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United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Sustainable Development

Enhancing Teacher Education for Bridging the Education Quality Gap in Africa


    Launched in 2012, the UNESCO-China Funds-in-Trust (CFIT) project is a flagship project to enhance quality teacher training in Africa through South-South cooperation. With the support from the Government of the People’s Republic of China, UNESCO has leveraged USD 12 million to provide dedicated support to 10 African countries.

    Objective of the practice

    The fact that there are more schoolchildren in the world than ever before reflects progress. However, many of these children still leave school without basic literacy or mathematical skills, primarily because of a shortage of well-trained teachers. Teachers are the most critical factor in the quality of education and student learning outcomes, so this shortage jeopardizes quality, inclusiveness and equity in education. While the acute shortage of well-qualified teachers is a global concern, the greatest shortage is in sub-Saharan Africa.<br />
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    The project uses Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), including computers, the internet and mobile devices, to support target countries in enhancing the capacities of their teacher training institutions. The aim is to increase the quantity and improve the quality of both pre- and in-service teachers. The project contributes to the achievement of the SDGs, particularly SDG 4 on inclusive and equitable quality education and target 4.c on increasing the supply of qualified teachers through international cooperation for teacher education/training in developing countries, and SDG 9 on infrastructure and innovation. <br />
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    More specifically, the CFIT project supports a selected number of targeted national key teacher training institutions in the beneficiary countries by:<br />
    • Strengthening existing pre-service programmes, particularly through ICT-supported blended training programmes and successful ICT supported innovations<br />
    • Strengthening teachers’ continuous in-service professional development, particularly through blended learning modalities and successful ICT supported innovations<br />
    • Enhancing the capacity of teacher trainers with ICT competencies to improve the quality of teaching and learning; and,<br />
    • Improving teacher education/training institutions’ networks to promote knowledge-sharing on effective strategies and teaching practices.

    Funded by the Government of the People's Republic of China, this project is implemented by UNESCO field offices. Local stakeholders in each of the 10 beneficiary countries were able to set priorities and design strategies to meet national and local needs. In-country stakeholders are able to build synergies between the project and similar national or regional initiatives supported by other partners. Furthermore, close collaboration among local partners, international experts and UNESCO field offices in Africa increased networking and the sharing of knowledge and best practices, with backstopping from UNESCO's International Institute for Capacity-Building in Africa (IICBA).
    Since 2012, the project has conducted over 100 training workshops and trained over 10,000 teacher educators. More than 230 teacher training modules or policy documents have been developed or revised and are being institutionalized. Over 2,400 pieces of equipment were purchased and installed. Seven online teaching and learning platforms and three digital libraries were established, linking over 30 teacher training institutions.
    Sustainability and replicability
    Successful UNESCO-CFIT approaches can be applied in other developing countries. Those include co-creating projects with local stakeholders, focusing on the specific needs of each target country in terms of teacher education and designing specific strategies to meet those needs, with strong peer learning and knowledge-sharing components, including through fellowship programmes. Projects should not be “replicated” per se but, rather, tailored to the specific country context with the inclusive participation of multiple stakeholders and should also aim to capitalize on existing related initiatives. The first step should include a country needs assessment and identification of relevant stakeholders/institutions.
    This project is currently under discussion for a third phase, with focus on higher education in Africa.
    Other sources of information
    Financing (in USD)
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    Name Description
    Action Network
    SDG Good Practices First Call
    This initiative does not yet fulfil the SMART criteria.
    01 January 2013 (start date)
    30 June 2019 (date of completion)
    1. Africa
    Geographical coverage
    10 African countries: Congo, Cote d&#39;Ivoire, DR Congo, Ethiopia, Liberia, Namibia, Tanzania and Uganda (since 2012) as well as Togo and Zambia (since 2017)
    Website/More information
    Contact Information

    Clare Stark, Strategic planning specialist