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United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Sustainable Development

A Mexican and German Industrial partnership to enable a successful and massive implementation of innovative, off-grid, dry sanitation technology from Germany at rural areas in Mexico


    As first step in the collaboration between Rotoplas (leading manufacturer of water and sanitation products in Latin America) and 3P Technik (German technology provider) in the field of autonomous sanitation, a 6-month field test is realized at 8 representative locations in Mexico. Aim of the study is the evaluation of market acceptance from users and relevant public authorities for the innovative dry toilet technology, which provides a sustainable solution for rural sanitation. The midterm objective is the local manufacturing of the sanitation system ensuring the scaled availability of the solution at market prices to enable the realization of corresponding governmental sanitation programs within SDG’s frame.

    Objective of the practice

    The solution hereafter described relates with the SDG 6.2 target, which relates to sustainable sanitation management. It is first important to underline that one of the conditions to meet with this indicator is the ability to provide solutions whose development has not only to comply with technical efficiency aspects, but also with social adoption and market competitiveness. <br />
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    In order to achieve target 6.2, availability and sustainable management of sanitation for all and within the horizon 2030, scale economy-fast to produce solutions (products) will be needed. <br />
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    However, one of the basic conditions for scaling a high potential product is the commitment level of the involved stakeholders. Supply and demand is playing a key role on escalating technologies capable of addressing this target. <br />
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    Therefore, there is a necessity for investments in disruptive technologies and manufacturing facilities that, if implemented, have the potential to address this pressing sanitation issue in a more efficient manner. <br />
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    Additionally, safely managed sanitation is not only an issue of technological availability, but also of the interrelation of cultural and social aspects, in which the lack of “follow up” activities carries a heavy burden on the potential impact of sanitation initiatives; finally local conditions such as climate and infrastructure, are also considered. <br />
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    In such context Rotoplas and 3P Technik, decided to realize a representative 6-month field test with the aim to evaluate the suitability and acceptance of Sani Solar, an innovative off-grid sanitation system, that provides access to safely managed improved sanitation, and, indirectly, solves the health and gender problems associated with unimproved sanitation in rural areas of Mexico and Latin America.<br />
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    The field trial has three main objectives: <br />
    1) The technical features of the innovative sanitation system SANI SOLAR and its suitability for the corresponding conditions at 8 representative locations scattered around Mexico will be evaluated.<br />
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    2) The field test aims for feedback from all relevant stakeholders, especially final users, in order to evaluate the realistic market potential. In this context the opinion of user families as well as of responsible persons from national and local authorities, are of upmost importance. However, also research institutions and NGO’s are considered and involved as they are considered key stakeholders on future projects.<br />
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    3) Evaluation of the real costs of installation/ implementation of the SANI SOLAR system related to required time and efforts under local conditions. <br />
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    At internal level, a wide spectrum of different departments of ROTOPLAS are actively involved in the field test as for instance: engineering department, development and new products, installations, social affairs, governmental relations and sales staff. <br />
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    Finally, the project creates jobs among various moments of the value chain as many teams are involved on the production process, transportation, installation, training and follow up process.

    - ROTOPLAS: Leading manufacturer of water and wastewater solutions (products)
    - 3P Technik: Technology provider
    - End users: 8 different families living in rural areas with non-adequate sanitation coverage.- Secretaría de Desarrollo Social
    - Comisión Nacional del Agua (CONAMA)
    - Secretaría de medio ambiente y desarrollo urbano
    - World Vision México
    - CEA Nayarit
    Implementation of the Project/Activity

    The project was initiated in September 2018 based on previous contacts between Rotoplas and 3P Technik related to collaboration in the field of autonomous sanitation in Mexico.

    In first place the social affairs team of Rotoplas developed the concept and methodology of the project. It consists in four steps including the installation of 8 dry toilet systems in carefully selected locations around Mexico. From the beginning allied institutions where involved in planning and selection of the field test sites.

    The first step consisted on the diagnosis of the current sanitation situation in rural areas of Mexico and generation of empathy towards the scarcity on sanitation services. The purpose of this first step was to determine the need and accuracy of the implementation of a sanitary technology. This evaluation was carried out in close collaboration with the ally institutions, which also determined the technical viability of the installation in the selected households to ensure the correct performance of the dry toilet.

    The second step was implemented when the beneficiary household was determined. This phase consisted on the introduction and first approach of the beneficiary to the solution, as well as a sensitization process on the importance of sanitation systems and practices that the allied NGOs have been carrying on throughout several years. The NGOs took a relevant role on the implementation of the methodology in this phase, as the correct adoption of a sanitation product is often affected due to the fact the end users do not oversee the global benefits of the product.

    The continuous step consisted on the installation of the different dry toilet systems and corresponding training on the correct use and maintenance. Rotoplas social affairs team supported by a specialist from 3P Technik carried out an emphatic approach during those installations. This was done through a practical and personal guidance of all beneficiaries on how to use the toilets. Graphical manuals on use and maintenance were placed, as well as a registration sheet for monitoring the use of the facilities.

    The toilet systems implemented in the context of this project consist in an innovative version of urine diverting dry toilet (UDDT). The system is working by means of a patented ventilation system driven by convection without any electrical energy. This operation principal avoids any odours in the toilet cabin and any contact of flies with faecal matter. Additionally the collected faeces are partially dried within the system, which results in mass reduction and safe managing. Regarding management of separated urine 4 different solutions are tested.

    Finally, the solution usage and adoption is being monitored through repeated follow up visits during a period of 6 month to evaluate the usage, maintenance, adoption and technical functioning. These visits have two purposes, the capacitation and follow up on eventual troubles, which may occur during operation of the toilet and the monitoring and quantification of short and long term social impact through indicators.

    The whole field test procedure and planning was elaborated by Rotoplas using technical information regarding correct installation, usage and maintenance provided by 3P Technik.

    According to information of IMTA and CONAMA 28,8 % of Mexico’s rural population is still lacking access to sewer systems. That corresponds to about 7.5 million people.

    UDDT’s are one of the solutions considered appropriated for application at household level according to IMTA. Correspondingly it is a solution implemented by NGO’s operating in the field of sanitation (e.g. World Vision).

    The first reaction of users informed about Sani Solar technology and the project was very positive and receptive. In one case the family expressively preferred dry toilet technology rather than their existing flushing toilet because of water scarcity and discharge problems with the swage.

    During implementation and training campaign all beneficiaries, independent of gender or age, showed a very positive attitude towards the toilet system. After the respective explanations and demonstrations, usage and operation of the toilet system seemed to be well understood and practicable for the users.

    Staff of the subcontracted installation companies showed great interest in the technology and confirmed that the equipment was easy to install.

    The installation time for one system was about 3 hours, with certain variation according to the local conditions and the chosen configuration. The installation requires a team of 3 workers.

    From the beginning the involved public administration was very collaborative and showed interest in the project and the applied innovative technology.
    Although the problem of rural sanitation is not new at all, Mexican administration has not yet a clear solution identified to improve the sanitation and the related health issues in a sustainable way.

    According to planning field test and evaluation will continue until June 2019. All results will be analysed/ evaluated and final conclusions are expected for August 2019.

    The results and conclusion of the project will enable realistic cost-benefit calculations for both administration and manufacturer/supplier. This is an essential prerequisite for scaled public programs aiming to achieve the SDG goals 3, 6 and 17.
    Enabling factors and constraints
    A crucial enabling factor for the project was the involvement of public and NGO stakeholders. Their sensitization work, on the importance of improved sanitation in the communities was crucial to the acceptance of the solution in the households, as the consciousness of the related benefits on health and well being was assimilated.

    Another important factor was the conviction of Rotoplas that this kind of project is necessary for the sustainable implementation of an innovative technology in the field of sanitation.

    The willingness of the involved industrial parties to spend the necessary human and financial recourses wa also a key factor to enable this project.


    As the dry toilet requires direct incidence of the sun radiation to dry the human faeces, the place of installation needs to be selected accordingly. Depending on the local site conditions (shading from houses or trees) it can be difficult to find an adequate location.

    So far some parts of public administration prefer on site construction of sanitation facilities rather than pre-fabricated solutions because of the impact on local jobs.
    That fact that industrialized concepts does not only generate jobs at the manufacturing site but also locally due to installation services has to be communicated more efficiently.

    The public image of dry toilets is sometimes affected by unsuitable technologies used in the past due to the occurrence of unpleasant odours and the presence of flies. Corresponding improvements in innovative technologies have to be strengthened in the corresponding communication towards all stakeholders.
    Sustainability and replicability
    Different characteristics of the presented project assure its sustainability in environmental, social and economic aspects.

    The technical solution prevents contamination of natural water bodies by human excreta. The system operates without water, electrical energy nor chemicals. Sani Solar dry toilet provides safe, health and confortable access to adequate sanitation for rural population.

    Local industrial production not only assures cost efficient manufacturing and scalable capacities but also generate jobs for people in the factories as well as in installation teams operating locally.

    Sani Solar’s "LEGO" concept avoids mistakes during installation, which could compromise correct operating and permits fast, and effective implementation required for large-scale projects.

    The partnership between Rotoplas as mayor manufacturer of rotomoulding products and 3P Technik as provider of innovative technology is a model that can be replicated in other regions of the world facing the same sanitation problems.

    Mexico has vast areas with significant solar radiation. Almost half of its territory presents climatic condition suitable for the adequate operation of Sani Solar.

    At the same time, in Mexico, approximately 7,5 million people still have no access to basic sanitation systems.

    The presented ongoing project has already proved to be a suitable approach for joining forces and efforts of relevant stakeholders in the aim of heading towards the realization of SDG 3 and 6. <br />
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    The implication of public institutions, research institutes, NGO’s and social workers right from the start of a sanitation project has shown to be essential. Those jointed forces assure that the efforts of manufacturers in providing innovative solutions find a positive and receptive posture by the end user. <br />
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    A close collaboration between technology provider and manufacturer, including technology transfer and personnel assistance during first implementation projects, has shown to be very useful and effective in order to assure sustainable development (SDG 17).

    In-kind contribution
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    Action Network
    SDG Good Practices First Call
    This initiative does not yet fulfil the SMART criteria.
    01 September 2018 (start date)
    31 August 2019 (date of completion)
    3P Technik
    1. North America
    Geographical coverage
    Estado de México: Llano Grande, San José del Rincón - Morelos: Humberto Gali, Tlaquiltenango - Puebla: El Progreso, Ocotepec. - Veracruz: Xometla, Mixtla de Altamirano - Jalisco: TBD - Nayarit: Tepic - Durango: Calixto Contreras, Guadalupe Victoria
    Website/More information
    Contact Information

    Jochen Scheerer, Dr.