DESA and the Government of the City of Helsinki, in partnership with UNECE, are organizing an event entitled: “Advancing implementation of the SDGs: Workshop on Voluntary Local Reviews”, in Helsinki from 3-4 October 2022. The workshop will bring together experts and representatives of local and regional governments from all regions to share experiences and lessons learned in localizing the SDGs and on how local, regional and central governments are working together to make the 2030 Agenda a reality at the local level. The event will support the capacity development of all participants through the sharing of practices on key topics including vertical coordination and cross-sectoral cooperation in the preparation of VLRs and VNRs; evidence-based approaches to developing the VLRs; and raising awareness and engaging stakeholders in the preparation of VLRs.
Presentation can be found here.
Que son los 17 Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostinible?