The 2030 Agenda Partnership Accelerator (an initiative by UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs and The Partnering Initiative), Partnerships2030 (a project commissioned by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development and implemented by the Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit) and the Global Forum on SDG Advisory Bodies are in 2023 jointly running a campaign aimed at raising awareness and supporting governments and stakeholders to develop the partnership enabling factors that will develop, improve and scale up multi-stakeholder partnerships in support of the SDGs and beyond.
By prioritizing and nurturing the various factors of successful multi-stakeholder partnerships we can foster transformative change that is essential for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). If we are to raise the game and become systematic in delivering far more, and far more effective partnerships to deliver towards the SDGs and beyond, we need to put in place a targeted effort to build the enabling accelerators for widespread, systematic partnering. These include inclusive mechanisms (such as national partnership platforms and SDG bodies) for multi-stakeholder partnerships and engagement, institutional and individual professional partnering capabilities, partnerships utilizing best partnering practice in their development, effective monitoring and evaluation approaches in place, supportive policy and financing to drive incentives and create a pro-partnering enabling environment
The training will focus on 1) partnering capabilities of the individual, 2) institutional capability to partner, and 3) partnership platforms. The training, through group activity, expert lecture and real world examples, will provide practical tools to increase the individual capacity for partnering. Individual capacity will provide the basis to discuss the tools, skills and mechanisms required to partner at the organizational level and the national level through partnership platforms.
Through this training, participants will gain valuable insights and practical tools to effectively address the SDGs through successful multi-stakeholder partnerships. The session will briefly cover the following topics:
Professional partnering capabilities for the individual: Sharing skills and tools that are required for individuals to scale up their professional development and partner effectively, focusing on the importance of partnering capabilities at the individual level.
Organizations fit for partnering: Recognizing how organizations can be set up to increase their capacity for partnering and the role individuals can play.
National partnership platforms: Exploring mechanisms to convene stakeholders and accelerate progress towards the SDGs
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