This training module, composed of five sessions, was designed and delivered by the UN IATT's Workstream 6 on Capacity Building
- Session 1: Current approaches to STI policy making (6 Dec 2021)
- Session 2: STI policy instruments design (7 Dec 2021)
- Session 3: Innovation and entrepreneurship (8 Dec 2021)
- Session 4: Implementation of STI policy instruments (9 Dec 2021)
- Session 5: Monitoring and evaluation of STI policies (10 Dec 2021)
The purpose of the five online training sessions is to build awareness and understanding concerning key aspects of STI policies and instruments, as well as innovation and entrepreneurship, and monitoring and evaluation processes, and how they relate to the SDGs.The sessions aim at engaging participants in interactive discussions and practical reflection on existing approaches, case studies, and national experiences in establishing and managing STI in the context of the SDGs. Interactive tools, such as Mentimeter and Mural will be used during the sessions.
The training is the 7th module of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Training Programme Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) Policy and Governance Systems for High-level STI Officials, convened by SADC, UNESCO, UNESCO Chair Tshwane University of Technology, UN-IATT, and University of Sussex.
Session 1: Current Approaches to STI Policy-making
Session 1 introduces existing approaches and methodologies for policymaking and implementation across UN agencies with discussion on case studies in developing, reviewing and implementing STI policies and strategies. The session will present examples of how STI policies are being geared towards achieving SDGs and strengthening STI systems for better responses to current and future crisis.
Structure and Training Materials
This 2-hour training session will be broken up into an introductory session, the main thematic session divided into three presentations, each with interactive Q&A and open discussion with the participants, followed by a wrap-up session of lessons learned and next steps by participants. The three presentations will focus on:
- Introduction to STI policy for SDGs approaches, presentation
- Science for supporting decision making, presentation
- Country examples and experience in STI for SDGs, presentation 1, presentation 2
- Interactive exercises, Mentimeter
Session 2 on STI Policy Instruments Design for the SDGs
The second session introduces the discussion of policy instruments, including legal frameworks, funding mechanisms etc., followed by methodological approaches for the design of policy instruments across UN agencies. The session will also illustrate how existing STI policy instruments can be used/adapted to try to find solutions in times of crisis such as COVID-19.
Structure and Training Materials
Part 1 Designing Technology and Innovation Policy Instruments, presentation
Part 2 Technology and Innovation Policy Instruments: Case Studies in Policy Instrument Design
- Policy Mix in European Union Smart Specialisation Strategies, presentation
- Innovation Calls in Latin America: the immediate STI policy instruments response to Covid-19,presentation
Interactive exercises, Mentimeter
Session 3 on Policies to Foster Innovation and Entrepreneurship
The session will characterize different types of innovative entrepreneurship, and illustrate concrete experiences with policies intended to strengthen entrepreneurial ecosystems in developing country contexts. Participants will have opportunities to discuss how STI policy can foster innovative entrepreneurship; they will be invited to reflect on the implications of introducing SDGs as guiding principles for the design and implementation of policies to support innovative entrepreneurship.
Structure and Training Materials
This 2-hour training session will consist of four parts, including presentations, open discussion with participants, and an interactive exercise.
- Overview of conceptual issues on innovative entrepreneurship, presentation
- Case study-Design of Innovation Policies in Japan and Kenya, presentation
- Case study- The case of Start-Up Chile, presentation
- pre-assigned case study exercise, case study, presentation
- Interactive exercise, Mentimeter
Session 4 on STI Policy Instruments Implementation
Session 4 focuses on the requirements for the successful implementation of policy instruments. Policy implementation will be discussed through the analysis of its key dimensions as well as the presentation of concrete experiences in countries with different levels of development.
Structure and Training Materials
Part 1: Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) Policy Instruments: Implementation Challenges, presentation
Part 2: Technology and Innovation Policy Instruments’ Implementation: Case Studies
- Smart Specialisation Implementation Framework, presentation
- A policy implementation failure? Zambia’s 1996 STI Policy, presentation
Session 5 on Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) of STI Policies
The session will introduce approaches, practices and methods for M&E with presentation and discussion on case studies and examples of current practices, challenges and lessons learnt. The session will provides overall introduction and answers the question “Why to monitor and Evaluate STI Policies?”
Structure and Training Materials
This 2-hour training session will be broken up into five parts, three with interactive Q&A and open discussion and interactive exercise with the participants, one with take-away messages, and the last, fifth part, will be a wrap-up session of lessons learned during the entire week-long series of five online sessions.
- Overview of conceptual issues on monitoring and evaluation, presentation
- Case study of an environment policy, presentation
- Common practices, challenges, and lessons learnt in M&E, presentation
- Interactive exercise, Mentimeter