With 90 percent of global electricity generation requiring intense water output, and the water sector requiring energy to distribute, purify and recycle water, the need for more sustainably managed natural resources has never been more urgent. To mobilize and scale up multi-stakeholder action towards this goal, the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA) and Itaipu Binacional launched the Sustainable Water and Energy Solutions Network at the UN Climate Change Conference (COP24) in Katowice, Poland. The network is working towards the sustainable use and management of water and energy resources so that people have access to safe drinking water and clean energy, while also making the water and energy industries themselves more carbon neutral. Stakeholders from all regions are invited to join.
The conception of the Global Knowledge Platform or Knowledge Platform was created by UN DESA and ITAIPU Binciaonal. These are the founding members of the Sustainable Water and Energy Solutions Network, which aims to provide a global platform for all stakeholders to enhance capacities and signal their commitment to the integrated approach to SDG 6 and SDG 7 in support of the SDGs achievement. All in order to support human well-being, ecosystem integrity and a robust, inclusive economy, under the umbrella of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
The Knowledge Platform expands on the Networks goals, specifically focusing on providing information on activities, case studies, data exchange and systems that actively work towards the approaches to address water and energy challenges. The Platform is developed as a user interface, composing of eight main categories, that make available a selection of subjects and areas for searches, all focused on water and energy.
The importance of energy and water and their strong interdependence have become even more evident during the COVID-19 world crisis of 2020. Without the critical services of water and energy, the full spectrum of health services could not be implemented. In light of the terrible consequences resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, sustainable water and energy solutions are viewed as a necessary response during this world health crisis and beyond.
The purpose of the Knowledge Platform is to collect information on activities, case studies, and integrated approaches that are currently and planned to be in effect on the water and energy challenges. The Platform is designed to facilitate information exchange worldwide and disseminate knowledge of combined efforts used to approach and tackle water and energy services. The priority content focuses on emerging core of unified systems and innovative technologies that support sustainable water and energy solutions and offer the best opportunities to further carry out efforts that produce effective results. This Platform will also address considerations and provide suggestions resulting from the COVID-19 crisis and of future world health crises.
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