“SINERGI Project - Inclusive Approach to Open More Access for Vulnerable Groups Including People with Disabilities to Training and Employment Opportunities”
Rajawali Foundation
Philanthropic organization
The project aims to improve multi-stakeholders’ coordination at multi levels – from grass root up to provincial level coordination in reaching out more young women and people with disabilities to participate in the training and employment opportunities. In Central Java, where people live in scattered areas, these vulnerable people need a hand to access better learning and working opportunities. On the other hand, training centres and companies need to assess their learning method and working environment to be inclusive and pro to gender equality and social inclusion. The project targets 18-34 years old beneficiaries who are poor and vulnerable, to include women and people with disabilities.
• Rajawali Foundation led the project with support from local NGO, Transformasi who was in charge for project execution at local level. Rajawali Foundation responsible for project management within the given timeframe and partially funding from USAID. • Rajawali Foundation coordinated with Ministry of Manpower and Ministry of National Development Planning at national level. • Rajawali Foundation established initial meeting with provincial government, provincial level development planning body, development accelerator task force, and other related government offices. • Project team and government team discussed how the project to be aligned with provincial government targets to achieve SDGs. • Project team together with government established POKSI, the action oriented working group which then help to accelerate coordination among 4 key actors of government-companies-youth-training centres. • Together with POKSI, we co-designed innovative solution how to mainstream poor and vulnerable youth as target groups to be empowered and have more equal access to training & job opportunities. Youth were given priority to lead most of activities as they represent beneficiary target groups. • The co-designed innovative solutions include: a. Inclusive soft skills & technical training model which is combined with contextual apprenticeship model by companies – this were adopted by training centres in Central Java; b. Youth led assessment activities – bridging the needs of job skills and youth talent; c. Alignment of local government’s poverty alleviation focus program with the project by targeting beneficiaries from the same social welfare unified database. • The set of monitoring reports were regularly submitted to local government, national level government and USAID.
Involvement and Participation: 336 Private sectors, 36 district level governments, 41 Village level governments, 16 youth led local consortia at district level. Local Consortia comprises of local youth groups or organization, local companies and local government. Result: 15,000+ youth were reached out, 1,513 poor & vulnerable youth to include women and people with disabilities got new jobs, 102 P&V Youth become entrepreneurs. Impact: More training centres adopt inclusive training model. More Private sectors improve HR Policies-support gender equality & social inclusion. Lesson learned: Alignment with local development plan is important to achieve SDGs’ local indicators. Sustainability aspect can be assessed based on how local government and local companies integrate such inclusive approach into their annual program budget plan. Having said this, it might not work well across the board. Solid coordination at provincial level supervised by provincial development planning body is the solution.
Enabling Factors: • Co-funding from Donors, Government’s support, in kind donations from participating companies and active participation from youth champions at grass root level. • Alignment with current local government’s priorities on achieving SDGs. • Online Self-assessment tools and dashboard to identify needs and youth potentials and link them with current skills required by companies. Constraints: • Replacement of local leaders might affect in the delays and modification of implementation process. • Transportation regulation should interlink different districts, for instance to provide better mobility for vulnerable groups to work.
As much as we can align with government’s priorities on achieving SDGs at local level, the more chances for our core program components to be integrated into local government budget. It is important to strengthen our coordination and efforts to align our program with local short and medium term strategic development plan. We need to create a proper exposure for success stories to inspire other local leaders to adopt. Our success stories were captured in the Indonesia VNR report 2019 for UN High Level Political Forum. Private sectors become an important factor for replication and sustainability. Private sectors have the capacity to drive innovation for better employment which leads to improvement for decent work at larger scale which reduces inequalities, supports gender equality and people with disabilities at work. Program which is designed based on collective goals from key actors are more sustained in the long run.
SINERGI project was one of 30 best practices – reported in the Indonesia Voluntary National Report 2019, p.120, for High Level Political Forum on SDGs, New York, July 2019. Source: https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/memberstates/indonesia SINERGI project is captured in the USAID Indonesia Annual Report 2019 – p. 45-48 Source: https://www.usaid.gov/id/indonesia/documents/2019-annual-report “I Can Change My Life” short video – USAID Indonesia official YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LkAMZl4ZUE8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AoItcAx_xnY
In the time of pandemic, most of jobs for low skill labour were cut down. Youth champions play their role to be an effective peer in supporting others to stay at works and facing current challenges. Program team and youth champions built a call tree to capture current updates at grass root level. Government were working together with youth champions to identify target beneficiaries for government’s social assistance or incentives program. Private sectors, training centres and local youth champions are now working together to identify and train potential employees even earlier than before at grass root level. We learnt that youth champions demonstrate perseverance, we were fortunate to have them to lead most of activities at local level. This is what we need during the time of pandemic.
SDGS & Targets
Deliverables & Timeline
Resources mobilized
Partnership Progress

Other beneficiaries
Beneficiaries: Poor and vulnerable to include women and people with disabilities, age 18-34 years old. Key Stakeholders: Ministry of National Development Planning, Ministry of Manpower, Provincial Development Planning Body; Government offices of Social Affair, Manpower, Small & Micro Business, and Industry; Alfamart Retail business, BTPN Syariah Micro Financing, Pan Brothers garment company; youth and people with disabilities organizations.
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Contact Information
Anugraha, Senior Manager