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United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Sustainable Development

From Farm to Plate Zero Food Loss

Kerevitaş Gıda Sanayi (
Private sector

    As the leading company in Turkey’s frozen food market, Kerevitaş adopted the " From Farm to Plate Zero Food Loss " business model that aiming to prevent food loss within the framework of the contract farming model. Kerevitaş aims to have zero food waste in all its production processes and after-sales. Kerevitaş offers more than 32,500 customers responsible products under the SuperFresh brand that has approximately 4,000 products. With this business model, Kerevitaş increases agricultural productivity by raising the awareness of our farmers about sustainable agricultural practices and at the same time reducing its environmental impact.

    Implementation of the Project/Activity

    Contracted Agriculture and Farming: At Kerevitaş, we are working with contracted farmers with our contracted agriculture model. This model helps us and farmers to plan the production in the field effectively and use the resources in the most efficient way. We provide approximately 85% of our agricultural raw material purchasing volume from contracted farmers. In 2019, the ratio of farmers we work with on a contract basis increased by 3% compared to 2018, reaching 85%. The ratio of contract purchases for raw materials increased from 83% in 2018 to 85% in 2019. We provide our farmers with the right supply and planting opportunities within the scope of contracted agriculture. We also provide consultancy to do conscious farming with annual training plans. Planting area analyses are carried out by our expert agricultural engineers, taking into account the variable climatic conditions. According to the results, certified resistant seed, fertilizer and pesticide varieties are preferred. Planned agriculture is carried out according to the crop rotation in order to protect the soil composition, to maintain its productivity and to develop healthy products. Long-lasting harvests are prevented with modern harvesting machines. Thus, all crops are harvested at optimum maturity. Operations: In our facilities, it is important to prevent loss of products in the processes of sorting, selection and washing. The production is planned in the field effectively and the resources are used in the most efficient way. The residues are used for animal feed and energy recovery. Customers & Food Waste: We prevent food losses every step of production from field to table. In addition, by offering ready-made frozen and canned products, we prevent waste during the food preparation phase.


    Thanks to crop rotation, the richness of soil composition, nutrients & microorganisms were improved; water holding capacity of the soil was increased; pest increase. Harvest time gauges prevented losses from raw and over-maturity, harvesting was completed in 1-2 hours and transported to the plants within 2-3 hours, reducing the losses to 1.5%. The drip irrigation system was used in 82% of sweet corn fields, resulting in TL 65,408 support for the farmers; 37% water and 30% energy savings. The productivity increased 2720 kg/ha, resulting in 5,583,868 kg more products and 5,360,514 TL gain. Food loss due to long storage is prevented by improving selection, fast freezing and packaging processes with high technology and capacity. Plant wastes are utilized to feed 6,000 cattle annually. Potato residues used in our biogas plants generated 3.7 million kWh of electricity annually. Our pack size adjusted for a 3-4 people meal size and our frozen supply chain prevents any food, nutrition and quality losses.

    Enabling factors and constraints

    In the beginning, there were 3 agricultural engineers and 2 food engineers working on the Project. Today, this number increased to 6 agricultural engineers and 4 food engineers. The higher management supports the Project, and this helps that anyone passionate about the issues can participate in it. With the support of higher management, the process of the Project was completed easily and have better outcomes. The Project has started at Emirdağ/Afyon with 2 facilities where additional sweet corn and peas harvesting machines were provided. Today, this number increased to 8 sweet corn, peas, spinach, green beans, and potato harvest machines.

    Sustainability and replicability

    With the contracted agriculture model, we both contribute to the income of the farmers we encourage the right production and enable them to develop themselves with the right agricultural practices. Farmers transfer the good practices and right methods they receive from us to their families in the areas where they live with their families. In this way, it is possible to transfer the correct information from generation to generation.

    Other sources of information

    • In Turkey’s 2nd Voluntary National Review(VNR) Report, Kerevitaş’s “From Farm to Plate” project was selected for the Zero Hunger # SDG2 goal. • The projects details can be found at Kerevitaş Annual Report and Sustainability Report 2019. • Local news and social media posts: • Anadolu Ajansı :… • Twitter: • Yeni Asır:…

    COVID-19 Impact

    The Project is still ongoing adapting the new Covid-19 measures. Benefiting from governmental support for food production facilities, the Project could continue without losing its efficiency.

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    Kerevitaş Gıda Sanayi
    Other beneficiaries

    Farm to Plate business model embraces all value chain of Kerevitaş, including workers, farmers, consumers, local communities. It benefits every stakeholder while targeting zero food loss. The farmers are engaged thanks to the contracted farming framework through educations and consulting that given by Kerevitaş. The workers receive OHS, environment, and social training. Frozen food is offered as a solution for zero waste to the consumer.

    Contact Information

    Vaysal, Ziraat Müdürü