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United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Sustainable Development

State Grid Hangzhou Power Supply Company: Low-carbon Accommodation Plan

State grid (
Private sector

    To build a digital and livable Hangzhou, low-carbon travel becomes a new trend. The Company launches China’s first “travel + power” big data plan - Low-carbon Accommodation Plan (the Plan) to enhance guests’ energy-saving habit and hotels’ consumption monitoring capability. It strengthens consumption monitoring and management of over 70 hotels, guides guests reduce carbon emissions by individual carbon bill, save energy, and consume responsibly, and contribute to fighting climate change. Hangzhou Cloud Lodge saves 1,300 kWh of power per month through the Plan, equivalent to cutting CO2 emissions by 1.3 ton. It is an all-win ecology among stakeholders, highly sustainable and replicable.

    Implementation of the Project/Activity

    The Company, Hangzhou Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism (the Bureau) and Hangzhou Municipal Data Resources Administration (the Administration) launched the Plan to enhance low-carbon awareness and energy saving practices. 1. Precise energy saving. -Cooperates with Yunqi Town to persuade hotels to update or install new power collectors, collect consumption data of rooms and electrical equipment. -Work with the Bureau to send the data to the monitoring system for real-time monitoring. The consumption data are also uploaded to the Green Hotels module of the State Grid APP to help hotels correct power waste behavior and improve energy efficiency of equipment, contributing to carbon reduction and energy monitoring 2. Joint promotion. -Cooperate widely to integrate Green Smart Hotels into the City Brain’s Cultural Travel System; attract traffic for hotels with an Energy Saving tag on booking websites -Integrate the Plan into hotel ratings -Create the “e Qihang” brand with “e” for “electricity” and “ecosystem” - Hold brand activities and attend the Global Celebration for World Environment Day and UN Global Compact Leaders Summit to promote energy saving widely. 3. Low-carbon society. The Company installs consumption monitors on electric meters of Cloud Lodge’s 115 rooms, and guests receive a “carbon bill” with energy consumption data during the stay and the rank when checking out. Cloud Lodge is the first to offer consumption ranks approved by power and tourism authorities, effectively promoting energy saving. The Company also collects consumption data of hotels from the City brain’s Smart Energy module and sends the data to the Bureau and the Administration, so that stakeholders can share and apply such data and urban governance has more data support.


    The Plan attracts more hotels, enhances their consumption management and people’s low-carbon and responsible consumption awareness, causing significant impacts on guests, the industry, and urban development. Results: Deeper integration of management and power data to show the Company’s commitment to saving power and caring the earth; over 70 high-end hotels joined in to be energy-saving and low-carbon pioneers in the industry. Outputs: Renovation of 115 smart meters within the Plan to reduce monthly consumption by 7.3% and save a maximum of 1,300 kWh of power per month (1.3t of CO2 emissions), with over 3,000 gusts joined in. Impacts: 1. Better fulfillment of SDG12 by low-carbon and energy-saving practices of guests 2. Better fulfillment of SDG7 by higher energy efficiency, lower operational costs, and low-carbon hotels. 3. Stronger data support for better urban development. 4. Realization of SDG13 by advocating green and smart hotels,and better ecologies based on lower CO2 emissions.

    Enabling factors and constraints

    Enabling factors 1. Government’s promotion of green lifestyles raises people’s low-carbon awareness; 2. Government subsidies raise hotel’s enthusiasm for the Plan; 3. The Hangzhou Urban Data Brain Plan issued in 2018 facilitates the implementation of the Plan; 4. Hotels are willing to join the Plan which guarantees lower operation costs and unique services. Constraints 1. Extra expenses on the consumption monitor system; 2. Risks from opening the energy information and operational data; 3. Much manpower and material input in the early stage and lower income of supply companies; 4. Lower enthusiasm of guests because of their power use habits.

    Sustainability and replicability

    Sustainability: The Plan creates a business ecosystem with remarkable sustainability. It applies big data and cloud computing to guide hotels in formulating business strategies, improve hotels’ management capabilities, and raise guests’ low-carbon and energy-saving awareness. By cooperating with hotels and merchants and rewarding guests who have lower energy consumption with disaccounts, the Company creates an all-win business ecosystem that benefits the government, the Bureau, the Administration, guests, etc., and promotes quality power services, thus realizing sustainability of the Plan. Replicability: Based on a mature consumption monitoring system and data platform, the Plan can be launched in different hotels. Hotels in the Plan are equipped with power collectors to monitor consumption data down to the precision of a room or electrical equipment, laying a foundation for precise energy saving of hotels. Therefore, the Plan can be promoted and launched in different hotels.

    Other sources of information

    The Plan has been widely promoted since its launch and had won the attention of partners, media, consumers, etc. 1 Media releases 1.1 United Nations Global Compact… 1.2 AP NEWS… 1.3 Qianjiang Evening News 1.4 Zhejiang Daily 1.5 Tencent 2 Videos Tencent video: Green hotels, Low-carbon Accommodation Plan

    COVID-19 Impact

    During the pandemic when the number of guests tumbled, the Plan continues in enrolled hotels that served as quarantine sites. As the pandemic is put under control, the Plan has hardly been affected as hotels are put into normal operation. The pandemic made hotels recognize the importance of controlling consumption and reducing costs, and the public are more willing to practice environmental protection. Green and smart hotels’ consumption monitoring system and optimized consumption plan helped hotels realize rational cost control. From this perspective, the pandemic has promoted the transformation and upgrading of hotels, the innovation of accommodation products and services, and closer attention to energy consumption and other aspects of the operation.

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    01 June 2019 (start date)
    31 December 2022 (date of completion)
    State grid
    Other beneficiaries

    The Plan needs the cooperation of various stakeholders. Beneficiaries: The environment, the city, and the public. Partners: Hangzhou Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism and Hangzhou Municipal Data Resources Administration, Management Committee of Yunqi Town, hotels, restaurants, entertainment facilities, etc. Other stakeholders: Media outlets, etc.

    Contact Information

    Cenying, Deputy Director of Convergence Media Center of State Grid Hangzhou Power Supply Company