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United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Sustainable Development

Long-term project Arnasay - the first green village of Kazakhstan


    project includes the Center for Green Technologies, a high school with a new model of environmental education,a school garden and a greenhouse complex for catering for schoolchildren, an ecopark G-Global, the Expo 2017 alley, ten guest houses for rural eco-tourism, summer tent camp for children and youth, routes in the neighborhood, reservoir, local lakes for tourism and recreation, fishing and hunting.It is characterized by the massive use of affordable green technologies by villagers. Facilitation of labor in home gardens. Three bio- greenhouses have been built, producing organic vegetables.

    Objective of the practice

    Goal 2 The project makes the greatest contribution due to the best in the country practice of international transfer, selection, testing, development and dissemination of green technologies in rural areas and the agricultural sector, especially for small farms. This is achievable only through mass education, which is held here from school. 168 residents of Arnasay are trained of the basics of applying green technologies and running a green business. They are distributed with the assistance of international donors of drip irrigation technology, production of biohumus, agrofibre and hydrogel. Created more than 150 seasonal jobs. The yield of vegetable crops at the same time increased by 2.5 times. The experience of the Arnasay village was replicated to other regions of Kazakhstan. In the Kostanay region - similar technologies were distributed to 150 rural families, in the Karaganda region more than 30 rural families received technologies. Goal 4.7 In Arnasaya Secondary School, a new model of environmental education has been developed and successfully implemented. The results achieved are distributed through the parents of schoolchildren. The school has become a reference area for the dissemination of this experience among Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools. The annual budget savings on utility payments for schools are about 8000 USD. Since 2016, about 10000 people have been trained at the Center, including representatives of state bodies of Kazakhstan, international organizations, students, managers of social facilities, representatives of Central Asian countries, students and schoolchildren.The project also contributes to Objective 6.1 - “By 2030, ensure universal and equitable access to safe and affordable drinking water for all.In 2014, a water purification filter was installed in the framework of the UNDP project “Every drop matters” in Arnasay secondary school. To date, access to clean drinking water is covered by 100% of school students. Successful implementation of the project allowed replicating the results and installing a similar water purification filter in 10 neighboring schools in Arshaly district. And also in 2015, the project “Clean water for rural children” was implemented in Akkol district to install water purification filters in 28 educational facilities The Arnasay project makes a great contribution to the transition to a new technological order, an innovative economy. This is in line with Objective 17.7 “To promote the development, transfer, diffusion, and assimilation of environmentally friendly technologies so that developing countries receive them on mutually agreed favorable conditions, including on concessional and preferential terms”. And also Goal 17.8 “To ensure by 2017 the full-scale operation of a technology bank and a mechanism for the development of science, technology and innovation in the interests of the least developed countries”. Goal 9. “Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization for innovation. Objective 9.b Support the development, research and innovation of domestic technologies in developing countries. ” 35 green technologies were installed and tested at the Arnasay Center.28 partner companies demonstrate technology trained over 7,000 people. The cost of water supply is reduced by 75%. The cost of heating is reduced by 40%. About 3 tons of vegetables are grown in greenhouses

    Project was implemented jointly with the Public Foundation "Akbota" with the financial supporting of the UNDP, the Small Grants Program of the Global Environment Facility, the Coca-Cola Company. The creation of this project was supported by municipiality of Arshaly district. Among the guests of the Center there are distinguished guests: the State Secretary of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Ministers, deputies of the Parliament. On 2017 The Center held a retreat of the Public Council of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan with the participation of Minister of Energy mister Bozumbayev and deputies of the Mazhilis.
    Implementation of the Project/Activity

    All project activities are consistent with the Action Plan of the Concept for the transition of Kazakhstan to a "green economy". Before the opening of the Center in Kazakhstan, it was impossible to learn the majority of new green technologies, no one provided such services, there were no necessary specialists. The centers' experts went to study with foreign specialists. Some entrepreneurs who have undergone multiple training in the centers, over time, become themselves experts and teachers for training in their region or village.
    In the course of the activity, an own important innovation available to the public was developed. Namely, the phytodiode greenhouse in the basement was tested, which reduces the cost of heating and the construction of the greenhouse. The modes of lighting, regulation of humidity have been developed, the most suitable agricultural crops, food and medicinal plants, and varieties of vegetables that have year-round demand have been selected.
    This allows us not to depend on climatic disasters, to equip unused basements - hotbed of dampness, cold and rodents. The most effective agricultural crops for cultivation are revealed. Low-cost fixtures have been tested, made by students of Nazarbayev University, which significantly reduces investment.

    The implementation of this project produced the following results:long burning furnaces, LED lamps, solar panels and collectors, sensor taps and water purification filters are installed in the Vyacheslavsk low-grade secondary school. Due to the operation of these technologies, the school saves the district budget more than 3 million tenge per year. Three greenhouses-greenhouses were installed and operated on the territory of Vyacheslavskaya secondary school and a garden plot is grown where organic vegetables are grown, which makes it possible to provide fortified food at a cost that is 3 times cheaper than other schools. 35 “green” and innovative technologies were established in the Arnasai Center for Green Technologies, incl. development of the winners of the republican contest “Online EXPO-2017”. The competition was organized in 2014-2016 in 5 nominations and collected more than 600 applications. Due to the installed energy-efficient technologies in the building of the Central Industrial Center "Arnasay", the savings on utility bills amount to about 2 million tenge per year (about 6000 USD). A new generation greenhouse has been built - a solar bio-vegetarian, in which various types of heat supply, energy- and water-saving technologies are tested, in the cultivation of vegetable products. A phyto-diode greenhouse installed in the basement room of the Arnasay Green Technologies Center, where ecologically pure vegetable products are grown year-round. A closed-circuit water supply system for growing fish has been installed in the basement room of the Arnasay GTC; The branches of the Arnasay Green Technologies Center were opened in six regions of Kazakhstan: Karaganda, North Kazakhstan, Pavlodar, Kostanay, Almaty, Zhambyl. In 2015, the Center for the dissemination of knowledge "People's Academy of Green Technologies" was opened. In 2015-2016 More than 5,000 people were trained without attraction of budget funds - farmers, businessmen, students, schoolchildren, akims of districts and villages, heads of educational and health organizations, etc .; In the period 2015-2016. training courses and master classes on the use of resource-saving technologies were held for residents of 168 houses in the village of Arnasai. As a result of the training, they were donated equipment of drip irrigation, agrofibre and hydrogel to ensure seasonal employment by growing environmentally friendly products, as well as they are supported in terms of the sale of finished products;
    In June 2017, were opened 10 eco guest-houses, in which we welcomed guests of the EXPO-2017 exhibition; The standards of the non-governmental organization GreenStandartKZ (for real estate objects) and GreenFood (for ecologically pure vegetable products) have been developed and are being implemented; Established "EXPO-garden" on the territory of Vyacheslav secondary school; Planted "Alley EXPO-2017". An abandoned rural park has been restored to provide cultural leisure and recreation for villagers; With the support of partners, 160 street LED lamps were purchased, which were installed in the village of Arnasai in April 2017; The infrastructure for the functioning of the annual summer camp “ECO-CAMP” was created and recreation for 1,000 schoolchildren and students was organized, training them in the use of “green” technologies.
    Enabling factors and constraints
    All activities were carried out without state funding through grants from international organizations (UNDP, European Commission, Office of the OSCE Programs in Astana, the International Coca-Cola Foundation, etc.) and sponsoring companies. Own investments paid off due to carrying out of paid courses of training to accessible green technologies.
    Sustainability and replicability
    The project showed its sustainability, growing demand from the population, business, government agencies, grant programs of intergovernmental organizations. Many green companies, including international ones, as well as innovators are ready to exhibit samples of their products and equipment here.

    Being a person in an environment with a complex of existing green technologies in everyday life is the best means of introducing him to the ecological way of life, raising his ecological self-awareness

    Other sources of information
    Since the inception of the project, a number of media representatives have visited the site to popularize green technologies among citizens. Fully detailed information about the project can be found on the official website of the Coalition for a Green Economy and Development of G-Global (, as well as on the websites of EXPO & WOMEN partners
     On the activities of the village, Vyacheslav Secondary School and the Arnasay Center for Human Rights, several TV programs were prepared, radio programs, films, interviews with the leaders and staff of the Coalition, the Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, deputies of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
    Interviews were recorded for republican channels (Qazaqstan, Khabar, 24 Khabar, Atameken Business Channel, etc.), as well as for a Chinese TV channel, which came specifically to the village of Arnasay.
    As part of the International Exhibition Astana EXPO-2017, a delegation of the United Nations led by the UN High Commissioner for EXPO-2017, Cihan Sultanoglu, visited the venue. As Mrs. Sultanoglu noted: “I am very pleased that I visited Arnasay. There are representatives of the UN community here, and I am so proud that we are involved in the implementation of these projects. As everyone knows, the theme of EXPO is “Energy of the Future”, we will have neither energy nor future if they are unstable and it will not be available. It all starts with us - with every person. ”
    Financing (in USD)
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    Name Description
    Action Network
    SDG Good Practices First Call
    This initiative does not yet fulfil the SMART criteria.
    10 September 2015 (start date)
    27 February 2019 (date of completion)
    "Coalition for green economy and G-Global Development" Association of legal entities
    9 4 6 2 17
    1. West Asia
    Geographical coverage
    The project is being implemented in the village of Arnasai, Arshalyn district, Akmola region, near the city of Astana, the capital of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
    Website/More information
    Contact Information

    Assyl Okapova, Project manager