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United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Sustainable Development

Impact Assessment of the Covid-19 pandemic on Micro-, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in The Gambia

Publication Year: 2020 Publisher:

Related Goals

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A total of 500 MSME entrepreneurs were interviewed in the assessment, encompassing second-hand clothing dealers, poultry farmers, horticulture farmers and fish sellers. The assessment found that most entrepreneurs reported that the virus has led to a reduction in their earnings (62.0 %) and the proportion was highest for Horticulture Farmers (67.9%) followed by fish sellers (60.7%). The assessment also found that the pandemic has led to high indebtedness as reported by 11.6% of the respondents. To compensate loss of revenues, MSME entrepreneurs reported diverse mitigating measures, including starting other business, carrying out additional paid employment and borrowing from families and friends. Less than a quarter of interviewed entrepreneurs expressed their receipt of government support. Cash and food donations are identified as means they have to resort for the survival of their families.