The Independent Life Support Model (MAVI)
Strategy and Planning Office / Ministry of Labour, Solidarity and Social Security of Portugal
The MAVI is materialized through the provision of a personal assistance service to support the person with disability or incapacity, for the realization of activated that, due to the limitations resulting from its interaction with the conditions of the environment, it cannot realize by itself. This model is implemented by the Independent Life Support Centers, through the execution of pilot projects of personal assistance co-funded under the FEEI. The beneficiary is a person with a disability, certified by a Multipurpose Disability Certificate or an Military Forces Disability Card with a degree of disability of 60% or more and aged 16 or more. The exception is for people with intellectual disabilities, people with mental illness and people with autism spectrum disorder regardless of the degree of disability. People with disabilities aged 16 and over can only benefit outside of school activities.
The implementation of MAVI is materialized with the provision of personal assistance through Independent Life Support Centers (CAVI), co-financed under the European Structural and Investment Funds - Operational Programs for Portugal 2020. A total of 66 applications were submitted under the EU funding program for the MAVI pilot project, distributed nationally in areas eligible for the European Social Fund. Currently, there are 35 CAVI in operation in the territory of mainland Portugal. CAVI's technical team is made up of highly qualified technicians in the areas of study and training in psychology, sociology, management and administration, social service and rehabilitation, with a focus on the integration of people with disabilities. The number of members of the technical team will vary according to the number of people with disabilities supported by CAVI. The personal assistant is the one who contributes to the independent life of the person with disability, supporting him/her in the realization of the activities foreseen for assistance. CAVI's activities include, in addition to the provision of personal assistance, training for personal assistants and awareness and dissemination actions. Decree Law 129/2017, October 9th defines the eligible expenses for this project. The Ordinance 342/2017, November 9th, recently amended by Ordinance 287/2020, December 16th, establishes the criteria, limits and ratios necessary to the execution of the Decree Law 129/2017, October 9th, namely defines the number of candidates to personal assistants that can attend initial training, the number of elements that integrate CAVI's technical team and, establishes limits to the eligible expenses with CAVI's operation, with charges with the personnel assigned to the operation and with the formative activity.
The MAVI project will last between 36 with a possible extension to 42 months, depending on the geographic area where it is located, and started in December 2018. The monthly activity of the Support Centers for Independent Living (CAVI), which are part of MAVI, is reported to the National Institute for Rehabilitation, I.P., based on the monitoring grids sent by each of the institutions (CAVI). From the beginning of the project until December 31, 2020, 35 projects were in operation, there were 628 personal assistants with active contracts and 612 personal assistants providing effective assistance, 884 people were supported and a total of 1,109,498 hours of support were provided. In addition to this data collection, interviews were conducted with the various parties involved in this project: technical teams, personal assistants, beneficiaries and family members of beneficiaries. As a result, it was verified that both the professionals working in CAVI, as well as the people receiving support in personal assistance and their families make a very positive balance of the MAVI program, mentioning that this project has brought benefits to their lives, in different ways.
• Funding from European social funds; • Financial and human resources investment; • Partnerships at government and non-governmental organization level; • Limitations during implementation and how they were overcome - Covid-19.
Through the Decree-Law 129/2017, Article 44, it is determined that after a middle evaluation and final evaluation of the MAVI pilot project, this it will be submitted to evaluation and updating in order to become a definitive model to be funded by the Portuguese State Budget.
Youtube - Projeto MAVI – Website INR, I.P. -
In March 2020, after being declared an emergency, there was a decrease in the number of Individualized Personal Assistance Plans (PIAP), because there were beneficiaries who opted for the suspension of support and, on the other hand, there were personal assistants helping family members, namely children under 12 years old. Thus, in the March and April monitoring there was a decrease in active PIAP. From May on, the situation started to recover, reaching in August a higher number (833) than in February, which was the month with the highest number of active PIAP (831). Since that time, the number of active PIAPs has always been increasing, although it is predictable that, with the new confinement, the value will decrease again. Since of April 2020, monitoring has also been carried out regarding the COVID situation in each CAVI, requesting weekly data on the number of infected people and/or prophylactic isolation, by type of actor.
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The Independent Life Support Centers have been developing partnerships with local social agents, such as health services, municipalities, other IPSS and private companies, creating actions to improve the services provided, which contributes to the quality of life of people with disabilities.
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Strategy and Planning Office , The GEP of the MTSSS is a central service of the direct administration of the State has the mission to guarantee the technical support to the formulation of policies and strategic and operational planning to the MTSSS.