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United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Sustainable Development

Guyub Project: Strengthen and utilize a gender-responsive community- based mechanism to promote peaceful communities and gender equality in Java, Indonesia

UN Women (
Non-governmental organization (NGO)

    Through the partnership with Wahid Foundation, UN Women introduced the “Peace Village” concept, a process in which prospective villages agree to a set of commitments designed to prevent violence, promote tolerance, and advance social cohesion. It is centered on women’s leadership and their potential as agents for peace. Also focuses on promoting the economic empowerment of women and the communities through increase livelihood opportunities as well as enhancing women’s capacity to address community-based conflicts and support peaceful solutions to growing intolerance and violent extremism. This community-based initiative takes place at the village level in West, Central, and East Java.

    Implementation of the Project/Activity

    The Guyub Project is being implemented in partnership with Wahid Foundation (WF), in the selected villages from the initial list based on the assessment conducted in 2018. Guyub consists of two outputs and eleven activates to reach its target of four villages/communities with village action plans, and implementation of those plans, and three capacity building, training packages, and guidelines developed by grassroots women’s organizations and/or community-based organizations. The activities encourage full participation of beneficiary communities to execute FGDs, coordination mechanisms, and community outreach, especially in the time of COVID-19. These activities are planned based on assessments conducted after the initial phase of the “Peace Villages” project in early 2019. To monitor the effectiveness, WF conducts pre and post-surveys of participates in FGDs, action plan drafting sessions, and training. Moreover, WF conducts quarterly and annual monitoring activities via the Monitoring Evaluation Learning (MEL) system in conjunction with UN Women. Each activity has been integrated into the MEL system and measured in terms of progress towards the end of the program indicator. One MEL Lead has been assigned to oversee the MEL system as it is important to measure the benefits and impacts from the results produced by the outcomes. Guyub is funded by two UN projects, 240,000USD by the United Nations Human Security Trust Fund (UNHSTF) and 150,000USD by the regional Access to Justices (A2J) project for two years. These finical resources cover the direct programmable cost, DPMC, and support cost. Some of the support cost from UN Women’s side has been cost-shared with other programs. Subsequently, WF charged 20% of the direct program cost for managerial and support costs.


    The Guyub Project in the Peace Villages has two outputs with three approaches to be implemented in the Peace villages. (a) Strengthening women's groups' capacity related to access to justice and community-based protection mechanisms to advance women's rights and PVE. Women representatives and working group members from 10 Peace Villages are targeted. (b) Build partnerships to encourage community and government’s commitment to the Peace Villages based on Human Security Approach. This project facilitates provincial, regency, and village governments to adopt Village Action Plans while following up implementation and monitoring. (c) Involving young people for the promotion of Peace Village via the facilitation of grants for pilot projects by the youth to create a campaign on PVE based on the experience of the existing Peace Villages using social media. This approach not only aims to involve young people but also to expand support for the commitment to implement the Peace Village program.

    Enabling factors and constraints

    As the Guyub has been built on the basis of the 2017-2019 first phase of the peace villages that initiated 30 villages to become “Peace Villages”. The work of the first phase facilitated important partnerships, coordination mechanisms, and established beneficiaries easier. During COVID-19 when travel restrictions cut-off partners from beneficiary communities, responses, and support were coordinated by the women’s groups in the villages to ensure continued implementation. Especially when beneficiaries were unable to access online platforms, WhatsApp became an important tool to communicate accurate information on COVID-19 and PVE.

    Sustainability and replicability

    The Guyub Project in the Peace Villages has a three-point exit and sustainability strategy. (a) The women groups and Pokja (Justices Working Groups) members are trained in project funds management, communication skill, and engaging networks to address gender equality, human right standard, and legal service. (b) To ensure the partnership of the community and government’s commitment in implementing the Peace Village Action Plan that is based on Human Security Approach, the implementation of the project engages provincial and regency government to build responsibility and ownership. (c) Moreover, it also engages youth as catalysts and messengers with local facilitators to continue the capacity building by establishing continued capacity-building mechanisms for locals. The project outcomes together with the results of progressive implementation will be shared with other stakeholders to ensure accountability and transparency.

    COVID-19 Impact

    While the Guyub project was under its inception, the COVID-19 pandemic introduced new threats to human security and changed the landscape of VE. COVID-19 prevention measures restricted access to beneficiary communities. Mitigation efforts include adjusting implantation to respond to the emerging developments and provide effective & rapid responses. The project supplied emergency support to the most affected, worked with the government to prevent the spread of COVID-19, and support local organizations, youth, and women’s groups in capacity development for continued education, PVE, and access to justices. In building back better, the aim is to create a strong buy-in from the government to the practices and knowledge built during implementation and support full participation of women in decision making.

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    This initiative does not yet fulfil the SMART criteria.
    21 October 2020 (start date)
    20 October 2021 (date of completion)
    Wahid Foundation
    Other beneficiaries

    The main targets of this project are women in the communities, grassroots women's organizations, and working groups involved in the initial Empowered Women, Peaceful Communities. The target areas are the declared “Peace Villages” in Java including Candirenggo, Sidomulyo, Guluk-Guluk, Payudan Dundang for output 1 and 6 villages in West and Central Java for output 2 including Panggulan Pulo, Panggulan, Tajur Halang, Nglinggi, Gemblegan, and Pancak.

    Contact Information

    Pomi , Programme/Policy Analyst