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United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Sustainable Development

Epicellulyse XT (Xerophilic Technology) - Paper Mill Sludge (Waste) To Energy&Organic Fertilizer


    According to 2015 Annual Review of Global Pulp & Paper Statistics by RISI, more than 400 million tons of paper and board was produced globally in 2014. This production generates an estimated 30 to 90 billion tons of polluted wastewater that needs to be treated, creating 50 million tons of sludge disposals and making this industry the sixth largest polluter in the world.<br />
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    Currently, paper sludge is forwarded to traditional waste handling operations methods like land spread, landfill, and incineration. However these traditional methods can be considered temporary, costly and environmentally unfriendly.

    Objective of the practice

    Episome&#39;s newly developed technology, Epicellulyse XT, (WO/2016/209183) enables use of paper mill sludge (waste) in biogas/renewable energy and organic fertilizer production. Previously paper mill sludge was not suitable for biogas production due to its cellulose content. The material caused crust formation in biogas digesters and hard to digest cellulose did not release enough nutrients for biogas production. One possibility was to use commercial cellulases, but their costs were not feasible for such an operation. Epicellulyse XT is used in pretreatment of paper mill sludge and making it ideal for biogas process. It also helps the companies to reduce their carbon footprint.

    Paper Plants
    Biogas Plant Contractors
    Technology&Enzyme Supplier
    Agri-Fertilizer Companies
    Implementation of the Project/Activity

    Epicellulyse XT technology is based on CelluRiseTM, a novel cellulolytic enzyme mix designed by Episome Biotechnologies. CelluRiseTM is an optimized product for cellulose containing paper sludge and it can hydrolyze paper sludge in an affordable way. CelluRiseTM hydrolysis is a self renewing process, therefore the enzyme can be reused multiple times and enzyme costs are reduced significantly. These properties makes Epicellulyse XT technology competitive and affordable! Solid waste produced by paper mills, paper sludge, is loaded to a mixing system designed by Episome. Our novel enzyme and some special additives are added for pretreatment of paper sludge. We can keep the desired temperature and optimal aeration in our mixer. Complete hydrolysis of paper sludge is achieved after 2 days of pretreatment.After successful hydrolysis of paper sludge, this substrate is pumped to the biogas reactor. Biogas producing microbial flora assimilates the hydrolyzed cellulose contained within the paper sludge.The assimilation takes place for 15 days, resulting in the production of biogas, which allows harvesting energy from a waste material. This method allows conversion of sixty percent of organic waste to biogas. Biogas is a high energy, combustible, consisting of 50% - 70% methane and the rest is mainly carbon dioxide (30%- 50%). Therefore methane in biogas can be used for energy production. Also, the residual matter can be utilized as organic fertilizer.

    Epicellulyse XT allows negative value paper industry waste to be converted to renewable energy and organic fertilizers. Waste disposal is a major expense source for paper industry. Epicellulyse XT turns this expense into profit by converting waste to valuable resources, therefore a new era is opening up for the paper industry.

    According to pilot studies, it is clear that 60% of the organic matter in the paper sludge is converted to biogas in 15 days. In addition to this, digestate was obtained with around 60% total organic matter and 2% nitrogen. These results show us, it can be utilized as raw material of high quality organic fertilizer.
    Enabling factors and constraints
    This new technology aims to create not only a best practice for waste management sector, also creates a whole circular ecosystem, contains Paper Plants, Biogas Plant Contractors, Technology&Enzyme Supplier, Agri-Fertilizer Companies and local governments. A strong harmony is needed to organize all stake holders and this is a challenging issue. This constrain can be overcome with helping of public services and some subsidies.

    Also relatively substantial investment is required to build pretreatment and biogas facilities at paper plants. This barrier can also be overcome easily with helping of green investment funds and green financial institutions.
    Sustainability and replicability
    Pulp and paper production requires massive energy consumption. In most cases plants produce that quantity of energy by fossil fuels and this approach creates huge amount of green house gases in addition to huge energy bills. And also the industry disposes its waste by incineration in most cases conventionally and burning of this organic matter/waste really produces large amount of harmful green house gases. Episome proposes a new technology that enables to generate renewable energy (biogas) for pulp&paper plants while disposing waste of the industry at the same time. Annually, Epicellulyse XT reduces 12M tons green house gases and saves 40.000*olympic-size swimming pools volume as not being landfill or incinerated. Epicellulyse XT has a reasonable CAPEX, very little OPEX and the most important, we earn money, all others burn money! Our payback time is always less than 5 years and we contribute to nature so much!

    Episome solves waste problem of a giant industry, pulp and paper industry worldwide. Pulp and paper industry is the 6th.largest polluter of the earth and its waste creates huge amounts of green house gases! Episome has already developed Epicellulyse XT (Xerophilic Technology)&#39;s lab scale prototype and also pilot plant scale prototype on site. Episome&#39;s R&D team performs lab tests with different types of paper sludges from different paper plants all over the world continuously. A pilot plant (commercial prototype) has been installed to the biggest paper plant in Turkey in March 2017 so hardwares and enzymes, developed by Episome, have been tested for one year on site. Valuable data has been collected to optimize all conditions that will be used to build the commercial product. Episome aims to develop and produce commercially ready to sell product in Europe in 2019-20.<br />
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    Every year globally, 3 Billion USD is spent for disposal of paper industry waste and related fines&fees. For a medium size plant this cost is nearly 7M USD. When we take a look to the total addressable market table, we see more than a half billion dollars for Turkey&Europe only and apprx. 1.4 billion dollars for the globe, annually.<br />
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    Epicellulyse XT creates 3 valuable things: waste disposal in a green way, production of renewable energy in a green way and production of organic fertilize again in a green way!

    Financing (in USD)
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    Name Description
    Action Network
    SDG Good Practices First Call
    This initiative does not yet fulfil the SMART criteria.
    01 October 2014 (start date)
    31 December 2018 (date of completion)
    Episome Biotechnologies INC.
    1. Europe
    Geographical coverage
    Entire World
    Website/More information
    Contact Information