The Equation
Civil society organization
REWMIND was born to bring unique and transformative experiences that integrate technology, science, and knowledge to optimize mental, emotional, and stress reduction health.
Science, Technology, and Knowledge integrated to optimize mental, emotional, and behavioral health.
We are a health tech focused on reducing mental health problems. Within that, we target emotional and behavioral health, which directly impacts the productivity of workers in Brazil and around the world.
RewMind aims to prove that we were not born for burnout, stress, depression, and anxiety.
The numbers don't lie.
The mental health of 53% of Brazilians worsened between 2020 and 2021.
Mental health in Brazil and its impact are directly linked to an organization's performance.
Globally, the world loses one trillion dollars per year due to conditions like depression and anxiety.
Our solution involves bringing science and technology together to address productivity issues stemming from mental health problems.
We offer unique experiences based on integrated scientific knowledge and technology to promote healthy performance.
Worldwide, only two startups offer similar solutions to ours, but none of them combine six scientifically proven experiences in one place like our Detox Pod.
When a person enters the Detox Pod, they have a mapped projection experience and six suprasensory experiences that combine emotion and destination.
It is a 360-degree sensory environment.
What currently exists in the world is a 2D environment where individuals see and hear relaxation content, some 3D environments offer with virtual reality content, but there are no suprasensory environment where you can immerse yourself with your whole body in 360 degrees without devices.
RewMind is the only one that provides this.
At the entrance of our Detox Pod, the person responds to how they are feeling and where they would like to be. Through artificial intelligence, we take them to that environment to reduce their stress and increase emotional awareness.
This experience lasts up to 20 minutes of immersion in a digital environment, simulating the nature chosen by the user. The dome, cabin, or room is installed either in a fixed location or as a mobile unit.
The six suprasensory experiences have been tested on 760 individuals in person over 12 months.
Inside our dome, we utilize grounding, meditation, biofeedback, binaural sounds, FAC (Facial Action Coding System), which is a technique for reading emotions based on Paul Ekman's microexpressions, as well as visual and sensory immersion.
The proven benefits of the Immersive Pod from this research include mental health, emotional awareness, reduced stress, self-discovery, relaxation, increased immunity, contentment and empathy, decreased anxiety, decreased cortisol levels (the stress hormone), and increased focus.
During our experiment, users considered the experience fun and very relaxing.
One of the most important aspects of this model is that people don't need to leave their work environments to experience decompression.
They can decompress on-site without resorting to traditional methods like game rooms with billiards and other amusements, or even nap rooms that gained popularity some years ago.
This solution is completely innovative and can also be customized in terms of content.
We can have it within the company with pre-set content in the pod format, or in a room format or any other format that fits within the company.
We also offer special projects for events, including urban interventions where we can place a fully mirrored container with this entire experience on a busy street in a city, sponsored by the company. We can take this experience outside of the company as well.
We provide stress X-ray, biofeedback, neurofeedback, training, workshops, and content within the company following the 20-minute experience for employees, creating a long-tail effect.
We aim to awaken a new consciousness through technology and science, enabling individuals and businesses to lead prosperous, productive, and happy lives.
With the financial support of companies, institutes, and foundations, we bring this experience to low-income communities and remote areas.
We identify the main challenges and prioritize the most urgent opportunities for emotional well-being.
Based on the diagnosis, we define an initial challenge. We will explore the challenge with a deep understanding, increasing the volume and quality of knowledge on the subject, aiming to investigate the real needs and desires of entrepreneurial leaders and individuals involved.
Starting from the conceptualization and reformulation of the challenge, we will solve the problems and apply the insights obtained from the research. Actors are thus instructed and called upon to brainstorm and test new ideas. They become agents of their own construction and development.
4 - After installing the immersive Pod (live, in-person), people access the online platform The Equation to continue their self-transformation journey online.
The Social Pod is an action for low-income communities and geographically hard-to-reach areas. With the financial support of companies, institutes, and foundations, we bring the low-cost, easy-to-assemble Inflatable Pod.
After the Pod experience, they can access the Equation online platform, with in-depth mental health content via 200+ hours of exclusive classes and materials.
Achieved results. The Equation was initially tested on 26 participants who were invited in 2003. By 2016, more than 600 people per year, including groups, individuals, and the corporate world, learned to build their own equation in person.
In 2020, amidst one of the planet's greatest crises, 3,000 people relied on us and built their own equation online. It signifies that we are increasingly fine-tuning the construction of a fulfilling life.
In 2023, we launched REWMIND, an immersive pod capable of enhancing the in-person experience and initiating the need for mental, emotional, and behavioral health support. Upon entry, we capture your emotion converging sensation and destiny. During each immersion inside the pod, you will experience mapped projections and six supra-sensory experiences.
It's a dome with immersive reality, technology that creates a tangible virtual and physical environment with stimulated human senses, bringing the interaction between the user and this environment close to a supra-sensory activity. Features include stress X-ray, biofeedback, neurofeedback, training, workshops, and in-depth mental health content via an online platform.
IDHL - Instituto De Desenvolvimento Humano Lippi; A Equação; The Key; Hollun; Ciope.

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Ms. Flavia Lippi, Ms. Flavia Lippi