Making Cities Resilient 2030 (MCR2030)
United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR)
United Nations / Multilateral body
Making Cities Resilient 2030 (MCR2030) is a unique cross-stakeholder initiative for improving local resilience through advocacy, sharing knowledge and experiences, establishing mutually reinforcing city-to-city learning networks, injecting technical expertise, connecting multiple layers of government, and building partnerships. Through delivering a clear roadmap to urban resilience and providing access to knowledge management and monitoring and reporting tools, MCR2030 supports cities on their journey to reduce risk and build resilience.
At the global level, the MCR2030 implementation and delivery strategy are negotiated, agreed and formed by the Core partners coordinated through the Global Coordinating Committee, which is supported by the MCR2030 Secretariat. At the regional level, Regional Coordinating Committees are responsible for the coordination and technical support, working with Regional Secretariats. At the sub=-national level, local governments representing municipalities of all sizes from all regions are invited to get ready to join MCR2030. MCR2030's programmatic approach is built around a three-stage ‘resilience roadmap’ that guides cities on how to improve resilience over time. The resilience roadmap is flexible and iterative; cities can enter MCR2030 at any stage gaining access to a range of tools and technical advisory inputs delivered by different partners. Stage A focuses on enhancing cities’ understanding of risk reduction and resilience and building the necessary platforms for disaster risk reduction action. Stage B cities will initially focus on improving assessment and diagnostic skills, increasing alignment between local strategies and national and regional strategies and improving early-stage strategies and policies. The cities must demonstrate the commitment to move towards the development or refinement of a DRR and resilience strategy and ensure development plans are risk-informed. Stage C of the resilience roadmap focuses on supporting cities in the implementation of risk reduction and resilience actions. Cities in this stage have a relatively robust DRR, resilience and sustainability plan in place and may be in the early stages of implementation or already working towards mainstreaming the DRR/resilience strategy and activities across its governments’ structure.
Integrating disaster risk reduction (DRR) across the implementation of the SDGs is a crucial step to enable the attainment of the 2030 Agenda, so that disasters do not undermine progress towards the SDGs. The MCR2030 will foster engagement to risk-proof the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It will lead to an increase in the number of cities committed to reducing local disaster risk, including risks stemming from climate change, and building resilience, and an increasing number of partnerships focused on resilience, globally and regionally, bringing synergized collaboration and support to cities in their journey along the resilience roadmap. This would be accomplished through an online tool called the Dashboard, a one-stop shop for partners offering services and cities requiring those services. The longer-term objective is to mainstream the understanding amongst leaders and communities in cities that risk proofing leads to sustainable development, beyond 2030.
Over 4,350 cities joined the initial Making Cities Resilient Campaign, which ran from 2010-2020. The Making Cities Resilient Report 2019 analyzed feedback from participating cities to identify challenges, opportunities, and recommendations. These included an absence of DRR divisions and lack of coordination among stakeholders for DRR at the local level, a lack of community engagement, the need for assistance in understanding risk, and a lack of financial capacity and ability to attract investments in DRR/resilience. These issues will be addressed in the MCR2030 Campaign, including as it moves from being focused on advocacy to implementation.
As official participants in MCR2030, cities reaffirm their commitment to disaster risk reduction and resiliency. Local governments who join can also access an online tool with resources and services to help them go further on the resilience roadmap and connect to thousands of other cities. This approach builds capacity and networks for DRR and resilience building that will endure after the project’s lifespan. It is replicable for other endeavors, including especially those that cut across multiple sectors.
Current campaign website: Video of the Launch of the MCR2030 Campaign: Website for the Launch of the MCR2030 Campaign: Campaign Website of Predecessor Campaign: Making Cities Resilient Report 2019:
The MCR2030 Campaign enables risk-informed and climate-smart policies and investments that will build back better, reducing risk to multiple hazards, stimulating green growth, and addressing underlying socioeconomic factors exacerbating vulnerability and exposure to hazards. Specific to the health sector, a health scorecard has been developed to help cities understand the gaps in their response to health emergencies, and training is provided on the use of this tool. This training has been very popular amongst both local and national governments, as the tool is easy to use, helps identity quickly the gaps in existing plans, and guides the users towards actions that can address the identified gaps.
SDGS & Targets
Deliverables & Timeline
Resources mobilized
Partnership Progress
Other beneficiaries
The direct beneficiaries of the Campaign are local governments, and indirectly the populations they serve. The core partners of MCR2030 are C40 Cities, the Resilient Cities Network, the ICLEI Network of Local Governments for Sustainability, the IFRC, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG), UN-HABITAT, UNDRR, UNOPS, the World Bank, and the World Council on City Data.
More information
Contact Information
Sanjaya, Head of Office, Office for Northeast Asia (ONEA) & Global Education and Training Institute (GETI), UNDRR