International Center for Statistical Expertise (Centrostat)
Federal State Statistic Service
Non-governmental organization (NGO)
Centrostat is the unique educational and consulting platform contributing to development of official statistics, statistical literacy, formation of monitoring indicators for the SDGs and strengthening international statistical capacity. It unites Russian and international experts, best practices and modern technologies. It has become the result of the joint project of the Rosstat and the World Bank. Among key partners are ESCAP, UNECE, UNIDO, UNFPA and SIAP. Among beneficiaries are producers and users of official statistics, international organizations and national statistical services as well as universities, scientific and expert community, NGOs, business, media and citizens.
Establishment of Centrostat has become the result of a joint project of the Federal State Statistics Service, the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), the World Bank and the Statistical Institute for Asia and the Pacific (SIAP). Centrostat is designed to bring together Russian and foreign expertise and become a modern platform for training, consulting and development assistance in the field of statistics. Team is represented by leading Russian and international experts - employees of national statistical offices, international organizations, universities. Among services are online and offline courses, international projects for improving statistical capacity, pilot projects for the development and implementation of new statistical methodology, consulting, development of official statistics skills among producers and users of statistics, statistical literacy project in Russia and CIS.
Centrostat has finalized its concept, tested the online training platform, launched pilot online courses and several projects with ESCAP (five training courses on SDGs, SNA 2008, SEEA) and UNFPA on demographic statistics. Long-term results provides for development of integrated platform for statistical knowledge, promotion of new solutions for official statistics, consulting, training and expertise services for various stakeholders. Centrostat promotes partner network development and international statistical capacity. Moreover it is a center for statistical regional and international initiatives, incubator for statistical services and products and a tool for improving statistical literacy. Expected results by the fall of 2021: website and platform of Centrostat is operational and hosts 20 training courses; guidelines for training courses are developed; pool of experts is formed; partnership agreements with key international institutions are signed.
The revision of Russian international activities in the field of strengthening the national statistical system and evaluation of current partnerships and lessons learned led to the idea of creating a new independent resource and expert platform for coordinating international projects. Centrostat has become the result of a joint project of the Federal State Statistics Service, ESCAP, the World Bank and SIAP. Along with international structures, the initiative was supported by the BRICS, the CIS, and the European Union. Centrostat is not only a technical tool and library of knowledge, but also a community platform.
Fully packed project is supposed to be scaled to other countries and regions to support SDGs monitoring, harmonize statistical indicators, improve official statistics, develop the partnership and promote expertise exchange. The pilot region for replication is planned to become the CIS region, since the statistical systems have much in common and same set of tasks. The network of independent international centers for statistical expertise will allow to join efforts in solving current problems, reduce costs in the exchange of information and expertise, and increase the level of statistical literacy of population.
The launch of the initiative in October 2020 was held in compliance with measures for prevention of COVID-19, adopted in the country and in the world. Offline events, planned early last year, including the opening ceremony and a series of practical trainings and seminars, were taken online. However, the launch took place on schedule, with the participation of an international team of experts.
SDGS & Targets
Deliverables & Timeline
Resources mobilized
Partnership Progress

Other beneficiaries
Financial partners: World Bank, New Development Bank. Key stakeholders: World Bank (statistical capacity building), ESCAP (monitoring the SDGs), UNECE (environmental statistics), UNIDO (business statistics), UNFPA (demographic statistics), SIAP, BRICS, CISStat. Beneficiaries: producers and users of official statistics, national statistical services, universities, scientific and expert community, NGOs, business, media.
More information

Contact Information
Ekaterina, Head of Division for International Statistical Projects