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United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Sustainable Development

The 17 Goals Campaign


    The 17 Goals Campaign is the first and the biggest national cross-sectoral initiative for the Sustainable Development Goals in Poland. It encourages business to contribute to the realization of the 2030 Agenda. The Campaign brought together a wide range of actors: companies, governmental institutions and NGO’s under the honorary patronage of the Polish Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Technology. It is an example how the national, cross-sectoral cooperation towards the 2030 Agenda can work. The Campaign mobilizes business community and other stakeholders to take action and create cross-sectoral partnerships for chosen Goals or include them in business models and CSR practices.

    Objective of the practice

    The 17 Goals Campaign it is the first and the biggest national cross-sectoral initiative for the Sustainable Development Goals in Poland. It encourages business to contribute to the realization of the 2030 Agenda. <br />
    The 17 Goals Campaign brought together a wide range of actors: companies, governmental institutions and NGO’s under the honorary patronage of the Polish Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Technology. It is an example how the national, cross-sectoral cooperation towards the 2030 Agenda can work.<br />
    The 17 Goals Campaign mobilizes business community and other stakeholders to take action and create cross-sectoral partnerships for chosen Goals or include certain issues in business models and CSR practices. The Campaign main goal is to encourage 500 companies to act for SDGs till 2030.<br />
    The Campaign was launched in 2017. It was raising awareness about the 2030 Agenda in business sector for the first time in Poland. Its second edition in 2018 was dedicated to creating concrete ideas of actions that business can take. Now, during its third edition, these ideas are being implemented. There is a number of cross-sectoral initiatives that are already being executed.<br />
    Extensive knowledge and know-how has been collected during the campaign as well. This website – the online knowledge hub on SDGs for Polish business has been created, 5 publications has been published, and 14 workshops and conferences has been organized.<br />
    The 17 Goals Campaign has become a starting point for many companies to begin work on including SDGs into their strategies and practices. It also helped create a number of projects for SDGs that are already executed. Additionally, the campaign has started the nationwide discussion on the role the Polish business could play in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda. It could serve as an example on how the national B2B campaign for SDGs, involving a wide range of actors, could be conducted.

    The Campaign brings together different stakeholders from business, government and NGO sectors to create cross-sectoral partnerships for chosen Goals and work together towards the implementation of the 2030 Agenda. It is based on the premise that due to the SDGs wide scope and diversity, individual efforts, even if effective, will not be enough to achieve the SDGs. Each year, the Campaign brings together more than 300 companies and institutions.
    Implementation of the Project/Activity

    The Campaign was launched in 2017. It was raising awareness about the 2030 Agenda in business sector for the first time in Poland.
    Its second edition in 2018 was dedicated to creating concrete ideas of actions that business can take.
    In 2019, during its third edition, these ideas are being implemented. There is a number of cross-sectoral initiatives that are already being executed.
    During the Campaign 14 conferences and workshops we organized already, bringing together almost 1 000 representatives of business, government and NGO sectors.

    Extensive knowledge and know-how has been collected during the campaign as well. The online knowledge hub on SDGs for Polish business has been created: and 5 publications has been published.

    The Campaign main goal is to encourage 500 companies to act for SDGs till 2030 – and achieve the SDGs in Poland.

    Until now, the Campaign has brought together almost 1 000 representatives of business, government and NGO sectors during Campaign’s 14 conferences and workshops. It has raise awareness on SDGs among thousands stakeholders via social media, traditional media, its newsletter and a website.

    The 17 Goals Campaign has become a starting point for many companies to begin work on including SDGs into their strategies and practices. It also helped create a number of projects for SDGs that are already executed. It has ignited a discussion on the responsibilities of business sector towards the 2030 Agenda.
    Enabling factors and constraints
    The Campaign brings together different stakeholders from business, government and NGO sectors to create cross-sectoral partnerships for chosen Goals and work together towards the implementation of the 2030 Agenda. It is not just raising awareness – it is mobilizing to take concrete actions, and it is promoting the actions already taken that one can join. It is aim is to encourage 500 companies to act for SDGs till 2030. That proves to be an ambitious goal, as it is much more challenging to mobilize organizations to take action rather than to express support for the cause only. However, we achieve our goal by working together with the companies on creating ideas for actions, as well as promoting initiatives organized in partnership that others can join.
    Sustainability and replicability
    The Campaign could serve as an example for other countries on how the national B2B campaign for SDGs, involving a wide range of actors, could be conducted. It has developed a formula for broad partnership, efficient framework, practical tools and events ideas that could be used in other countries.

    The 17 Goals Campaign is the Polish first B2B campaign about the SDGs, conducted in broad partnership of companies and institutions. It proven to be a success and it has become the Polish business most important, permanent initiative for SDGs - a platform mobilizing business community and other stakeholders to take joint action on the implementation of the 2030 Agenda in Poland.

    Staff / Technical expertise
    CSR Consulting is the initiator of the Campaing; private companies
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    Name Description
    Action Network
    SDG Good Practices First Call
    This initiative does not yet fulfil the SMART criteria.
    17 May 2017 (start date)
    31 December 2030 (date of completion)
    CSR Consulting
    1. Europe
    Geographical coverage
    Website/More information
    Contact Information

    Aleksandra Kretkowska, Project Manager