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United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Sustainable Development

localise SDGS in furthest places leaving no one behind


    For the last 2 years, We created awareness on SDGs in the district of Kaoma and Nkeyema in the Western province of Zambia. We targeted communities and 16 schools in these districts, to take care of the environment and pollution of plastic in the water bodies to ensure safe drinking water . in one particular community, we ensured the 100 households had safe drinking water .. these communities had clean markets for women as well as clean drinking water for children.

    Objective of the practice

    The objective was to create awareness of the SDGs in the most rural area and the beneficiaries were 2,300 adults, both men and women. the objective was to reach the furthest behind. the linkages were SDG 3 where the health improved of the people because of the clean water, also the children began to go to schools with clean water and sanitation, which enabled them to learn which linked with the SDGs 4. the women were able to sell their vegetables in the market because of the clean water and this linked to the SDG 1.. as it enabled the women to bring some food and some money for their necessary items in the household.

    The key stakeholders were local Council .. where we extended the awareness of SDGs. in turn they included in their plan, to clean the water bodies, and also take care that the dumping sites for garbage was not near the water bodies. they also learnt how to separate wastes of plastic and how to make compost of the organic waste. The other stake holders were also School teachers, Traditional leaders, local communities, and water management, and farmers. the donors who helped with the program were the Hilton foundation philanthropy.
    Implementation of the Project/Activity

    in the implementation of the project, Community mobilizers were trained and given a stipend for the two years. they were given skills of advocacy and they carried out the work with local communities and local schools.
    the community mobilizers were trained and monitoring and evaluation was done with them.
    The community mobilizers did the strategic planning and carried out. it included the base line data of the communities and did the survey where people identified issues such as, deforestation , pollution and cutting of timber for charcoal burning. these issues were given attention and the people took action to plant trees, in communities and to schools to plant trees, one particular community got fresh water which served 100 households, the youth did advocacy in market places and the sanitation and cleanliness was done with the help of the local councils.

    the local council, has put in place in all wards , the waste management program, planted 300 trees in one school, and in other schools there are about 200 trees planted during the rainy season.
    oe school, did rain water harvesting, which helps the student to water the trees that are planted.
    on international water day, and Environmental day, the school did advocacy programs and campaigns.
    Enabling factors and constraints
    The people saw there was cleanliness in their areas. they gathered people through Traditional leaders.
    Sustainability and replicability
    the awareness created in the two districts has helped as people are asking for capacity building programs in other areas. The schools are celebrating Environmental, water day, each year , creating awareness of the Environmental issues.

    The people in the furthest area need information and they are concerned about the environment. the youth are taking it as issues that affect their future. The awareness to the local council was new breaking ground, as they feel empowered to know how they can implement SDGs in the rural areas.

    Financing (in USD)
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    Name Description
    Action Network
    SDG Good Practices First Call
    This initiative does not yet fulfil the SMART criteria.
    01 January 2017 (start date)
    30 December 2018 (date of completion)
    International Presentation Association
    1. Africa
    Website/More information
    Contact Information

    Lynette Rodrigues, Advocacy for clean water and pollution free