Finnish Environment Institute commits to actively support knowledge-based sustainable management of the environment and water resources
Finnish Environment Institute Syke
The Finnish Environment Institute (Syke) is a research and development organisation operating in the environmental sector. Its duty is to produce information to promote sustainable development globally, and to monitor and assess the fulfilment of sustainability. Syke is engaged in and supports the assessment of sustainable development goals and the implementation of environmental policy. Syke also carries out tasks related to the use and management of water resources and participates extensively in international environmental research and capacity building.
Syke's strategy features dedicated objectives and measures that will contribute to the achievement of specific Sustainable Development Goals. Syke is committed to develop new approaches for reaching a good state of the seas and inland waters and for achieving sustainable use of water resources.
This includes
1. Developing hydrological, water quality, and marine modelling and monitoring systems, to improve the state of the inland and marine waters of the Baltic Sea, as well as continuing to collect and host long, open data series of observations on the chemical and biological status water, biota, and sediments.
2. Research and advocacy on the links between society and the environment.
3. Support for the implementation of Finland's International Water Strategy and Action Plan for Maritime Policy. Syke actively participates in impactful international research projects and the strengthening and use of water diplomacy to address societal challenges.
Achieving the sustainability transformation and the SDGs require timely and reliable information on the state and change of the environment. To support information based policymaking Syke produces information and generates impactful research with modern technologies and participatory methodologies in partnerships with a wide range of stakeholders. Websites such as and the provide up-to-date information on water and climate change for both experts and citizens alike.
Syke commits to share its solutions and expertise in sustainable water management globally. Syke helps building the capacities of environmental and water authorities in developing countries and elsewhere. Syke has implemented and runs several long-term development projects, for example in Central Asia and increasingly in Africa.
Syke also supports the implementation of global agreements and intergovernmental organisations such as the Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes (UNECE Water Convention or 1992 Helsinki Convention), Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission (Helsinki Commission, HELCOM) and other actions such as national and global water stewardship.
The mission of the Finnish Environment Institute Syke is to contribute to building a sustainable society through research, knowledge, and services. By 2030, the aim is to achieve the sustainability transformation in line with the Agenda2030. In addition to global responsibility, Syke’s core values are the intrinsic value of nature, ethics, community, fairness, and equality.
Syke is committed to develop science-based knowledge and solutions for
1. Taking urgent actions to combat climate change, inform adaptation needs, and solutions to mitigate its’ impacts (goal number 13)
2. Protecting, restoring, and promoting sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, freshwater ecosystems, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss (15)
3. Protecting and sustainably using the oceans, seas, and marine resources for sustainable development (14)
4. Ensuring sustainable consumption and production patterns (12)
5. Ensuring availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all (6)
Consideration of interlinkages between the SDGs and promotion of integrated water resources management, water-energy-food-biodiversity nexus, and transboundary cooperation are at the core of Syke's work.
Syke Policy Briefs:
Finnish Environment Institute’s Research and Expertise in Water (2023):…
Sustainability report of the Finnish Environment Institute (2021):… - up-to-date overviews of the water situation and a comprehensive map service on water issues: (available on 22.3.)
Climate Guide:
Information on the Baltic Sea:
International projects:…
Action Network

- Africa
- Europe
- Asia and Pacific
Other beneficiaries
The Finnish Ministry of the Environment, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry in Finland, Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland, national environmental agencies and authorities in beneficiary and collaboration countries, academic institutions and research performing organisations, municipalities and citizens, as well as UN organisations such as UNECE Water Convention.
More information

Contact Information
Anna-Stiina, Director