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United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Sustainable Development

Improve crop yields and quality under changing environmental conditions through Europe-Japan STI cooperation


    One of the critical issues of worldwide concern is climate change owing to the increase of CO2, which is predicted to produce global warming and droughts. These environmental stresses are already profoundly limiting the global productivity of crops by directly reducing yields or indirectly influencing their interactions with biotic factors that play a critical role in food security. In order to end hunger, achieve global food security and improve quality/functionality under changing global climate, the partnership for the goals in this 3-years project targets the main crops (rice and tomato) by using volatile compounds emitted by phytopathogenic microorganisms.

    Objective of the practice

    We aim to achieve food security and nutrition within sustainable agriculture by improving yields and quality of two important crops (rice and tomato) and confront the environmental impact of climate change facing the humanity today (e.g. high temperature and elevated CO2 and drought) by using practices of volatiles compounds (VCs) emitted by Alternaria alternata. Within the Partnerships for the goals, we envisage the future with insights into the fundamental mechanisms involved in the crop-environment interaction to compounds emitted by this fungal phytopathogen. <br />
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    More specifically we are investigating the effect of exudates of A. alternata cultures on the transcriptome, proteome, metabolome, hormonome, and fruit yield and quality of a marketable tomato cultivar cultured under drought conditions, and (ii) mixtures of VCs emitted by A. alternata on the metabolome, hormonome, proteome and seed yield and quality of two marketable rice cultivars cultured under ambient and elevated CO2 and temperature conditions.

    These practices are addressing the challenges for sustainable development at regional, national, and international levels. This cooperation Japan-Europe ensured investment in infrastructure, technology, and scientific knowledge to design environment-friendly and sustainable experimental treatments and practices. Yield impacts and quality/functionality of rice and tomato cultured with VCs under climate change scenario are convincing farmers to adopt these new products to improve the livelihoods and their capacities, allowing access to technology and markets. This innovative practice to adapt food and agriculture to climate change in a sustainable way would benefit Governments and political leaders, private sector representatives, farmers, and common citizens.
    Implementation of the Project/Activity

    The successful development and implementation of this innovative and cutting-edge technology required the understanding of the biochemical and molecular mechanisms involved in the stimulatory effect exerted by compounds emitted by pathogens, and collaboration with the productive sector. The project started investigating the extent to which a well-characterized fungus (Alternaria alternata) VOCs exert a positive effect on rice growth, yield, and quality under adverse temperature and CO2 conditions. Rice cultivars were grown in the absence or presence of adjacent cultures of A. alternata under two CO2 and temperature regimes: (i) 400 ppm CO2/27oC, and (ii) 800 ppm CO2/31oC. Agro-physiological traits, yield, rice grain quality, mineral macro/micro-nutrients were processed during the course of the experiment. Furthermore, to investigate the extent to which A. alternata exudates exert a positive effect on tomato growth and fruit yield and quality under drought conditions, two marketable Mediterranean tomato cultivars were cultured in greenhouse and open field conditions under well-watered and two drought stress regimes (severe and moderate), with or without inclusion of different doses of A. alternata exudates in the irrigation water. Agro-physiological traits, nutritional parameters (degrees brix, firmness, juice pH, antioxidant capacity, contents of organic acids, starch, soluble sugars etc. of fruits), yield, mineral macro/micro-nutrients were carried out to identify the best exudate dose and application timing to deliver to the farmers. Treated and non-treated tomato and rice plants were subject to comprehensive “-omics” (at genes, proteins, metabolites, hormones, and ion levels) analyses, which allow understanding the mechanisms triggered by microbial compounds that allow plants to adapt to environmental changes. By analyzing “big data” we will elaborate integrative models of the regulatory mechanisms involved in the positive effect exerted by microbial compounds on growth, yields and quality of rice and tomato plants cultured under adverse conditions. Furthermore, based on the results obtained from the transcriptomics and proteomics data of VCs treated rice plants, we are currently developing of sophisticated – and environmentally-adaptive – rice plant with altered expression of VCs-responding biomarker genes that are involved in the response of rice plants to high CO2 and temperature.

    The experimental conditions of rice response to VCs emitted by A. alternata under elevated CO2 and temperature conditions were set up at Niigata University (Japan). VCs clearly increased the rice biomass, tiller and panicle numbers, plant height, and grain length and width compared to the control plants. Under climate change, the rice growth and grain size were promoted, while symptoms of senescence and reduction in grain thickness were observed in non-treated (-VCs) plants. SEM analyses of the starch grain cross-section of rice seeds from VC-untreated plants showed the appearance of chalkiness (one of the key factors determining rice quality and price) under high temperature and elevated CO2, while this critical appearance was suppressed by the volatile compounds practice. VCs improved grain quality by decreasing the chalky grain and/or white core grains ratio under normal and climate change conditions. The analysis of gene expression by transcriptomic showed that several genes involved in various biological processes (e.g. carbohydrate metabolism, protein phosphorylation, cell death, cellular component, purine ribonucleoside triphosphate binding, phosphotransferase activity, and ATP binding) were down-regulated by climate change scenario. Fungal VCs promoted global changes in gene expression. Further analysis of metabolites, proteins, and ions analyses are on-going.

    Further, the involvement of R&D company (IDEN Biotechnology) -with wide experience in developing genetically engineered crops and biostimulants- supplied exudates from liquid A. alternata cultures to conduct the studies on the tomato cultivars under climate change–induced droughts. Plants cultured under “severe” irrigation conditions were smaller and developed typical drought symptoms. This response was partly reverted by irrigation with A. alternata exudate. Yields of plants cultured under “moderate” and “severe” irrigation conditions were weaker than those of well-watered plants. Fungal exudates enhanced yields of plants cultured under “moderate” drought stress conditions. Without exudate treatment, fruit texture was comparable in the three irrigation regimes. Functional compounds (antioxidants, amino acid, soluble sugars) in fruits of plants cultured under the two drought stress conditions were higher than in fruits of well-watered plants. Depending on the amount of exudate, a general decrease in metabolic activity occurs in control or in moderate drought conditions. In contrast, fungal exudates strongly improved the metabolic activity in severe drought conditions as reflected by an increase of almost all metabolites involved in primary and amino acid metabolisms. The later might be used to produce secondary metabolites such as anthocyanins that in turn enhance the tolerance capacity of the plants against specific environmental adversities such as drought. Thus, fungal exudate application at specific developmental stages positively influences the overall metabolism and most likely also the growth capacity of tomato plants towards drought. The outcomes obtained in terms of yield and quality are potentially extrapolated to other rice and tomato cultivars and to other vegetables and row crops of agronomic interest to alleviate hunger and under-nutrition in the context of adaptation to climate change. At long term, these results are helping the development of adaptive plant involved in their response to the variety of environmental conditions.
    Enabling factors and constraints
    The practice herein strongly benefited from the combination and synergism of the national funding organizations (Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain (MINECO), and Federal Ministry of Education and Research of Germany (BMBF)) agreed to participate in this Joint Call and non-funded group (from Czech Rep.). This project required a multinational approach involving groups representing leading laboratories in the above disciplines and fields. It facilitated both exchanging information among partners of Japan and the European countries participating and sharing investments of expensive and highly sophisticated equipment, and highly qualified personnel. All the research partners share the same overall goal, which is to rationally design environmentally friendly and sustainable experimental treatments and practices aimed at improving crop yield and quality under changing environmental conditions and understand the mechanisms involved in the promotion of plant growth by compounds emitted by phytopathogens. This and the implemented management structure of the project have been critically important factors to ensure that team members remained focused on the project goals. In addition, maintaining regular contact with all partners was crucial to maximize the information flow between the work packages and to ensure that the tasks are carried out in a timely and correct manner. It should be emphasized the pivotal role of the involvement of the private R&D company (IDEN) to produce, via their industrial fermenters, and deliver the fungi exudates. These university-industry interactions are supporting innovative pathways for knowledge exchanges and technology transfers to the international market.
    Sustainability and replicability
    The data available for each of different cultivars of two important crops (rice and tomato) indicated the practicality and technical soundness of the VCs practice. For instance, this practice improved crop yield and quality /functionality of these crops cultured under different environmental stress conditions (drought and elevated CO2 concentration and temperature). The volatiles from these non-beneficial microorganisms represent both a yet to be explored promising source of environmentally friendly biostimulants with considerable biotechnological potential. The practice here could allow all people, at all times, have access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food to maintain their dietary needs.

    VCs practice appeal to contribute to meet the global objectives of substituting progressively chemical inputs in agriculture with alternative environmentally friendly biostimulants. In addition, this practice will provide benefits to the industry and the environment (less land will be needed to achieve the same output as at present and fewer fertilizers will be needed to achieve the same yield, thus reducing pollution problems). This practice was replicated, expanded, and adapted in different species in ex situ experiments, allowing its upscale.

    The need to increase food production combined with the strict necessity to preserve natural resources is leading to the upswing of materials with low environmental impact but high efficiency, prioritizing natural-based substances over synthetic inputs. This clearly indicates a market potential for innovative and science-based biostimulant products. The global biostimulants market was valued at €1,113 million in 2013 and is projected to reach €2,257 million by 2019 at a CAGR of 12.5%. The global biostimulants market is expected to grow significantly to reach 921 Million € by 2019 and forecasted to keep the forefront of biostimulants market at least during the next 10 years. Currently, the main important market barrier is the lack of specific regulation on biostimulants, paving the path for no efficient products to be marketed. In terms of investment for a single biostimulant product development, we can foresee around 3M € investment to cover the total product development and registration process for commercialization. An expected final result of this project is that yields of rice and tomato plants cultured with microbial compounds will be 5-7% and 15-20% higher than those on non-treated plants under adverse environmental conditions, yield impacts that will easily convince the farmers for the adoption of these new products. By collecting and analyzing “Big data” obtained from the experiments, we are looking to foster the development of a new environmentally-adaptive plant to changing (adverse) environmental conditions. This will certainly help farmers to cope with uncertainties related to climate change and the market insecurity. The following conclusions drawn in terms of yield and quality could potentially be extended to other crops of agronomic interest and/or encourage the adaptation to other abiotic or biotic stresses.

    In rice, the application of volatile compounds practice clearly increased the biomass, tiller and panicle numbers, plant height, and grain length and width compared to VC-non-treated controls under normal and changing global climate, VCs improved grain quality by decreasing the chalky grain (the main cause of the degradation of rice grain quality) and/or white core grains ratio. In tomato, yields of plants cultured under “moderate” and “severe” irrigation conditions were weaker than those of well-watered plants. Notably, fungal exudates enhanced yields of plants cultured under these conditions. The practice of volatile compounds contributes to increasing the capacity for agricultural productivity, sustainable food production systems and overcome the challenges of climate change. It appeals to help alleviate the perils of hunger and contribute to leaving no-one behind. Further, the need to increase food production combined with the strict necessity to preserve natural resources is leading to the upswing of materials with low environmental impact but high efficiency, prioritizing natural-based substances over synthetic inputs. This clearly indicates a market potential for innovative and science-based biostimulant products. Thus, the use of volatile compounds emitted by phytopathogenic microorganisms can successfully reach the global market. the conclusions drawn in terms of yield and quality are potentially extrapolated to other crops of agronomic interest to end all forms of hunger and malnutrition owing to the environmental degradation, drought, and loss of biodiversity. In addition, the practice herein will exert a social impact (tailoring of crops more precisely to man´s needs, creating wealth and generating new jobs thereby increasing the quality of life of citizens, creating new employment in rural areas) and will provide benefits to the industry and the environment (less land will be needed to achieve the same output as at present and fewer fertilizers will be needed to achieve the same yield, thus reducing pollution problems).

    Other sources of information
    Publication in International congresses:
    > Baroja-Fernández, E., et al. (2018) Soil application of filtrates and distilled extracts from cultures of fungal phytopathogens enhance the yield of pepper (Capsicum annumm L.) plants. 34th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Chemical Ecology. 12-18 August 2018. Budapest, Hungary (oral presentation).
    > Baslam, M., et al. (2018) Phytopathogens: A Good Opportunity to Improve Rice Culture Under Changing Environmental Conditions. Joint Symposium of the 8th International Agriculture Congress and 6th International Symposium for Food and Agriculture. 13-15 March 2019. Nagoya (Japan).
    > Baslam, M., et al. (2018) A Good Opportunity to Improve Rice Culture Under Changing Environmental Conditions. Joint Symposium of the 8th International Agriculture Congress and 6th International Symposium for Food and Agriculture. 13-15 November 2018. Kuala Lampur (Malaysia).
    > Baslam M, et al (2018). Microbial volatiles modulate rapid responses in Arabidopsis through thiol oxidation of cysteines as revealed by quantitative site-specific redox proteomics. American Society of Plant Biologists ASPB. July 14-19, 2018. Montreal (Canada)
    > KAAB International Symposium 2017, Niigata University, Niigata, Japan, September 25th, 2017.
    > Science Agora 2017, Tokyo, Japan, November 26th, 2017.
    > JST Fair, Tokyo, Japan, August 30th, 2018.
    > KAAB International Symposium 2018 / CONCERT-Japan workshop, Niigata University, Niigata, Japan, September 27th, 2018.
    > Science Agora 2018, Tokyo, Japan, November 10th-11th, 2018.
    > Introduction to a successful example of EU-Japan scientific collaboration supported by SICORP, June 29th, 2018.
    > EU Funding Program Horizon2020 seminar, Niigata University, Niigata, June 29th, 2018.
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    Name Description
    Action Network
    SDG Good Practices First Call
    This initiative does not yet fulfil the SMART criteria.
    01 December 2016 (start date)
    31 March 2020 (date of completion)
    Japan Science and Technology Agency
    1. Asia and Pacific
    Geographical coverage
    Countries: Japan, Spain, Germany, Czech Republic / Territorial range: Arable land, Food Production and Agricultural Fields
    Website/More information
    Contact Information

    Yuta Kawashima, Program Coordinator