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United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Sustainable Development

A National Mural painting Competition for secondary schools in 2018. The theme of the competition was ‘Sustainable Development Goals- the ultimate tools for a better world’.


    The United Nations Association of Mauritius organised a National Mural painting Competition for secondary schools in 2018. The theme of the competition was ‘Sustainable Development Goals- the ultimate tools for a better world’. Around 175 students from 22 secondary colleges participated in this event. UNA-Mauritius wants to make the young people the keys to achieving the SDGs. This programme opens the above project by aiming the youth in secondary institutions. The targeted youth are invited to embrace the philosophy of the SDGs and realize how they can effectively bring a better world, peaceful communities and empowered citizens by depicting them through a mural painting. This competition has been approved by the Ministry of Education. This competition will generate much awareness and information about the SDGs in the participating students at first hand and secondly in the whole student population in the participating institutions. The project was launched on 1st March 2018 and the final paintings were submitted in july 2018.

    Objective of the practice

    It is imperative that in order to implement the SDGs everyone must be taken on board. However there is a need for proper dissemination of the knowledge of these goals. Thus a proper education must be planned so that the philosophy and spirit of the SDGs are understood and integrated in the daily actions of the citizens guided by local and national laws set up by the government. The SDGS are numbered 17 however there are multiple short term and long terms goals proposed by the United Nations that need to incorporated into the policies of government, private sectors and the civil societies. So far there are individualized efforts across the society and corporate sectors to implement the goals described as per their capacity. UNA-Mauritius being a platform of NGOs and together with an international repute is taking the lead into bridging this gap and wish to create capacity building strategies across all sectors so that the SDGS form part of the daily conversation and actions of each and everyone. Thus the proposed programme entitled ‘SDGSs the ultimate tool for a better world’ shall have the following aims and objectives<br />
    1. Analysing the knowledge and attitude of the population especially the young and student population about the SDGs.<br />
    2. Advocating and educating the civil societies, local governments and the population at large about the SDGs and its role in bringing a better world.<br />
    3. Focusing on the youth and students to become SDGs advocates.<br />
    4. Providing a platform for all stakeholders to bring innovative and effective ways to become partners in achieving the SDGs.<br />
    5. Capacity building and highlighting best and creative practices in local and regional context as means to benchmark implementation strategies<br />
    <br />
    Expected outcomes<br />
     Empowered citizens and civil societies organizations for socio economic development<br />
     Much more concrete and concerted actions shall emerged and lead to a better world.

    The beneficiaries are the youth in secondary colleges who are learning more about SDGs . This project is approved by the Ministry of Education
    Implementation of the Project/Activity

    National Mural Painting 2018 – Summary

    The United Nations Association of Mauritius organised a National Mural painting Competition for secondary schools in 2018. The theme of the competition was ‘Sustainable Development Goals- the ultimate tools for a better world’. Around 175 students from 22 schools participated in this event. The award ceremony for the competition was held on Wed 20 February 2019 at the MGI Auditorium where the Honorable Minister of Social Security, National Solidarity and Environment and Sustainable Development, Etienne SINATAMBOU and the United Nations Resident Co-ordinator in Mauritius, Ms Christine UMUTONI were both present as our chief guests.

    It should be noted that the organizers made site visit to all the 22 colleges and took video recordings of the students in action. Thus a video projection on the mural competition showing the 22 colleges and students in actions kick started the event after the national anthem. Mr Nundkerswarsing Bossoondyal, Secretary General of the UNA Mauritius opened the function with a welcome address and related the history of the mural painting. He also praised the chief guest, Hon Etienne Sinatambou, as former UNA Member for his achievements and he seized the opportunity to confer to him the title of Patron of the National Awareness campaign on SDGs. A beautiful commemorative plate was offered to him by Ms Umutoni on behalf of the UNA Mauritius. Ms Umutoni then addressed the audience, starting with a question “What’s your favourite SDG? She thanked and congratulated all the participants and emphasized that the voice and views of the youth should be imperatively taken on board in addressing the critical challenges facing the world. The mural paintings provided an opportunity to express their views and opinions in a creative way. Hon Etienne Sinatambou then addressed the audience and thanked the UNA Mauritius for the initiative and said that we should walk the talk and lay importance on these SDGs.
    He promised the support of his ministry and his personal self in the success of the National campaign on SDGs which he launched in the presence of Ms Umutoni and Mr Bossoondyal.
    A beautiful ecobag was presented along with visibility tools such as stickers and pins. After that all colleges were invited on stage to get their certificate of participation and also a SDG shield designed by Image Concept the main sponsor of the event.

    This project has been approved by the Ministry of Education and has been launched again this year 2019 . through this project The UNA Mauritius wants to take on board all colleges over the island and that this campaign continues till 2030.
    Enabling factors and constraints
    The support of the Ministry has been a great boost for this laudable project. Still Looking for sponsors has not been an easy task at all .
    Sustainability and replicability
    The private and Corporate sectors have a crucial role in the achievements of the SDGs . There is a need to establish close collaboration and strong partnerships between the public and private sectors and seek support from international organisations. However it is only when there is much awareness and sensitization on the rationality of the SDGS that there can be expected outcomes in that direction. As such we believe that the private sector is the main partner in sustainable development, not only in providing infrastructure but also in assisting to help educate and make the population aware in both direct and indirect ways.
    Through their network in the corporate field, companies and private institution can engage in sustainability dialogues and norms. They can also provide us a space where we can further engage with our awareness campaign along with the resources needed to achieve them
    Empowered Citizens are the key to set the wind of change to bring a better world. Individuals can help us by first understanding the SDGs, become a SDGs advocate and the pass on the message to others. In the long run SDGs will become a policy factor due the increased advocacy pressure from the public and especially from the youth. Individuals can help us also by donating resources to achieve our goals.
    To achieve the above there is a need to provide the necessary information and awareness through the following
    i) Massive sensitization campaign
    ii) Dedicated website with Online pledge
    iii) Exhibitions in public places
    iv) Competitions on the subject of SDGs
    v) Regular appearances in newspaper and media (Radio and Tv Spots)
    vi) Bus back campaigns
    vii) Partnerships with local authorities (Municipalities and District Councils) to spread the message

    To conclude, the UNA-Mauritius intends to create awareness and educate the population on the SDGs and thus has launched its project entitled ‘SDGs – the Ultimate Tools for a Better World’. This project will analyse the knowledge of the population on SDGs with the intent to better educate and provide all actors a platform with a special focus on youth to become SDGs advocates. Education on SDGS will bring the population (CSOs, Corporates and Citizens) to see them as a whole and thus will help to advocate and help in realizing and achieving them.<br />
    The UNA-Mauritius has already organised a National Mural Painting competition for secondary schools on this topic. Several other activities (competitions, exhibitions, workshops, training, etc and sensitization campaigns - including use of soft media and social networks) will be organized during the course of the proposed time frame. This will help specially the key actors (CSOs, Corporates and Citizens) to realise that neither development nor environmental goals can be reached in isolation from other goals and needs the support and cooperation of each and one. Thus there will be more readiness and actions to meet the sustainable challenge. Consequently surveys will be carried out to measure the impact of the project.<br />
    “As a nation on the forefront of meeting the sustainable development challenge,<br />
    Mauritius is well placed to be an example for the world”<br />
    Mr Ban Ki Moon, UN Secretary General , May 2016

    Other, please specify
    Financial aid / sponsorship Jury visit to colleges Time
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    Action Network
    SDG Good Practices First Call
    This initiative does not yet fulfil the SMART criteria.
    01 March 2018 (start date)
    01 January 0001 (date of completion)
    1. Africa
    Geographical coverage
    Around 175 students from 22 colleges around the island participated in this event.
    Website/More information
    Contact Information