National Capacity Building Workshop: Strengthening Digitization and Entrepreneurship Skills among Micro-, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs) for achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Ethiopia
Mon 19 Jun 2023, 8.00 am — Fri 23 Jun 2023, 5.00 pmBackground
Micro-, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) contribute to achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by driving inclusive economic growth. MSMEs have the potential to contribute to the structural transformation of economies and toward employment creation, ending poverty, reducing inequality, and promoting the empowerment of women, youth and other groups in vulnerable situations. In Ethiopia, MSMEs can play crucial roles in the realization of major development objectives in line with national demands and circumstances. In this backdrop, this workshop is jointly organized by the Ministry of Industry, Ethiopia, and the Division for Sustainable Development Goals, United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DSDG/DESA). The workshop aims to improve capacities of both policy makers and implementers from the Federal and regional governments and MSME entrepreneurs to collectively support the resilience, growth and formalization of the MSME sector in Ethiopia. Topics covered by this capacity building workshop include strengthening entrepreneurship and related skills, in particular, business digitization that is critical to link micro and small enterprises with high-value market opportunities. It is expected that the workshop will support MSMEs better handling economic shocks and uncertainties. Participants in the workshop come from both Addis Ababa and eleven regions of the country.
Opening Remarks