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United Nations Departamento de Asuntos Económicos y Sociales Desarrollo Sostenible
Displaying 415 - 432 of 2123
2123 results
Sail For Ethics 1-Tanzania Pilot
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The Ocean Foundation’s Blue Resilience Initiative (BRI) commits to investing US $8M over three years (2022-25) to support coastal habitat restoration, conservation, and agroforestry in the Wider Caribbean Region
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The Republic of Korea plans to assist Indonesia to build its capacity in ocean and fisheries science and technology.
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The Republic of Korea has pledged to carry out marine energy ODA programs including Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion
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The Repubilc of Korea has pledged to develop relevant technology to restore coastlines based on blue carbon.
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The Republic of Korea has pledged to develop technology to collect marine plastic debris and address microplastic pollution
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Enhancement of coastal ocean observation and prediction in collaboration with the space agency and local stakeholders toward effective coastal fishery and ecosystem management to contribute to the achievement of SDG14.
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EU/UNDP Project: European Union for Improving Environmental Monitoring in the Black Sea (EU4EMBLAS)
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Implementation of the Fishing Transparency Initiative (FiTI)
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Assessing the efficacy of the largest artificial reef structures of Singapore for biodiversity conservation, research test-bedding, and promoting marine environment outreach and education
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Underwater Acoustic Monitoring of Marine Megafauna within Coastal Waters of Singapore
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Course on Managing Coastal Biodiversity under Urbanisation Pressures
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Singapore launches Ocean Governance Research Programme
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Singapore to host Future Ready Shipping Conference
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Singapore to become LNG bunker ready port
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Singapore contributes to capacity building for the prevention of pollution by ships
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Singapore introduces the Maritime Singapore Green Initiative
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