The aim of the workshop is to strengthen Namibia’s social protection systems and programmes’ capacities to identify, reach out and expand adequate coverage to those left behind and build robust, susta
The Division for Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DSDG/UNDESA), in collaboration with the Ghana National Development Planning Commission (
Ⅰ. Purpose of the Workshop
The first regional meeting in preparation for the 2024 international conference on Small Island Developing States (SIDS) closed with an ambitious vision document outlining how the region aims to tackl
World Water Day, 22 March 2021, is about what water means to people, it's true value and how we can better protect this vital resource. Support catalysing conversations about water, by using social m
The Division for Sustainable Development Goals, DESA, in collaboration with Argentina’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the National Council for the Coordination of Social Policies and the Offices of the
Figure 1. Scenes from Abaco Island, Bahamas, after Hurricane Dorian (category 5) in 2019. UN Photo Author: Maximilien Pardo, Inter-Regional Advisor for SIDS, SIDS UNIT | DSDG | DESA maximil
Launch of the Thematic Reports by the Climate and SDG Synergy Expert Group
The Global Ocean Science Report (GOSR) assesses for the first time the status and trends in ocean science capacity around the world. The Report offers a global record of who, how, and where ocean scie
The eighth annual Multi-Stakeholder Forum on Science, Technology and Innovation for the SDGs (STI Forum) was held from 3 to 4 May 2023. The Forum was convened by the President of ECOSOC Her Excel
The fifth SDG Global Festival of Action, powered by the UN SDG Action Campaign, finds new ways to inspire, mobilize and connect people and organizations to take action on the SDGs. In light of the pan
The Division for Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DSDG/UNDESA), in collaboration with China International Development Cooperation Agency,
The Division for Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social, in collaboration with the National Engineering Research Centre for Juncao Technology of the Fuji
Theme: "Accelerating the recovery from the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and the full implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development at all levels." The 2023 Partnership Forum
Co-organized by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) of Germany, United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DE
.news-article .image-full { height: auto; } Join a community of shared learning and support to integrate the SDGs into higher education. The aim of the HESI Partner Programme&nb
A small island along the Southern coast of Haiti. The community living on the island relies mainly on ocean resources, already overexploited, for livelihoods. Access to social services is a challenge.
This special event will provide an opportunity to hear from the authors of the science-policy briefs submitted by scientists and engineers from academia, private sector, UN system representatives and
Please, watch the recordings of all sessions here.
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This session will highlight examples and lessons learned from gender and STI initiatives that are helping to move the needle towards making innovation ecosystems more inclusive and representative and