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United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Sustainable Development

Colab (Laboratorios de Colaboración, Tecnologías e Innovación S.A.)


    Think and Make We trains two profiles of young people: Children from 10 years old and up, regardless of the previous studies they learn creatively Programming and English, in addition to developing XXI competences.- Young people of university age (or university) with systems background, in 4RI: AI, IoT, Blockchain. Colab When young people are ready to work, we provide work with 3 models:-Practice with real industry - without remuneration.-Contracting directly, working as freelancers from our city for projects from outside.-StartUp, all young people participate in the development of startups with the right to actions.

    Objective of the practice

    Think and Make:In children older than 10 years:-Develop "essential skills" (soft skills XXI WEF) that the school does not provide.-Development of 4RI competences in boys and girls -Involve girls to be interested in scientific careers-Access to quality education and free-Develop a global thinking.-Development of self-learning competence In young university students (or university students) with computer systems background:-Develop "essential skills" (soft skills XXI WEF) that the university does not provide. -Development of 4RI technical competencies that local universities do not provide (Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, IoT, BigData). -Provide real projects to bring the academy to industry-Development of self-learning competence -Access to High Level Education (Harvard, MIT, Pennsylvania, Stanford, etc.) through free resources.-Certification 4RI by IBM -Develop a global thinking. ColabProvide access to decent work, well paid and in an innovative work environment, from the city of residence of young people, improving the quality of life, producing economic growth, reducing poverty, and reducing inter-migration and mobilization to the capital city. Professional growth. Model 1:-Provide work experience for university students, verifiable through a portfolio of real projects carried out in an adhonorem way to organizations that can not afford a technological solution. Model2:-Building of young people for companies from outside the city, with the condition that young people do not move to the capital city.-Recruitment of young people for innovative projects 4RI of global industry Model3: -Support for the creation of youth Startups -Participation will trigger Colab Startups Localhost Mobilize civil society to promote a platform to design, develop and evaluate:- Local and inter-municipal sustainable development policies through the creation of a Regional Agenda for Sustainable Development (contextualizing the SDGs). -Creating multidisciplinary technical tables led by experts to jointly design with civil society, academia, industry and government the New City of Chimaltenango 2030 - 2050 and 2100.-Creation of the Technological University in Chimaltenango I have the vision of being able to convert Chimaltenango into a Silicon Valley in Guatemala, in a new city built in 3 departments of Chimaltenango.

    Beneficiaries: Young people over 10 years old and university students from the department of Chimaltenango. Executives: Think and Make, Colab and LocalhostPartners: Earns and Young Chimaltenango, Datum S.A., d / t, Valentina Program, IBM StartUp Program. Participation: Blockchain Meetups, Amazon Web Services"I am extremely satisfied with the commitment and professionalism of two young people who work for Colab in an AI project in Microsoft Cognitive for DatumS.A."Rafael cordon DatumS.A. We work for an alliance with the Junior Chamber International and CEiiA (for the creation of 4RI solutions for Portugal).
    Implementation of the Project/Activity

    1. An adequate learning space is created (for children and for young people).\r\n2. Services such as internet, electricity, and others are provided.\r\n3. It is equipped with furniture and technological equipment.\r\n4- Children and young people are invited to be trained\r\n5. Methodology and open contents are prepared\r\n6. The methodology is modeled for two weeks\r\n7. Conversations, challenges, learning sequences are provided and solution is offered to real problems 'ideation'\r\n8. After two weeks each student is expected to advance at their pace and level.\r\n9. Follow-up tasks and progress of each one in a personalized way\r\n10. The university students are provided with more advanced individual courses according to prior knowledge study, in addition to real complex challenges of the industry, cases and real-life problem solving.\r\n11. All the students are shared with the SDGs and there are talks to evaluate solutions to real problems constantly.\r\n\r\n- Team activities are constantly carried out and equipment is rotated. At the same time, presentations are constantly made to all teams.\r\n- S\r\n\r\n13. When a REAL industry challenge is held - COLAB - people are recruited to solve it while they learn, guided by an experienced Project Manager, generating teams that solve the problem from a multidisciplinary perspective under our Product Design methodology.\r\n\r\n-If the product is not paid, the student's experience and portfolio is provided.\r\n-If the product is paid, young people are recruited and they decide how much to contribute to Think and Make.\r\n-If the product is an enterprise, the young people recruited obtain a percentage of shares of the enterprise

    Results:\r\nThink and Make\r\n89 young men and women over 10 years old being trained in 4RI and soft skills development\r\nCreation of the essential programming school\r\nCreation of AI school\r\nCreation of the Blockchain school\r\nEnglish and math classes\r\n\r\nCoalb\r\n22 young people working on projects based on experience, paid or with Startups actions.\r\nSupport to AI Thesis for pest control in crops\r\nThesis promotion for the creation of a solution for people with different abilities\r\nImpulse of thesis for the creation of a solution for the interpretation of emotions for the control of students in classrooms (indicators of depression)\r\nCreation of Start-up of Urban Mobility with shareholding of young programmers\r\nCreation of App to give political information, with backend in Blockchain (for localhost)\r\nAlliance with IBM Startup Program\r\nAlliance with Datum S.A.\r\nAlliance with d / t\r\nStart of talks for alliance with CEiiA, to produce 4RI for Portugal\r\nStart of conversations for alliance with Junior Chamber International\r\nStart of design of digital platform for transactions of products of first necessity on blockchain.\r\nWe have created a methodology mixing Google Design Sprints, Human Centred Design and Design Thinking as our own methodology for the development of user-designed products.\r\n\r\nLocalhost\r\n3 Technology Meetups (2 from Blockchain and 1 from Amazon Web Services).\r\nRegistration campaign aimed at young people under 35 through Facebook reaching half a million young people.\r\nCreation of an APP to meet local candidates and measure perception according to information - About Blockchain.\r\nParticipation in the Commitment of Seville, Spain - 2019.
    Enabling factors and constraints
    Think and Make\r\nProviding access to quality information, and a totally different methodology that allows developing soft skills and self-learning, has hooked young people in an impressive way.\r\nFree online resources such as edx, code and duolingo are used to train.\r\nGirls acquire a special perception about science.\r\nA comfortable learning environment, work at your own pace through challenges and your own interests, share and collaborate permanently.\r\nCreation of Socratic dialogues around the SDGs to look for global solutions.\r\nProvide access to technology and internet for free\r\nThis allowed the children to "beg" for arriving 3 hours a day 5 days a week to classes. (Extra curriculars)\r\nNobody is expelled, neither by gender nor by social, economic or physical condition.\r\n\r\nWe must still overcome the investment barrier, since we stopped the classes with children for not having computers available for everyone.\r\n \r\nColab\r\nWe create a work environment designed for generation Z, they manage their time (makes them responsible), they decide which projects to participate in, they provide half a day for work in their own Startups / or with shareholding.\r\nWe provide daily time for advancement in the study of compulsory online courses through free resources (edx, coursera, duolingo, etc), and IBM certifications.\r\nUniversity math classes are provided\r\nEnglish classes are provided - taught by the students who speak it\r\nAccess to global quality technology events is provided -AWS / Blockchain (not traditionally performed in Chimaltenango)\r\n\r\nThe barrier must be overcome in the search for alliances that are willing to pay young people decently from their place of residence.\r\nThe barrier that there are companies that only rely on large industry.
    Sustainability and replicability
    The social enterprise model does not exist in Guatemala, so we had to think about:\r\nThink and Make: As an NGO to provide free access to quality education.\r\nColab: To provide decent work to those who are already ready to do so, as well as the opportunity to develop their own ventures and experience.\r\nColab: As a company with a focus on sustainable development, which seeks allies to provide digital products or services to companies, hiring young people from Think and Make (in most cases the first job was in Colab).\r\nColab is the one who supports the operation of Think and Make, although its growth limits the number of projects 'sold' or with remuneration.\r\nBy being hired freelancer from Colab, young people decide how much they provide to Think and Make for their operation - fee.\r\n\r\nLocalhost\r\nWe are beginning to look for alliances for investment in Think and Make, as well as for the sale of products or services of Colab.\r\nWe are starting to seek partnerships to provide technical, economic and institutional support for the creation of a Sustainable Local Development Agenda designed for and for our society, with goals for 2030, 2050 and 2100.\r\n\r\n\r\nIt is fully replicable and will become self-sustaining according to the volume of transactions of the "Company" created.

    Think and Make\r\nCreate adequate learning spaces, provide a computer with Internet access, teach on learning platforms, provide a personalized experience, let students decide their pace and provide courses oriented to their level, and seek conversions looking for solutions to real problems with a focus on ODS, which has meant that children and young people have not limited themselves to the need to change, but that they start with themselves when looking for an education to learn online.\r\nThe results also include proposals for ideas and solutions, of global thinking.\r\n\r\nColab\r\nCreate decent work environments designed for young people (generation Z), have flexible hours, training services and constant certifications, work service, compensation, business, business, time to encourage the creation of new companies, provide and encourage the multidisciplinary reading with a problem-finding approach, and conversions on ODS.\r\nThe commitment to projects, commitment, dedication and results with a global vision.\r\n\r\nLocalhsot\r\nThinking and designing strategies that include education, industry, politics and society in a local way allows multidisciplinarity to generate creative solutions from below, boosting economic growth with the vision that it is possible to transform reality,

    Other sources of information
    App and a Chatbot to the plans, forms and profiles of the candidates for Mayor of the Guatemala 2019 Elections
    Forum and commitment to digital inclusion is the first step towards a smart city.
    Title Progress Status Submitted
    Partnership Progress 2021-02-23 Completed
    Name Description
    Action Network
    SDG Good Practices First Call
    This initiative does not yet fulfil the SMART criteria.
    01 August 2018 (start date)
    31 December 2030 (date of completion)
    9 4 8 5 17
    1. Latin America and the Caribbean
    Geographical coverage
    Departamento de Chimaltenango,,+Guatemala/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x8589152ccf41b531:0xc0da7d52c07f4979?ved=2ahUKEwiC0K7XzN7gAhUJiqwKHcsOB6QQ8gEwAHoECAIQAQ
    Colab (Laboratorios de Colaboración, Tecnologías e Innovación S.A.) Colab (Laboratorios de Colaboración, Tecnologías e Innovación S.A.) Colab (Laboratorios de Colaboración, Tecnologías e Innovación S.A.)
    Website/More information
    Contact Information

    David Jonathán Salazar García, Mr.