On 15 October 2024, DESA/DSDG and UNCTAD co-organized the 32nd UN Inter-agency Task Team (IATT) on STI4SDGs Coordination Meeting. The virtual meeting provided updates on UN processes of common interest to the group including the Summit of the Future, FfD4, CSTD (Commission on Science and Technology for Development), and the upcoming 2025 STI Forum. These discussions underscored the significant role of STI collaboration among IATT partners in advancing the 2030 Agenda. Participants highlighted the finalized Pact for the Future, emphasizing its focus on leveraging STI with attention to capacity building, gender equality, human rights, and indigenous knowledge in applying STI to SDG implementation. There were also updates on STI capacity-building efforts, particularly the recent Addis Ababa workshop, which focused on STI roadmaps, public-private partnerships, and innovation ecosystems. The IATT explored synergies among UN bodies to strengthen their collective STI efforts in achieving the SDGs, with updates on STI initiatives such as the “International Decade of Science for Sustainable Development” and “OECD STI Policy Database”. Upcoming events and opportunities for future engagement were also outlined.