Side Event at SIDS4 Conference - Accelerate implementation of SDG 6 in SIDS - How does the UN System wide Strategy for Water and Sanitation support SIDS
Mon 27 May 2024, 12.00 pmRelated
Co-organized by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) of Germany, United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA) and UN-Water, this side event will bring together government representatives, civil society groups and other major stakeholders in SIDS to discuss the challenges of and necessary support for SDG 6 implementation in SIDS, which is often hindered by their unique vulnerabilities, including small size of economy and resources, geographical remoteness, and exposure to exogenous economic, social and environmental shocks. The side event will also present preliminary findings of UN DESA’s corresponding study on this topic. The event is expected to enhance water-resilience in the context of climate-change and the water-food-energy nexus and translate those needs into tangible action items by the UN System. The event aims to develop key messages about the importance of sustainable water management, including sanitation, which will contribute to the outcome of the SIDS Conference.
With the help of relevant UN Regional Commissions and Resident Coordinator Offices, UN DESA will conduct a study to identify the specific challenges and possible cross-sectoral solutions for accelerating the achievement of SDG 6 in SIDS through a broad consultation process with the countries concerned. The study aims at including relevant water-related content for the UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Frameworks for SIDS. Consultations will be conducted through regional and/or country-level meetings. The study will build on the outcomes of the regional preparatory processes at the UN 2023 Water Conference, the Conference itself and five accelerators of the SDG 6 Global Accelerator Framework. The side event based on the study will explore how enhanced coordination of the UN system could help SIDS implement SDG 6 targets.
Requested by Member States, the UN Secretary-General, in cooperation with UN-Water, is developing the first UN System-wide Strategy on Water and Sanitation. The Strategy enhances the coordination and delivery of water and sanitation priorities, helping countries accelerate progress on national plans and priorities, internationally agreed water-related goals and targets, and transformative solutions to current and future challenges for the benefit of people and planet. The side event will discuss the effective implementation of the Strategy in SIDS and identify next steps to deliver more integrated and coordinated support to these countries through UN entities at all levels, including the Resident Coordinators and UN Country Teams.
UN DESA plans to support the gender-balanced participation of government representatives and non-governmental stakeholders from different sectors in SIDS. The results of the side event will be incorporated into the study report on cross-sectoral challenges and recommendations for accelerating SDG 6 implementation and water-resilience in SIDS, taking into account necessary action at multilateral, regional, national and sub-national level. The findings of the side event and the study could be presented at the 2024 UN General Assembly High-Level Week and/or the Summit of the Future and feed into the preparatory process of the UN 2026 Water Conference.
*Key questions for discussion
The side event will focus particularly on the following questions:
What are the biggest needs of SIDS regarding the achievement of SDG 6 and the strengthening of resilience to the water-related impacts of climate change by country and region?
How can progress on SDG 6 contribute to achieving the entire 2030 Agenda in SIDS?
How can we mobilize resources for climate-resilient water infrastructure?
What UN engagement on water do SIDS already benefit from through UN country level engagement?
What is needed to strengthen coordination and scale impact of UN country-level engagement on water and sanitation from a cross-sectoral perspective?
How can the UN System-wide Strategy for Water and Sanitation support the implementation of SDG 6 and country-level coordination across sectors?
How can a UN Special Envoy for Water amplify the needs of SIDS inside and outside of the UN to accelerate the implementation of SDG6?