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United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Sustainable Development

Center of Intelligence and Market for Goats and Sheep in Brazil


    The Center of Intelligence and Market for Goats and Sheep (CIM) is an observatory that gathers information on the market and productive chains of goats and sheep, such as herds; production of meat, milk and wool, volumes of trade; meat and milk prices and the main inputs of the production system; production costs; number of rural chains and agro-industries. The CIM platform also has important outputs such as the evaluation of technological innovations, analysis of scenarios and trends, market analysis and other socioeconomic indicators, contribution to decision making and strategic planning of the productive chains of goats and sheep.

    Objective of the practice

    The last census showed that more than 80% of the producers in Brazil can be classified as smallholder farmers and are concentrated in the northeast of Brazil. This region is where the semiarid climate dominates bringing severe challenges for those who keep producing there. This region is also one of the poorest in the country with fewer opportunities for the population. Although goats and sheep are activities spread throughout the Brazilian national territory the activities are concentrated in the semiarid region of Brazil becoming an important alternative or for some the only opportunity to produce in this extreme conditions. Considering this the Center of Intelligence and Market for Goats and Sheep can provide strategic information for those who are producing in this area and help develop strategies for them (1.b, 17.6, 17.8, 17.9). Also the information as product prices, production cost and the available technologies can help the producers to improve the production system and understand how market is behaving (2.3, 17.9, 17.19) besides can foster the initiative to look for better markets with better prices (2.b, 2.c, 17.18). The CIM also have APPs that provide the same information of the website and allow the user to make some productive calculus as herd evolution, demand of does to fill a known demand, etc, as well as some quick track of production cost (5.b, 17.9). The spatialization of herd and industries provide important information for private and public decision makers promoting clusters of development (8.2, 8.3, 11.a, 17.16, 17.17) and connecting investors around the goat and sheep productive chain (8.a).

    Producers association, cooperatives, policy makers, rural extension agents, slaughterhouses, dairy products industries, government programs, territorial development agents, research institutes, municipal agrarian secretariats, startup networks, online and print media specializing in goats and sheep. The methods used in the formation of partnerships network were the use of technical workshops, panels of experts and collaboration of institutions with technical competence in information technology and geodata.
    Implementation of the Project/Activity

    The Center of Intelligence and Market for Goats and Sheep (CIM) is a result of the project "Network for technology transfer and innovation for Brazilian goat and sheep activities" (RICO) initiated in 2012. The project CIM consists in a greater interaction with external partners, focusing on prospecting activities to guide the innovation process of the production chain. In essence, it is a strategic territorial intelligence (STI) project that aims to work to generate, organize and make available data for both decision-making stakeholders and decision-makers on the innovation agendas of goat and sheep production chain. For the implementation of the CIM project, action plans were established involving representatives from the Embrapa's Technology Transfer Area (prospecting and management activities); the Secretariat of Intelligence and Macrostrategy (Agropensa); Embrapa Information Technology (coordinator of the GovIE Special Project); Embrapa Agricultural Informatics; Embrapa's Information Technology Department, Embrapa's Secretariat of Innovation and Business (SIN) with expertise in market analysis, Embrapa Satellite Monitoring (Strategic Territorial Intelligence expertise), the Territorial Strategic Intelligence Group (GITE), the Center of Advanced Studies in Economics (CEPEA-Esalq), the National Agriculture Confederation (CNA), the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply (MAPA), Startup Scanner Bovine, Startup Alpago and other public organizations and a private sector, implemented in the Center of Intelligence and Markets of Goats and Sheep (CIM).

    The Center of Intelligence and Market for Goats and Sheep (CIM), through the preparation of studies of territorial intelligence, analysis of scenarios, trends and market projections, contributes to guide decision making and strategic planning in the production chain of goats and sheep. The CIM assists potential investors and policy makers in critical issues for project design, such as the location of the goat and sheep production poles; the potential for production of sheep and goat meats, goat's milk and its production cost; estimates of the demand for meat and milk consumption and addresses the main challenges and current technological trends. And besides, the CIM, in addition to systematizing analyzes from official databases, has a network of collaborators from institutions and the productive sector. They are monthly available from the CIM, Technical Bulletins and digital tools such as spreadsheets and applications for the calculation of production costs and herd evolution. The CIM was released in July 2018 during the XXII PECNORDESTE, in Fortaleza - CE (…- embrapa /), exposed to about 30 thousand visitors, among them 4,500 producers and promoted in October at the 26 th AGRINORDESTE ( in Olinda - PE. Six months after its released, the CIM portal reached 15,360 views, with an average of 2,556 views per month. The CIM is constantly expanding its business intelligence and functionalities database to become a benchmark in market indicators for the productive sector, consultants, extension technicians, policy-making agents, journalists and other agents interested in market analysis and evolution of herds of goats and sheep in Brazil. The CIM's potential impact on the productive sector comprises approximately 837 thousand properties throughout the country, which operate around R $ 1 billion per year and its production is concentrated in about 75% in the Northeast region of Brazil, which houses approximately 90% of Brazil's semiarid territory.
    Enabling factors and constraints
    The problems faced by the productive chain of goats and sheep are structural, organizational, cultural and are mainly long-term and almost permanent. Therefore, the persistence of long-term barriers to production depends public intervention because they are recurrent in consecutive diagnoses, giving perception of immobility in the face of problems. The following is a summary of the challenges raised during the workshops held at the poles of the Project Rota do Cordeiro (Brazil, 2017): seasonality of production; lack of organization of producers; lack of property security; logistic deficiency; difficulty in obtaining inputs (seeds and seedlings); lack of management/cost control; disruption of policies; absence of marketing; absence of production standardization; absence of prospecting opportunities; lack of skin processing units; informal production/commercialization; insufficient technical assistance; lack of information/knowledge by producers and technicians; difficulty of communication along the chain; difficulty adopting technology; lack of technology knowledge for management of the caatinga; lack of water security; health problems; nutritional deficiencies; insufficiency of available fodder; lack of public policies for the sector; lack of financing for drilling wells; producer indebtedness; low investment capacity of the producer; lack of arrays; Producer demotivation; the character of the challenges faced by; usually can only be solved in the medium or long term, mainly when it comes to producer cultural change or policy dependence.
    Sustainability and replicability
    Guiding problem is the difficulty of access and lack of structured and quality information to guide decisions in the productive chains of goats and sheep. The goat and sheep farming are livestock activities concentrated in the Brazilian northeastern semiarid region and in the Brazilian pampas region, but are also present in the Savana region and in the Atlantic forest areas of the southeast region. There have been countless public and private partnerships seeking the development of these two production chains in the most diverse regions of the country, especially in the Brazilian northeast. However, many of these initiatives require greater understanding of the environment surrounding these activities as well as information on the production system. Lack of hard-to-access information or information can significantly difficult the development of any productive chain. Considering the importance of this theme, the innumerable initiatives seeking the development of these chains and the significant volume of already invested in these activities, it is necessary to develop Strategic Territorial Intelligence mechanisms to support the both public and private actors. The availability of analyzes carried out with a strategic vision and providing detailed information on activities with their main bottlenecks and challenges, is vital for production of goats and sheep reach a new level of development. The data available on sheep and goat breeding in Brazil are diffuse on several bases and, in general, effort to identify and process them so that they are transformed into consistent information. Lots of data and information on sheep and goat are generated sporadically by organizations supporting the sector, such as universities, Research Companies, Rural Technical Assistance Agencies, private companies, among others. Due to the characteristic of sporadic production of these publications, the actors in the productive chains of goats and sheep face difficulties and high risks for their decisions. This Brazilian experience with territorial intelligence instruments oriented to support the decision can be applied in several countries with similar dynamics production system and market.

    The Center of Intelligence and Market of Goats and Sheep (CIM), is a digital platform that gathers statistical information on herds, meat, milk and wool production, studies of scenarios, trends and market projections and production costs. In this way, it seeks to make available to the farmers informatios that are difficult to access or find, for the strategic planning of their production. On the other hand, the CIM is consolidating itself as the main reference of socioeconomic studies in the productive chains of goats and sheep, and its analyzes and studies are reflected in the main communication vehicles of the country specializing in agriculture and livestock. The CIM has been used by the Council of the Goat and Sheep Production Chains of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (MAPA) as a reference for the elaboration of market action plans, active participation in the Agricultural Statistics Coordination Group of the State of Ceará coordinated by the IBGE, as well as aided companies of technology bases (startups) to develop digital tools (internet of things) for goat and sheep. Another important factor is that the CIM has made possible an structured service to producers interested in investing in the production chains of goats and sheep. The systematization of price quotation in a monthly bases bulletin format is one of the strategies that has contributed to the formalization and integration of productive arrangements, by reach the 27 Federative Units, in an effort to make the market information available, generate a mass of data that in short-term and in the medium-term can generate historical series, analyzes of seasonality of product supply, window of markets and analyzes of economic profitability.

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    Name Description
    Action Network
    SDG Good Practices First Call
    This initiative does not yet fulfil the SMART criteria.
    06 June 2012 (start date)
    28 February 2019 (date of completion)
    1. Latin America and the Caribbean
    Geographical coverage
    Information about each city, state, and country concerning the main variables related with goats and sheep activities
    Website/More information
    Contact Information