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United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Sustainable Development

EducaSDG Game


    The EducaODS Game was born in an unpretentious way, seeking a playful alternative to publicize the ODS to the internal public of Copel during outdoor events during office hours<br />
    He mixes treasure hunting and giant jigsaw puzzle to publicize the ODS in a playful way. Created to meet Copel&#39;s internal public at outdoor events, the game also challenges teams to implement an ODS project within a year.

    Objective of the practice

    This is an educational activity that aims to present the SDGs, raise awareness of the global challenges of sustainability and the commitment to the changes proposed by Agenda 2030.<br />
    Because it is an activity that aims to present the 17 ODS, a ludic, interactive, creative and concrete way of facilitating their apprehension was sought.<br />
    The game was initially designed for employees of Copel, but due to its repercussion, today it does not impose restrictions of age or type of public, being carried out in institutions, congresses and NGOs.<br />
    It consists of a giant puzzle game with 24 pieces made of EVA (rubberized material - ethyl vinyl acetate), cards with riddles and clues for treasure hunting, a general coordinator and monitors.<br />
    And how does the activity work? When participants arrive, they find the puzzle game assembled, but with missing pieces. Then the general coordinator presents the SDGs, how and why it was created. Explain that for that game to be complete, participants will have to find the pieces hidden. They are divided into teams, as many as the hidden SDGs, usually 6 to 8, each with its own monitor.<br />
    From a riddle and clues, the team is led to find their piece of the puzzle. It then receives an informational on its SDG, with all the official goals of the UN. After that, the team must create a goal about that SDG, to be achieved within a year, at their workplace or community.<br />
    Finally, all teams must return to the starting place, present their SDG and the goal they have created.<br />
    Thus, the whole puzzle is assembled, showing the participants the importance of each one&#39;s role in achieving these goals, the interconnection of the SDG with each other and with the projects presented. With this vision, teams are encouraged to strengthen SDG 17, establishing partnerships and implementing a plan to achieve the goal of their projects.<br />
    The activity is in line with the innovative and transformative spirit of Agenda 2030, and seeks to initiate an educational process to inform, raise awareness, change the habits and attitudes and promote action.<br />
    Engaging people in project implementation throughout the year is the big challenge of the proposal. Still, each project has its leader and the general coordinator of the activity is in constant support and encouragement to all.<br />
    In April 2019, the results of the first year of the projects will be known.

    The activity was taken to own and outsourced employees, community and partner institutions around Copel's plants and other buildings.
    It was selected and presented at the 4th Responsible Management Education (RME) Research Conference. It was requested by the Ministry of the Environment for a work with teachers in the 5th National Children and Youth Conference of the Environment. It was applied by Fiep in a community activity. And finally, the State Secretariat of Education of Paraná announced the intention to introduce the activity in the public network of education in 2019.
    Implementation of the Project/Activity

    The activity was created in 2017 at the request of the environmental coordinator of one of the company&#39;s 30 plants, who wished to implement, during Environment Week, a team game that could be organized outdoors.
    The Co-ordinator of the Education Program for Sustainable Development Goals of Copel - EducaSDG - is the responsible pedagogue who idealized and implemented a different way of learning the ODS.
    We looked for a company that could meet the technical specifications of the game and a pilot project was done, low cost. After that, the activity became known and expanded.
    Gradually, the material became more professional and improved. Today there are seven game kits scattered in the regional offices of Copel, where activities are coordinated by employees trained to do so.
    After each activity, the project coordinator compiles all the goals and returns it to the team for formal planning. Each team chooses a leader, who gets in touch with the general coordinator. It performs remote monitoring and provides the necessary support throughout the year of project execution.
    After a year, the coordinator returns to the execution sites and a closing of the projects with presentation of the actions and celebration of the conquests is done.
    Beginning in March 2019, in addition to closing the cycle of the previous year, a new cycle of activities will also be initiated in the company&#39;s facilities that did not receive the project, absorbing improvements and assimilating to the process learning that emerged from the previous cycle.

    Several projects are already being concluded in different places of the company, such as: discontinuity in the use of plastic cups, planting of seedlings in degraded areas of power plants and schools; donation of basic food baskets; research, information and employee suggestion on energy efficiency; discussion of health issues at monthly meetings, blood donation campaigns; use of ethanol instead of gasoline in company vehicles; reduction in waste generation in the company, visits to community schools to collect used toys, for restoration and redistribution; proper disposal of batteries and batteries; adherence to Car Free Day, among others.
    Results in 2018
    Directed by: Copel
    491 participants
    48 projects

    Realization: Copel and Fiep (Federation of Industries of the State of Paraná)
    250 participants
    60 projects

    Ministry of the Environment
    54 people
    6 projects

    Total: 741 participants and 108 projects.

    Before completing the first year cycle, the game attracted interest and was extended to the community around our facilities, and also used by large business or public associations, such as the Secretariat of Education of Paraná, the Ministry of Environment, Sesi and Fiep - demonstrating great potential for impact
    Enabling factors and constraints
    COPEL's EducaSDG Education Program for Sustainable Development Goals produced a game for each city that has a company hub, and multipliers were formed to extend the practice to other employees and the surrounding community.
    It also paids for the trip of employees residing in nearby cities to carry out the activity.
    It also provides financial assistance where possible upon request of project coordinators.
    The greatest difficulties encountered are the lack of commitment of 100% of project participants and the lack of management support to release the employee to participate in the projects, as well as a budget to meet the coordinators' requests.
    Sustainability and replicability
    COPEL's EducaSDG Education Program for Sustainable Development Goals produced a game for each city that has a company hub, and multipliers were formed to extend the practice to other employees and the surrounding community.
    It also paids for the trip of employees residing in nearby cities to carry out the activity.
    It also provides financial assistance where possible upon request of project coordinators.
    The greatest difficulties encountered are the lack of commitment of 100% of project participants and the lack of management support to release the employee to participate in the projects, as well as a budget to meet the coordinators' requests.
    Sustainability and replicability
    First and foremost, this project fulfills its goal of bringing to the notice of a larger number of people the existence and importance of SDGS and its role in reaching them. From there, you start for action. Small projects are designed, but can be done during the work, giving each one the opportunity to do their part in reaching the SDGS.
    The projects created in companies are resulting in actions for people and for the environment. Small actions, at no cost or low cost, that make the difference for the company and for the people, for example: withdrawal of disposable cups, waste recycling, separation of batteries and batteries, health campaigns, support to entities with food basket planting of seedlings in degraded areas, etc.
    This activity, as it becomes known, also expands outside the walls of the company, to the point that the Paraná State Secretariat has requested its implamentation in all public schools. To this end, it will promote the training of public school teachers who will be the multipliers of the practice. It was also selected for presentation at the 4th RME Research Conference, attended by a wide and diverse audience, from several countries. The interest generated led COPEL to publish on its website the technical specifications of the game, which allow its manufacture by any interested party.
    The Ministry of the Environment also requested the Game for the 5th National Children and Youth Conference for the Environment - CNIJMA, for a work with teachers from all over Brazil.
    The practice will expand this year to other poles of the company that have not yet been visited, as well as schools, institutions and NGOs. In that year the program will also return to the points of accomplishment of the previous year, for the official presentation of the results

    The initial objective of the project was to inform, publicize and sensitize Copel&#39;s 8000 employees to the challenges of Agenda 2030. However, in a few weeks we have been expanding the activity for outsourced employees and surrounding communities of our facilities and projects. Representative associations of the business sector such as Fiep (state) have requested the loan kit for execution in actions on ODS.<br />
    After a few months, the interest of the State Department of Education promises to give a new scale to the project, seeking to train teachers to promote the theme of ODS to all students in the public network of Paraná. In addition, from the presentation at an international conference, the publication of the technical specification of the project on the company&#39;s website is now possible to make it happen throughout the Brazilian territory.<br />
    It is an educational and playful proposal to disseminate the ODS, and its deployment in projects of all sizes, implemented in a group by the participants over a year, allows an experience that promises to transform for those impacted by the initiatives, inside and outside the company.<br />
    We believe that this is an activity of awareness, a first step for each to become aware of their role in society, and their power to change, even minimally, their reality.<br />
    We know that it is not easy to change habits and attitudes, but we believe in the role of education and we will continue with this work in the company and in the communities influenced by our activities, searching for alternatives to make its organic expansion, and virtual means to concentrate the record of achievements in a single platform or site.

    Other sources of information
    Other, please specify
    company&#39;s budget
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    Name Description
    Action Network
    SDG Good Practices First Call
    This initiative does not yet fulfil the SMART criteria.
    23 June 2017 (start date)
    26 February 2019 (date of completion)
    Companhia Paranaense de Energia- Copel
    1. Latin America and the Caribbean
    Geographical coverage
    State of Paraná- Brazil- cities: Curitiba, Maringá, Londrina, Foz do Iguaçu, Cascavel, Capitão Leônidas Marques, Pinhão, Reserva do Iguaçu. State of São Paulo- city: Sumaré
    Website/More information
    Contact Information

    Adriana Rosi, The Education Program for the Sustainable Development Goals &#39;s Coordinator