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United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Sustainable Development

Organic Farming in the GAP Region; a Success Story of Ilgin Village


    The activities conducted during 2015-2017 in Ilgin Village. With an integrated approach a pilot project designed under GAP Organic Agriculture Cluster Project (This project is implemented by GAP RDA with technical assistance of UNDP Turkey) to contribute sustainable development through increasing the production of value added organic products, prototype models for land and water preservation, raise awareness on gender equality and increase the income of women farmers, build and facilitate cooperation among producers and market opportunities for the farmers.

    Objective of the practice

    Organic agriculture protects consumer and producer rights by providing traceable, controlled, certified products with food safety. It minimizes the soil loss by minimum soil cultivation and preventive measures against erosion. Water sources are also protected with this agricultural production where no chemical input is used. And in addition to energy saving, using renewable energy sources such as wind and sun continues increasingly and is advised.<br />
    Within this project organic agriculture and social sustainable development is planned to be maintained. One of crucial results of the project is 423 women (farmers wives) directly benefited from the effective utilization of irrigation and water systems. 235 X 4 number of dependents (children and teenagers) per household = 940 directly benefit from the income increase gained as a result of the project.<br />
    Not only the production amount increased but also the production pattern changed. Compared to crops like wheat and lentil, organic fruits and vegetables have higher market prices and much easier to sell. Shift towards organic farming also created job opportunities for women and youth.<br />
    The union currently consists of 423 producer members. All capacity building and market related activities completed with the high participation of members and related stakeholders such as governmental institution located in the region. This pioneer project not only increased the production of organic products and employment in the region but also contributed to enhance the cooperation between farmers and institutions as well as awareness. The project played a critical role on land and water management, gender equality and market management for the Union members. <br />
    #of Farmers attended the capacity building activities is 235; # of farmers have the drip irrigation is 35; the drip irrigation area before the project was 0 after the project completed 180 decare; # of products produced before the project implementation was 3 (lentil, wheat, chickpea) after the project implementation is 9 (lentils, wheat, chickpeas, tomatoes, pepper, watermelon, cherry, pistachio, almond); the income increase annually was reported three times higher than project implementation; The project also contributed to natural resource efficiency and increased the number of birds and other species in the region. A series of activities implemented with the vision of SDG localization during 2015-2017 . The activities include SDG #1 End Poverty; SDG#5 Gender Equality; SDG#12 Responsible Consumption and Production; SDG#15 Life on Land

    The project implemented by GAP RDA and Egil Organic Grain Producers Union in coordination with Governorship of Diyarbakir, Diyarbakir Provincial Directorate of Agriculture and Forest with technical assistance of United Nations Development Programme (UNDP Turkey Office). The project is funded by the former Ministry of Development and Coca-Cola Company This specific pilot project is a unique project which was built on multi-stakeholder approach. A cooperation memorandum was signed among partners. The design and implementation of the activities mutually decided by the partners.
    Implementation of the Project/Activity

    Key components of the activities included:
    1-) Needs Assessment (In order to implement a sustainable project a need assessment was conducted)
    2-) Project Activity Plan (Project activities planned based on the needs assessment)
    3-) Cooperation Memorandum (A cooperation memorandum was prepared and signed among all stakeholders)
    4-) Feasibility Analysis (Feasibility analysis conducted for technical irrigation system and market opportunities)
    5-) Construction of 600 m3 Irrigation Pool (Utilization and management of local underground water resources effectively through construction and operationalization of irrigation pool.)
    6-) Channelling of Water From Irrigation Pool To Individual Farming Land
    7-) Training and Education Activities On Irrigation And Effective Utilisation Of Water To 235 Farmers And Their Wives.
    8-) Monitoring and Evaluation (project was monitored and evaluated by a key expert and also all partners monitored the project closely)
    9-) Awareness Raising Activities And Promoting The Project Thought Seminars, Media, Conference Attendance etc.

    The pilot project Organic Fruit and Cereal Pilot Project is implemented by Southeastern Anatolia Project Regional Development Administration (GAP RDA) in cooperation with Governorship of Diyarbakir with technical assistance of United Nations Development Programme (UNDP Turkey Office). Within the scope of the Project, Egil Organic Grain Production Union was established. In the framework of a market-oriented strategy the capacity and efficiency of organic products improved. Gender equality awareness activities conducted. A drip irrigation system was built for 35 farmers in the area of 180 decare.

    The union currently consists of 423 producer members. All capacity building and market related activities completed with the high participation of members and related stakeholders such as governmental institution located in the region. This pioneer project not only increased the production of organic products and employment in the region but also contributed to enhance the cooperation between farmers and institutions as well as awareness. The project played a critical role on land and water management, gender equality and market management for the Union members.
    #of Farmers attended the capacity building activities is 235; # of farmers have the drip irrigation is 35; the drip irrigation area before the project was 0 after the project completed 180 decare; # of products produced before the project implementation was 3 (lentil, wheat, chickpea) after the project implementation is 9 (lentils, wheat, chickpeas, tomatoes, pepper, watermelon, cherry, pistachio, almond); the income increase annually was reported three times higher than project implementation; The project also contributed to natural resource efficiency and increased the number of birds and other species in the region.
    Enabling factors and constraints
    Conventional agriculture, water resources and pollution of water resources in nearby areas and was being done caused threat to the health of all people who use the water there. Not in this area was very large and the infrastructure is very good, even in cities that are considered water-borne diseases and threats involved. Organic farming is a need sustainable agriculture and the environment and to human health friendly production methods. Therefore, measures to increase the income of farmers and consumers in the target area of the project protected the health and water resources.

    Although all of the women in the production of extremely closed due to living in an environment of innovation always remained distant. Receive training on the subject of women was the occasion to take part in their life in a more powerful way. The number of children in the region are higher than the rest of the other Turkey. To increase agricultural income in this area contributed to ensure that young people working in agriculture.

    There were constrains and challenges while designing the project. Conventional farming was conducted and people were used to that production system. These project enabled tools in coordination with partners and farmers contribution. Capacity building activities were very beneficial to increase the awareness and willingness from the farmers.
    Sustainability and replicability
    This project aimed to reverse the migration cycle and motivate youth and women to participate in local farming activities by increasing income levels. Also inclusion of women into active workforce will represent an example to the rest of the town and region. Preserve the land and water resources through organic farming methods. The project evaluated as highly satisfactory by the monitoring and evaluation expert. This pilot project was also included in GAP Organic Agriculture Cluster Scalability and Replicability Tool Kit.

    With this project following new approaches, prototypes implementation and lessons learned:<br />
    1-) A unique cooperation model was developed which included a local development administration, a producers union, local government bodies, international organization and private sector. <br />
    2-) Land, water preservation and responsible production is achieved through organic agricultural production with generating income and employment. <br />
    3-) The project contributed to the gender equality awareness in the sector whereas created income for women in the agricultural sector. <br />
    4-) The project precisely contributed to localize SDG #1 End Poverty; SDG#5 Gender Equality; SDG#12 Responsible Consumption and Production; SDG#15 Life on Land. <br />
    5-) There were also extensive technical expertise contribution devoted to the design and implementation. <br />
    6-) Within this experience it is concrete that there are still many opportunities exist for SDGs to be implemented through different cooperation and project implementation models.

    Other sources of information
    Success Story Video:

    Success Story:…

    The project published in many newspapers in Turkish,

    The project also presented to the former Prime Ministry of Turkey and stated as a success story from the field.

    The project was presented in symposiums, workshops and meetings as well.
    Financing (in USD)
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    Name Description
    Action Network
    SDG Good Practices First Call
    This initiative does not yet fulfil the SMART criteria.
    10 October 2015 (start date)
    25 May 2017 (date of completion)
    UNDP Turkey
    1. Europe
    Geographical coverage
    Southestern Region of Turkey, Diyarbakir Province, Egil District, Ä°lgin Village
    Website/More information
    Contact Information

    ARZU KARAARSLAN AZIZOGLU, Regional Local Development Expert