Amazon Vision: Integration of Protected Areas of the Amazon Biome - IAPA
WWF Colombia
Intergovernmental organization
IUCN, the project “Amazonian vision: integration of the protected areas of the Amazon Biome (IAPA)” emerged and was implemented between 2014 and the beginning of 2019. The regional project IAPA favored the vision for the conservation of the biological and cultural diversity of this territory, through the increase of the resilience of the ecosystems of the protected areas (AP), against the effects of climate change. Its duration was five years, its main beneficiaries were Redparques, the SNAPs of the eight countries, an overseas territory and the Protected Areas of the prioritized landscapes.
The trajectory of the IAPA project dates back to 2008, when the Amazon Vision was proposed, in which the formulation of two projects that would support the fulfillment of the Amazonian countries' commitments with the CBD. Although its implementation began in February 2014 (by bringing together the efforts of the CBD, WWF, IUCN, FAO, UN Environment and the European Union) the chronology of the project starts since 2008. The systematization axis was defined based on the identification of the factors that favor the integration of protected areas, their national systems, the Redparques and other actors and sectors of the Amazon biome to promote the conservation of biodiversity, strengthen livelihoods localities and increase the resilience of ecosystems. The focus of attention was then identified, which would be the three categories of analysis: Political incidence, good governance and effective management of protected areas and landscape connectivity and ecosystem representativeness. Based on the above, various activities such as studies and publications were planned in order to offer support for decision-making in the Amazon biome; identification of the prioritized landscapes for the execution of action plans; trainings; regional events to promote the consolidation of the Amazon Vision; Intersectoral dialogues and group workshops with relevant topics to establish communication bridges and exchange of experiences between countries on strategic information and report progress in the fulfillment of international commitments, communication and visibility actions. Likewise, it should be noted that the project, which lasted approximately 5 years, had funding of 5.2 million euros and the implementation of the parties' own technical, human and financial resources.
The project contributed through the conservation of PA that provide ecosystem services necessary for food security and livelihoods (SDG 2); facilitated the recognition of PA as barriers against diseases caused by pollution in watersheds (SDG 3); it guaranteed the quality and supply of water for the population of the Biome and the continent (SDG 6); provided actions for the strengthening and development of the productive sectors (SDG 8). It participated with policies aimed at the tourism sector and the sustainable use of resources (SDG 12) and contributed by mitigating climate change through the management of PA that perform carbon sequestration functions (SDG 13). In addition, it promoted an integrated management of the PA of the Amazon Biome, with special attention to biodiversity and aspects of territorial and sustainable planning of natural resources (SDG 15). Finally, it created spaces for regional cooperation in the financial management of the Biome in meeting the SDG (SDG 17).
IAPA was built with support from diverse organizations, indigenous peoples and local communities in national and regional spaces for dialogue to seek the best policies, measures, and actions to protect the status of PA. Colombia has acquired various commitments related to climatic regulation and the conservation of biodiversity with agreements in the global agenda, that provide a guide to determine the incidence of PA as a source of life, a shield against climate change and livelihoods. As in most projects, IAPA was conceived with time and budget limitations that implied leaving processes underway in the territory and at the regional level.
The national government must recognize the role of Amazonian PA and the ecosystem services they provide in contributing to the 2030 Agenda, so it would be strategic to bring a consolidated message to international roundtables and highlight their impact in water supply, food sources for indigenous people and communities, ecotourism, cultural services, among others. The national government and the indigenous communities in the PA must participate in the development of policies, decision-making regarding actions and measures, project implementation and follow-up. Under these conditions, the maintenance of the territorial conservation strategies will be possible, same as the continuous accomplishment of the ODS. It represents an opportunity for countries to identify the areas with great natural and cultural interest to develop actions and measures for their protection and recognition of the ecosystem services they provide to society and the contribution for the ODS in different places.
General systematization document which presents a methodical analysis of the execution of the IAPA Project, lessons learned that contribute to the management of the ecosystems on the Amazon biome. Document on the Contribution of protected areas to the Sustainable Development Goals, which shows how PA are contributing to the fulfillment of the various international instruments, with a focus on the Sustainable Development Goals,supported by IAPA.
COVID-19 did not have a direct impact on this practice, however, the footprint left by the virus in the Protected areas registered a decrease in anthropogenic pressures, greater sightings of wildlife, reduction of income to PA, cases of illegal settlements, pressure from the tourism sector and local communities to open up the PA, among other results. The mitigation measures implemented include an increase in biosafety measures in local communities, implementation of government social aid policies and alliances, virtual tours for educational groups, etc. This practice can support the impacts of COVID-19, since the PA would also be creating ecosystem services related to mitigating climate change, conserving soil, preventing flooding and maintaining clean water.
SDGS & Targets
Deliverables & Timeline
Resources mobilized
Partnership Progress
Other beneficiaries
The IAPA Project was coordinated by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), implemented in conjunction with WWF, the international union for the conservation of Nature (IUCN), UN environment and Redparques, which executed the components of the project. Of the named partners, FAO was the signatory of the Contribution Agreement with the European Union on financing issues
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Contact Information
Daniela, Policy Advocacy and Legislative Monitoring Officer