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United Nations إدارة الشؤون الاقتصادية والاجتماعية التنمية المستدامة
Displaying 1 - 18 of 66
66 results
Disability Sector
Decent Jobs for Youth
YouthCan! Global partnership for youth employability
Decent Jobs for Youth
Education and youth employment data sharing in sub-Saharan Africa
Decent Jobs for Youth
Youth unemployment and underemployment in North Macedonia: Coping mechanisms and strategies
Decent Jobs for Youth
Economic opportunities for young men and women through inclusive youth participation, capacity building, influencing and partnerships
Decent Jobs for Youth
Youth Empowerment Project (YEP!)
Decent Jobs for Youth
Synthesizing evidence from randomized evaluations on youth employment through J-PAL’s Policy Insights
Decent Jobs for Youth
Boosting Decent Employment for Africa’s Youth
Decent Jobs for Youth
Social dialogue on youth employment and the future of work: The National Youth Forums in Ibero-America
Decent Jobs for Youth
Teaching Agriculture Practically: Building Ugandan teachers’ capability to skill youth for agriculture
Decent Jobs for Youth
Nigerian Youth Employment Action Plan
Decent Jobs for Youth
Digital Skills for Decent Jobs for Youth
Decent Jobs for Youth
The future of work and youth: advocating for the creation of a youth-inclusive labour market in Europe
Decent Jobs for Youth
Pathways to Progress
Decent Jobs for Youth
Skills workshops and advocacy trainings in all UN regions for young people by the UN Major Group for Children and Youth
Decent Jobs for Youth
Annual Courses on Future Jobs: Mobile Apps Development, Internet Marketing, Web Development, Java Programming, QA, Game Design
Decent Jobs for Youth
Partnership Creates Scalable and Sustainable Technology Solutions to Close Employment Gaps for Marginalized and Vulnerable Youth
Decent Jobs for Youth
Advocating and utilizing the transition towards an inclusive green economy to create decent jobs for youth
Decent Jobs for Youth