Displaying 649 - 666 of 2123
2123 results
Development and expansion of global, faith-based, Marine and Coastal Conservation Programme

Malta substantially enlarges its Marine Protected Areas to an area larger than the country itself

Promoting a structured dialogue on cruise tourism between cruise operators, ports and port cities

Implementation of a regional network of stock assessment for pelagic and demersal resources to promote sustainable fisheries under an ecosystem approach

Trabajar en el marco de la Organizacion Mundial del Comercio (OMC) para establecer disciplinas con el objeto de eliminar subsidios a la pesca que favorezcan la sobrepesca, la sobrecapacidad pesquera, y la Pesca INDNR.

To stimulate public interest in and to encourage conservation of coastal ecosystems through education programs for schools and public and private organizations.

Implementation of the UN Environment/MAP Regional Plan on Marine Litter Management in the Mediterranean

Promote Marine Spatial Planning and other coastal and marine planning and management instruments in Mexico