Online Stakeholder Consultation-Inputs for Interactive Dialogues - Summary report now available!
The Summary report is now available - Please, check here for details!
As part of its formal programme, the 4th International Conference on Small Island Developing States (SIDS4) will feature five interactive and multi-stakeholder dialogues that will focus on addressing existing and emerging challenges and opportunities for the sustainable development of SIDS, including through the strengthening of collaborative partnerships.
The SIDS4 Conference will include five interactive dialogues held on the following themes:
Making Climate Finance work for SIDS: Building on the Outcomes of UNFCCC COP 28
Enhancing Critical Forms of Financing and Aid Effectiveness through collaborative Partnerships: A Conversation
- Levering Data and Digital Technologies and Building effective Institutions for a Resilient Future in SIDS
- Investing in human capital: addressing health crisis in SIDS and building the potential of youth in SIDS
- Revitalizing SIDS Economies for accelerated and sustainable growth
To ensure an in-depth discussion, background notes will be prepared by the UN secretariat to inform each theme listed above.
To provide an opportunity for stakeholders to provide their views, DESA conducted a second global online stakeholder consultation and solicited informal contributions from stakeholders across different sectors related to the themes of the SIDS4 interactive dialogues.
Interested civil society organizations, major groups and other stakeholders were invited to participate in the consultation here by 19 January 2024:
The summary report is now available here. All inputs are available at the consultations webpage:
For more information about the 2nd Global online consultation, please visit:
First Global Online Stakeholder Consultation (completed)
To create a space for stakeholders, especially those in SIDS countries, to engage with the substantive preparations for the Conference, UN DESA, in collaboration with OHRLLS, has organized a global online stakeholder consultation to solicit inputs from stakeholders from different sectors to contribute to the substantive preparatory process, including the regional and inter-regional preparatory meetings.
The goal was to ask stakeholders to identify key challenges that SIDS face in achieving their sustainable development priorities and to solicit policy recommendations and examples of game-changing actions that can accelerate progress towards sustainable development in SIDS.
The online consultation was open to all stakeholders from 13 June to 7 July 2023. Please view all received answers here:
Please find the regional snapshots and the summary report of the Global Online Stakeholder Consultation below:
- SIDS4 Conference Global Online Stakeholder Consultation Report
- Atlantic, Indian Ocean and South China Sea (AIS) Region
- Caribbean Region
- Pacific Region
For more information about the online consultation, please visit:
Frequently Asked Questions
Participación de organizaciones no gubernamentales y otras partes interesadas relevantes
1. ¿Qué partes interesadas pueden participar en la 4ª Conferencia Internacional sobre los Pequeños Estados Insulares en Desarrollo (PIED4) y sus reuniones preparatorias?
La participación de representantes de organizaciones no gubernamentales, grupos principales y otras partes interesadas en la Conferencia está regulada por la resolución de la Asamblea General A/RES/77/245 (párrafos 38 y 41), así como por A/CONF.223/ 2024.PC.L1 (Anexo II, Sección III)..
Las organizaciones no gubernamentales, los grupos principales y otras organizaciones interesadas que se incluyan en las siguientes categorías podrán solicitar inscripción para asistir tanto a la PEID4 como a sus reuniones preparatorias:
1) Organizaciones no gubernamentales y grupos principales identificados en la Agenda 21 y otras partes interesadas con estatus consultivo ante el ECOSOC. Puede consultar si su organización tiene estatus consultivo ante ECOSOC aquí.
2) Organizaciones que estuvieron acreditadas en cualquiera de las siguientes conferencias anteriores de las Naciones Unidas sobre el desarrollo sostenible de los PEID (haga clic en la lista consolidada de organizaciones de la sociedad civil previamente acreditadas en las tres conferencias de los PEID, o haga clic en el enlace de la conferencia individual de los PEID a continuación para obtener más detalles):
- Conferencia Mundial sobre el Desarrollo Sostenible de los Pequeños Estados Insulares en Desarrollo - 26 de abril al 6 de mayo de 1994, Bridgetown (Barbados);
- Reunión internacional para examinar la aplicación del Programa de Acción para el desarrollo sostenible de los Pequeños Estados Insulares en Desarrollo - 10 a 14 de enero de 2005, Port Louis (Mauricio); y/o
- 3ª Conferencia Internacional sobre los Pequeños Estados Insulares en Desarrollo - 1 a 4 de septiembre de 2014, Apia (Samoa).
3) Organizaciones que recibieron acreditación especial por parte del Comité Preparatorio o de la Asamblea General para asistir a la Conferencia PEID4 (puede consultar la lista aprobada aquí).
Para obtener una lista consolidada de organizaciones que recibieron acreditación especial para asistir a la Conferencia PEID4, consulte aquí.
2. Mi organización no está en ninguna de las listas anteriores. ¿Podemos asistir a la PEID4 y a sus reuniones preparatorias?
Para asistir a la PEID4, debe estar registrado como parte de la delegación de una organización acreditada.
3. ¿Cómo puedo solicitar una acreditación especial para mi organización?
Ya no es posible solicitar acreditación especial ya que el proceso para este tipo de solicitud se cerró el 10 de noviembre de 2023.
4. Mi organización solicitó una Acreditación Especial. ¿Cuál es el proceso para que se revisen este tipo de solicitudes?
El 22 de enero de 2024, el Comité Preparatorio adoptó la decisión y la lista de organizaciones acreditadas, disponible aquí.
Una vez que una organización o entidad reciba su acreditación especial, podrá registrar representantes para participar en la PEID4 y/o sus reuniones preparatorias, siempre que la inscripción esté abierta para la Conferencia y/o sus reuniones preparatorias. La aprobación de una acreditación especial no garantiza automáticamente la participación de la organización en la Conferencia o en sus reuniones preparatorias.
5. ¿Cuándo sabré si mi organización ha obtenido una acreditación especial para participar en la PEID4?
El 22 de enero de 2024, el Comité Preparatorio adoptó la decisión y la lista de organizaciones acreditadas está disponible aquí.
6. ¿Cuál es la diferencia entre acreditación y registro para la 4PIED4 y sus reuniones preparatorias?
La acreditación es para organizaciones, mientras que el registro es para participantes individuales. Sólo las organizaciones acreditadas por la ONU pueden solicitar el registro de sus representantes (individuos) para asistir a la 4 ª Conferencia Internacional sobre los Pequeños Estados Insulares en Desarrollo y sus reuniones preparatorias. Los detalles sobre la inscripción se compartirán a su debido tiempo en la página web de la Conferencia.
7. Si mi organización ya ha recibido una acreditación especial para participar en la PIED4, ¿debo registrarme de todos modos a la Conferencia?, o ¿puedo simplemente mostrar una copia de la carta de confirmación para participar en la Conferencia y sus reuniones preparatorias?
La acreditación especial de su organización NO significa automáticamente el registro de personas para asistir a la 4 ª Conferencia Internacional sobre los Pequeños Estados Insulares en Desarrollo o sus reuniones preparatorias. Todas las organizaciones aún deberán registrar a sus representantes para poder participar tanto en la Conferencia como en sus reuniones preparatorias. Los detalles sobre la inscripción se compartirán a su debido tiempo en la página web de la Conferencia.
8. No pertenezco a ninguna organización; ¿puedo asistir a la Conferencia o a sus reuniones preparatorias?
Lamentablemente, no puede registrarse para asistir a la Conferencia o a sus reuniones preparatorias como individuo. Los participantes deben estar asociados a una organización acreditada para solicitar la inscripción y asistir a la Conferencia.
9. Mi organización tiene estatus consultivo ante el ECOSOC. ¿Necesito registrarme para asistir a la Conferencia?
Sí. Todos los participantes deberán registrarse para participar en la PEID4 y sus reuniones preparatorias.
10. ¿Cómo puedo registrarme para participar en la Conferencia y/o sus reuniones preparatorias?
Por favor, consulte la siguiente página para informarse sobre las últimas actualizaciones: Participe.
11. ¿Cuántos representantes puede registrar cada organización para participar en la PIED4 y en sus reuniones preparatorias?
Cada organización podrá solicitar la inscripción de hasta 10 participantes. Por favor, consulte esta página para obtener actualizaciones: Participe.
12. ¿Hay fondos disponibles para que las partes interesadas participen en la PIED4 y en sus reuniones preparatorias?
Los interesados registrados son responsables de sus propios gastos de viaje y alojamiento. Las Naciones Unidas no cobran por participar en la 4 ª Conferencia Internacional sobre los Pequeños Estados Insulares en Desarrollo ni en ninguno de sus eventos oficiales.
13. Represento a una ciudad y/o a un gobierno regional. ¿Puedo participar en la PEID4 y en sus reuniones preparatorias?
Los representantes de los gobiernos locales y regionales deberán registrarse a través de la delegación de su Estado miembro. La información de registro para todas las categorías de participantes se puede consultar en la siguiente página:Participe.
Las asociaciones acreditadas de gobiernos locales y regionales, incluidas aquellas con estatus consultivo ante el ECOSOC, también podrán registrar participantes.
14. ¿Existen oportunidades para que las partes interesadas hablen durante la PEID4 y sus reuniones preparatorias?
La información sobre oportunidades de participación está disponible aquí y también se compartirá con los participantes registrados.
15. ¿Pueden las ONGs y otras partes interesadas organizar eventos paralelos en la PEID4?
Sí. Las organizaciones acreditadas tuvieron la oportunidad de proponer la organización de eventos paralelos durante la Conferencia. La fecha límite para la presentación de solicitudes fue el 8 de marzo de 2024. Consulte aquí para obtener más detalles:
¿Aún tienes preguntas?
Si es así, envíe un correo electrónico en inglés a: con el asunto: SIDS4 - Stakeholders.
Written Inputs
Submit your written inputs by 30 May 2024 using this form!
Non-governmental organizations, major groups and other relevant stakeholders who have been accredited in accordance with General Assembly resolution A/RES/77/245 as well as by A/CONF.223/2024.PC.L1. , can now submit written statements/inputs to the Conference via a dedicated form by 30 May 2024.
Written statement/input should be in the following format, failure to comply to this format will result rejection of the statement/input:
- Must be in PDF format, uploaded directly to this form;
- No more than 700 words;
- Must include official letterhead of the organization, with name and official title of the representative submitting the inputs;
- Content of the statement/inputs much be aligned with the main theme of the Conference, and/or the subjects of the five interactive dialogues;
- Only 1 statement allowed per organization, if more than one statement is submitted, the secretariat will only take the first one, unless specifically requested by the organization.
- All eligible written statements/inputs will be published on the official website during or after the official dates of the SIDS4 Conference (27 - 30 May 2024).
- Written statements shall not be made available at United Nations expense and shall not be issued as official documents.
- By submitting through this form, you agree to share your information with the United Nations Secretariat and agree to publish the statement/inputs on behalf of your organization.
- The United Nations reserves the right to review submissions and will not publish or will delete any input at any given time if any content/input is perceived as not aligned with the United Nations Charter and/or the principles and purposes of the SIDS4 Conference.
- Inputs received are the responsibility of organizations. Any linked sites are not under the control of the United Nations, and the United Nations is not responsible for the content of any linked site, or any link contained in a linked sites listed in the submissions. The inclusion of written inputs does not imply the endorsement of the United Nations to the content, accuracy or reliability of any advice, opinion, statement or outcomes provided through written inputs.
- Deadline to submit written statements/inputs is 30 May 2024. No submission will be accepted after this deadline.
Please, use this form to submit your written inputs: