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United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Sustainable Development

Organization of research and education to achieve sustainable development goals


    The creation of this project is caused not only by world but also by Russian context. After publication of the United Nations declaration for sustainable development and also after the announcement of the Russian national priorities until 2024, corresponding with SDG, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration established Institute of Finance and Sustainable Development. Earlier in RANEPA there were some education programs that touched SDG problems but the SDG implementation activities in research and education has not been institutionalized. The main factors for SDG-achievement: interdisciplinarity, professional team, capacity of continuous learning, research and methodical base.

    Objective of the practice

    The main goal of the project is to form individuals capable to work for strengthening universal peace, for eradicating poverty, for sustainable development. Main difficulties are that the existing education system does not give systematic knowledge about sustainable development, entrants and students do not know about SDG and there are no mechanisms of introduction of research on SDG in education. As a consequence the projects of SDG achievement are not among the priorities for financing not because of the lack of resource but because of the lack of justification of real social effects from SDG achievement and solution of problems connected with SDG. One of the ways of solution of these problems is the integration of SDG in education programs of different levels, creation of the programs of supplementary education for schoolchildren and teachers, including programs based on SDG research. It was the reason of creation of the Institute of Finance and Sustainable Development (IFSD) in Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA). The Institute combines orientation on SDG and tasks for its achievement in research and education. SDG learning is integrated in all research and education programs in IFSD, taking into account the needs of society in their achievement and their relationship with various social and economic projects and programs of the development of the country.

    The stakeholders of the project are:
    - schoolchildren and students, school and university teachers (involvement through educational projects)
    - residents of Moscow, state and municipal authorities, non-commercial organizations.
    RANEPA as the largest socioeconomic and humanities university in Europe providing management training for current and future state and municipal civil servants, and commercial sector and the executor of the project has high level of social and public authorities trust. It can be proved by high positions in Russian and international ratings. For RANEPA creation of IFSD is an innovation project of SDG implementation in education and research.
    Implementation of the Project/Activity

    The implementation of the project began with the idea of creation of education and research centre for preparation of the specialists with the qualification corresponding with the national goals of the development of Russia until 2024. The Institute of Finance and sustainable development was established in RANEPA on October 1, 2018. A specialized research and educational Centre of Sustainable Development was established in the Institute. All education programs of this centre include learning of the problems of SDG and tasks for its achievement. The Institute does research, has agreements of collaboration with schools, education programs for schoolchildren, students, schoolteachers, research and methodical seminar for teachers of the Institute, international education programs.
    Education activity
    - Two programs of supplementary education: for 8-9 grades "Sustainable development is a condition of human survival", for 10-11 grades - “World’s Largest Lesson”. The programs are free and they are based on the UN materials and include certification of SDG knowledge.
    - The program of supplementary education for school teachers “SDG at secondary school”.
    - Admission to bachelor programs: “Management of the projects of sustainable development”, “International cooperation on the principles of sustainable development”, oriented on the studying of SDG issues.
    - SDG issues are integrated in the master program “Evaluation of the effectiveness of management activities”
    - University Saturdays oriented on SDG learning. (University Saturdays is the project of the Moscow government. The main idea of the project is that schoolchildren come to the university to listen to some lections)
    - Teachers’ Wednesdays on SDG learning. (Teachers’ Wednesdays is the project of Moscow government to give the schoolteachers scientific and methodological support from the institutions of higher education)
    - The discipline “Theory and Mechanisms of Sustainable Development” is included as obligatory discipline in the bachelor and master programs of the Institute. Specialized programs oriented on studying SDG include module of the disciplines on SDG issues.
    - Guidelines for the discipline “Theory and mechanisms of sustainable development” are being prepared for publication.
    Research activity
    - Web-conference “Actual problems of sustainable development of territories”.
    - Scientific and methodological seminar for teachers “Theory, methodology, practice of SDG achievement”.
    - Research project "Socio-economic support of sustainable development of territories".
    - There is research groundwork on SDG issues and further publications are being prepared.
    International activity
    The basic direction of international activity of the Institute is “Partnership to achieve SDGs in the CIS”. Every year the program of the Gaidar Forum held by RANEPA includes the session “Sustainable development goals: contribution of the business and the state” dedicated to quality education and achievement other SDG issues.

    The results of IFSD activity in SDG achievement at present are the following:
    - Cooperation agreements with schools have been signed.
    - Free educational projects on SDG issues for schoolchildren have been launched: two supplementary education programs for schoolchildren are established and University Saturdays are held.
    - The program of supplementary education for schoolteachers is created.
    - There is education project for schoolchildren dedicated to financial literacy. The project is aimed to achieve SDG 8 – decent work and economic growth.
    - Papers on SDG issues are published in journals indexed in international citation databases Web of science and Scopus. Some works were presented at international conferences.
    The following long-term results are expected:
    - Preparation of specialists in social and economic support of sustainable development of territories.
    - Continuation of the formation of a scientific school on the theory and methodology of sustainable development of territories
    - Long-term international cooperation in SDG based on inter-state and inter-University agreements
    - Formation of students' social responsibility and civic activity aimed towards sustainable development.
    This project influences the following social groups: schoolchildren, students, school and university teachers, international scientific community, and representatives of international organizations.
    Enabling factors and constraints
    - Enabling Conditions:
    - International Agenda characterized by the awareness of the world community of the need to achieve SDG (Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 25 September 2015 “Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable development”)
    - Russian regulation documents aimed to achieve SDG. The main regulator is the decree of the President of Russia “About the national goals and strategic tasks of the development of Russian federation until 2024” from May 07, 2018. National projects are also aimed to achieve SDG.
    Main constraints of the project:
    - Lack of continuity and sustainable links between higher and secondary education from the point of view of learning SDG. This constraint can be overcome by continuing education, oriented on education in SDG issues.
    - Earlier there were no complex education programs in SDG – there were only programs in ecology, social development and economy. This constraint can be overcome by creation of the specialized Institute of Finance and Sustainable Development in RANEPA.
    The innovation character of the project is that for the first time the emphasis is put on SDG. The Institute realize the most complete educational model: secondary school – high school - secondary special education - higher education – supplementary education.
    Sustainability and replicability
    Sustainability of the project contributes to:
    - As a result of studies graduates have ecological thinking, social responsibility, civic activity in the direction of SDG achievement.
    - The competence of teachers in SDG issues increases. The increase of competence means formation of the system knowledge about SDG and the mechanisms of its achievement.
    - Multiplication of knowledge through school and university teachers, academic community, and publication and presentation of results of research.
    - Social effect, which is achieved because of free education programs on SDG issues for schoolchildren.
    Plans for extending the practice:
    - The development of international and interregional contacts.
    - Continuation of training of schoolchildren, students, school and university teachers on SDG issues.
    - Continuation of research and its presentation in academic community.
    - As the basic organization of states-members of CIS in public administration education RANEPA continues the realization of educational programs on SDG issues with the partners from CIS.
    - Presentation of results of research, publication of articles, preparation of PhD thesis on SDG issues.

    Main conclusions:<br />
    - The mechanism of the organization of research and education in SDG is established and functioning.<br />
    - An effective mechanism for the integration of sustainable development issues in the programs of different levels of education has been created.<br />
    - The project contributes the development of human capital, forms an intellectual resource for sustainable development.<br />
    - The project contributes trust and coordination of long-term interests of the state, business and civil society by the implementation of educational and research projects in the field of SDG achievement. <br />
    Lessons of the realization of the project:<br />
    - Consistency and continuity of education is needed.<br />
    - It is necessary to improve the quality of interaction with stakeholders on SDG issues.<br />
    - International and interregional cooperation needs to be expanded.

    Other sources of information
    Internet-page of the Institute:

    Pages in social networks:



    Papers published by the staff of the IFSD:

    Bondarchuk N.V., Titova E.S. THE PRODUCTION OF BIOFUELS AS AN INNOVATIVE WAY TO PROTECT THE ENVIRONMENT: ECONOMIC RISKS AND SOME PROSPECTS/ Ecology and industry in Russia. 2017. Vol. 21.No 6. P. 48-53 [in Russian]:

    Bondarchuk N.V., Titova E.S.PROSPECTS OF RENEWABLE ENERGY AS PART OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF SOME REGIONS OF SOUTHERN RUSSIA/ The south of Russia: ecology, development. 2017. Vol. 12. No 4. P. 12-31[in Russian]:

    Margolin A.M., Spitsina T.A., Margolina E.V. ABOUT POSSIBLE SOURCES OF INVESTMENT IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE NATIONAL PROGRAM "ENVIRONMENT"/ Economy and management: problems and decisions. 2018. Vol. 1. P. 36-42 [in Russian]:

    Margolin A.M., Margolina E.V. MECHANISMS OF STATE SUPPORT OF AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION OF ECOLOGICALLY SAFE FOOD PRODUCTS/ International Scientific Journal. 2017. No 3. P. 7-14. [in Russian]:

    Margolin A.M., Margolina E.V. PECULIARITIES OF ESTIMATION OF ECOLOGICAL-ECONOMIC EFFICIENCY OF INVESTMENT PROJECTS/ Environmental Engineering. 2016. No 3. P. 57-63 [in Russian]:

    Bainova M.S., Palekhova P.V., Petrov A.V. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSCIOUSNESS IN MODERN CONDITIONS IN RUSSIA/ ACTUAL PROBLEMS of MODERN society AND the WAYS of THEIR SOLUTION IN CONDITIONS of TRANSITION TO a DIGITAL ECONOMY, proceedings of XIV international scientific conference: in 4 parts. 2018. P. 37-47 [in Russian]:

    Nakhratova E.E., Bondaletova N.F., Palekhova P.V. A STUDY OF SATISFACTION WITH EDUCATION FOR MASTER'S DEGREE AND AN ANALYSIS OF THE FACTORS INFLUENCING THE CHOICE OF THE FIELD OF STUDY/ The Journal of Social Sciences Research. 2018. № S3. С. 215-220.

    Semenov, S., Filatova, O. THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE MECHANISM OF STRATEGIC PLANNING AND MONITORING OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF TERRITORIES/ SGEM 2018 Conference Proceedings (ISSN 2367-5659, ISBN 978-619-7408-62-1, DOI: 10.5593/sgemsocial2018/1.2)


    Semenov, S., Filatova, O. HOW TO IMPROVE PROJECT-BASED LEARNING IN PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION EDUCATION?/ EDULEARN18 Proceedings, pp. 5157-5162 (ISBN 978-84-09-02709-5, ISSN 2340-1117)

    Here it is listed a part of papers, written by the staff of the Institute on the SDG issues.
    Other, please specify
    The resources of the IFSD: Staff - 74 persons, capital assets - 2,2 million $, Income from operating activities - 1,3 million $.
    No progress reports have been submitted. Please sign in and click here to submit one.
    Name Description
    Action Network
    SDG Good Practices First Call
    This initiative does not yet fulfil the SMART criteria.
    01 October 2018 (start date)
    28 February 2019 (date of completion)
    The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Institute of Finance and Sustainable Development, Centre of Sustainable Development
    1. Europe
    Geographical coverage
    Moscow (Moscow agglomeration)
    Organization of research and education to achieve sustainable development goals Organization of research and education to achieve sustainable development goals Organization of research and education to achieve sustainable development goals
    Website/More information
    Russian Federation
    Russian Federation
    Contact Information