Seeds for the Future Campaign
Schools Tree Project
Non-governmental organization (NGO)
In 1990, Uganda had over 5 million hectares of forest cover; but in 2005 only 3.5 million hectares (8.6 million acres had remained) –according to Nema(National Environment Management Authority),If deforestation continues at the present rate, the country will have lost all its forest by 2050. Less than 30% of Uganda’s population has access to electricity while the rest use firewood for cooking. The most disturbing aspect is that even of the 30% of the population with access to electricity, many of these still use charcoal for cooking. Compounding the problem still is that Uganda, an East African Country of roughly 41 million people has one of the largest population growth rates in the world. This implies that we need to take urgent action not only in re-planting the degraded environment but put effective measures to ensure that we curb the rate of deforestation if the country is to effectively overcome the adverse impact of Climate Change. It is upon this background that the Schools Tree Project was founded; not only do we fight Climate Change by re-greening our degraded natural heritage, but by equipping the next generation with skills in tackling Climate Change The Seeds for the Future Campaign is a scheme that empowers schools to establish Fruit Tree Nurseries in their backyards as a way of fighting Climate Change. We are reawakening schools into becoming important stakeholders in the fight against Climate Change and also recognising the role of children as agents in making the world a better place for us all. Schools have for so long been used as only learning centres where children go to simply learn and pass exams. We are changing this narrative by engaging schools into becoming solution – based Institutions as far as combating Climate Change in Uganda is concerned. We are engaging them to into action that will see them produce 6000 fruit trees each every single year. We envision a world where every school has its own Fruit Tree Nursery from which tree seedlings are derived and planted not only within the school, but also in the neighbourhood and children plus school staff take some home for planting.
Within this framework, we shall empower schools and children in particular, start and manage their own fruit Tree Nursery Beds using plastics. Students will be tasked to raise 30 fruit tree each in 4 every School Term which they in turn plant in their schools and Communities. The Campaign is targeting 200 schools in Uganda as the first phase of raising 1,200,000 trees within 200 Ugandan schools in one year. The campaign will encourage use of plastic bottles and polythene bags in raising the tree nurseries in schools and communities as a way of reducing the problem of plastics from the communities. Trainings will be done in the schools after a formal reaching a formal agreement with the School Administration which will on their part involve, availing us a class of atleast 100 students for training in Tree Nursery Management and tree planting, availing us Teachers who will co-ordinate the training , reminding students to collect plastic bottles, supervise the watering of seedlings and monitor the project. Students will be divided into different groups , be allowed to select their 2 group leaders who will be responsible for drafting and supervising watering schedules within the groups. This will ease the work of the Environmental Teachers whose rile will now be to monitor performance and recommend problem solving measures. The Schools Tree Project will provide seeds to the schools for planting in the Seedpots. Fruit Seeds like Jackfruits and Ovacado will be given priority. After planting, the organisation will be charged with monitoring and Evaluation of the program plus making recommendations where necessary. It will also be charged with equipping the schools with skills on how to conduct Community reforestation After 6 weeks of watering, the seedlings will then be planted in the School compounds. The remaining ones will be planted in the neighbouring Communities by the students in collaboration with the School Administration. In brief, the implementation plan will be divided into five phases as elaborated below. Implemetation Plan Phase 1 - Nursery Establishment Phase 2 - Growing the Seeds ( Watering. Weeding, Mulching) Phase 3 - Transplanting to the field Phase 4 - Nursery Bed Establishment - Phase 2 - Add another class to the Project Phase 5 - School Conducts Corporate Social Responsibility around the community, children sensitise the community about Climate Change. Planting trees around , along the streets Phase 6 - Business Model Nursery for the School - School sets up Tree Nursery Business at the School Premises to for Revenue Supplement with one Support staff appointed in to be in change of the venture Resources: Environmental Education: - Projector (1) @ 334 Euros - 334 - Projector Screen (1) @ 112 - 112 - Generator ( 1) @445 445 Sub Total 891 Euros Seeds - Jackfruit (100 Sacks) @ 14 Euros 1,400 - Ovacado (100 Sacks) @ 16 1,600 Sub Total 3,000 Euros Farming Equipment - Hoes ( 15) @ 3 Euros - 45 - Pangas ( 15) @ 3 - 45 - Overall ( 6) @ 12 - 30 - Gumboots (6) Pairs @ 5 - 30 - Watercans (200) @ 4 - 800 Subtotal 950 Euros Transport and Communication - Transportation of Staff - 300 - Transportation of Seeds and Equipment- 280 - Telephone - 440 - Internet - 400 Subtotal 1,420 Administation - Staff Allowances (6) 113 per month - 8,136 - Monitoring and Evaluation - 800 - Stationary 90 Subtotal 8,890 Project Consultants (2) @ 250 - 500 Miscelleneous - 200 Euros Grand Total - 15,851 Euros
200 Tree Nurseries will be established in 200 schools of Uganda and these will be made up of fruit trees mainly Jackfruit and Ovacado tree seedlings. This low- cost reforestation strategy will greatly enhance community reforestation programs which have of late been hampered by high prices of seedlings. Besides, the empowered schools will be in position to grow and plant 6000 trees each annually using this innovative method of reforestation. In essence, schools in eastern Uganda will become important stakeholders in the fight against Climate Change rather than their usual place of being just centres of learning. They will instead become centres of action as far as Climate mitigation is concerned. The planted trees will not only add to the hydrological cycle through the formation of rainfall which will consequently help in the mitigation of the effects of Climate Change, but will also contribute positively to the health and wellbeing of children and the lives of Community members where good source of trees will be planted. Fruits like Jack fruit and Ovacado will be in plenty for the students in schools. Jackfruits are a good source of Vitamin C, Potassium and dietary fibre which are necessary for growth , development and repair of all body tissues. The shed and fresh air from the trees planted will create a conducive learning environment for students in schools and communities which will significantly contribute to their social welfare. Teachers in schools will also get training in Tree Nursery Management, Community Reforestaion and management of planted trees. This knowledge will greatly add to their profiles and experience and it will enable them to conduct such programs in their respective schools even in our absence. Schools will also be taught how to turn tree planting into a business which will greatly supplement on their revenues. It will largely create jobs for teachers especially in this difficult post-lockdown era.
The favourable Tropical Climate is suitable for tree planting and development. Uganda has 2 rainfall seasons, one starts in March and ends in May. The second starts in October and ends in December. These enhance tree growing and development. There is not law that requires authorisation before tree planting can take place in Uganda. Everyone can plant a tree of their own choice without any disturbance from the authorities. This is good for the tree planting activity and the proposed project as a whole. Prevalence of plastic bottles in the environment , along the streets of Uganda since there is no law against the use of plastics. This will enable us to easily get plastic bottles to be reused as Seedpots and cut on the expanses of buying Seedpots. We have an experienced team which is committed as well as experienced in conducting this program in schools . This will enable easy execution of the project and the benefits will be accrued. The program uses low cost reforestation resources which include, planting seeds in the nursery rather than buying seedlings from the market. It also uses plastic from the communities and hence solves the problem of plastics. In essence, it is a cheap method of reforestation which can easily be adopted by different communities and schools.
Phase 6 of our project is about empowering schools to take up tree nursery establishment as a business venture. Once this is done, schools will be in position to sell tree seedlings and earn an income which will enable them sustain this project in the longrun. During the imple,mentation of the project, we also train Environment Teachers within the respective schools, how to handle and manage this project within the school so that they re able to run it even in our abscence. Twitter: SchoolsTrees1 Facebook: schoolstreeproject Instagram: theschoolstreeproject
Covid has greatly impacted on the implementation of this campaign, but we have gone on to raise seedlings in nurseries and selling them in to parties interested in reforestation. This can also solve the unemployment problem brought about by the COVID Lockdown especially in the developing countries where millions of jobs have been lost as a result of the recession brought about by the lockdown.
SDGS & Targets
Deliverables & Timeline
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Partnership Progress
![SDG Good Practices logo](/sites/default/files/2021-06/goodpractice.png)
Other beneficiaries
40,000 School children in 200 schools of Eastern Uganda will be the main beneficiaries who will be callled into action that will see school produce 6000 fruit trees each every single year using plastics and polythene bags collected from the communities School Teachers and Departmental Heads will get Top – Notch training in Tree Nursery establishment and management, Management of community Reforestation Programs and Plastic Recycling. This will greatly enhance their careers and add weight onto their experience. Students in schools and communities will have their health improved in the longrun when trees start bearing fruits like Jackfruit and Ovacado. These are rich in Vitamin C, Potassium and dietry fibre which are necessary for growth, development and repair of body tissues. We shall collaborate with School Headteachers, Departmental Heads and Environment Teachers in schools plus the Support staff to ensure that the project is run and sustained even during our abscence. We shall also work very closely with the Village chiefs where the schools will be situated who will help us in the mobilisation and monitoring of the project. Besides, we shall work with the women and youth leaders at village level to ensure we work together
More information
![Uganda Uganda](/sites/default/files/stakeholders/flagbig6_256.jpg)
Contact Information
Ronald, Director and Founder